2014 Changelogs: Difference between revisions

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Latest revision as of 18:20, 28 August 2016

Version 2.76

On December 10th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.76.


  • Incoming attack notification should show the name from the town which is under attack;
  • Added travel and arrival time to attack window of farm towns. (Community Suggestion);
  • Battle points are now shown in the player profile. (Community Suggestion);
  • Added a simulator link to reports with "Wisdom" spell. (Community Suggestion);
  • Added a new award: Played until end of a world. (Community Suggestion);
  • Added new city animations:
    • Animated boats;
    • Animated clouds;
    • Animated waterfalls and river;
    • Animated waves at the shoreline;
    • Animated fishes emerging from the water.
  • Added a setting called "Animations" to en-/disable the city animations;
  • Added a parallax effect to all images of the intro animation.


  • Farming villages on the map didn't show the meters on Internet Explorer;
  • "Select a direction" headline was missing when registering a new world account;
  • "Show all troops" didn't work;
  • Arrow for Finish Island Quest still points to island quest icon when window is already opened;
  • Effect can be cast twice if it has not the same duration;
  • Council of Heroes was broken if a hero was attacking a town;
  • Fixed issue with lay-out breaking when inviting players with a long nickname.

Version 2.75

On November 26th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.75.


  • An intro animation was implemented which will show up before the welcome window;
  • Added a number to the inventory icon which shows the number of currently stored items of the normal inventory (suggested by the community);
  • Implemented push notification for new island quest;
  • Redesigned and improved the spell screen of selected city (suggested by the community):
    • Added overview about all gods;
    • Added information about all spells, current amount of favor and amount of how often a spell can be used;
    • Added button for reports.
  • Changed Hero Helen:
    • She will now be a hero of war;
    • Her recruitment costs increased;
    • Her ability will now reduce the required revolt time/conquest duration when sending her along with a conquest army.
  • Reworked the registration mail.


  • City Guard now requires academy level 1 instead of 4;
  • Meteorology now requires academy level 4 instead of 13;
  • Shipwright now requires academy level 13 instead of 16;
  • Architecture now reduces by 15% instead of 10% the resource costs of all buildings in a city;
  • Crane now reduces by 15% instead of 10% the construction times of all buildings in a city;
  • Espionage now gives a bonus of 20% on the invested silver coins to a dispatched spy;
  • Diplomacy now gives 15% additional resources from demanding and looting from farming villages;
  • Cryptography now decreases by 10% the loss of silver coins due to an enemy spy;
  • Transport Boat now has 26 instead of 20 capacity;
  • Archer, Horseman, Catapult, Trireme, Hydra, Erinys, Manticore, Harpy, Cyclop, Minotaur, Centaur, Cerberus, Pegasus, Medusa, Griffin, Calydonian Boar, and Divine Envoy all now have different resource costs and/or attack/defense values.


  • Fixed direction selection screen after restart which looked cut off;
  • Fixed issue with not existing attacks being displayed in attack counter;
  • Fixed mouse cursor visual appearance when hovering cancel button in baracks or harbor;
  • Increased size of boxes in the trade overview;
  • Upgrade icons are now greyed out when Administrator expires;
  • Fixed issue where bbcode pop-ups aren't closed when saving the profile description of an alliance;
  • Fixed amount of resurrected units from Hades' resurrection;
  • Fixed last tick of demoralized army while ritual: demoralizing plague is active;
  • Recruiting tutorial quests now consider units gained from rewards;
  • Fixed report when casting sea storm on returning units from attack on a ghost town;
  • Fixed possibility to attack island quest towns again after finished island quest;
  • Fixed UI below the city name to display effects correct again;
  • Fixed calculation of "Divine Envoy" from "Divine Intervention";
  • Added Tooltips to premium buttons of recruitment in recruitment dropdown UI;
  • Fixed graphical issue with soldier and builder located on the same place;
  • Fixed location of gold amount for organizing Olympic Games;
  • Fixed drop down background of multiple commands;
  • Fixed Democritus' effects because of doubled loyalty loss;
  • Fixed issue with unit generator spells triggering push notifications;
  • Fixed issue with duplicated player awards shown in the profile for the owner after restart on a world;
  • The tooltip of the effect "Trojan Defense" was showing wrong values.

Version 2.74

On November 12th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.74.


  • Implemented two new quests for finishing Island Quests;
  • Jason and Odysseus are no longer exclusive;
  • Removed the quest-line for the spy.


  • Fixed the tooltips for rewards in the city list;
  • Effects are no longer shown on support commands;
  • Some information premium pages were empty;
  • Militia can no longer be activated after start of siege;
  • Fixed some issues with BB-Codes;
  • Corrected invalid prompt confirmation after clicking grey button to organize olympic games in the culture overview;
  • Research points were not updated after starting or resetting a research;
  • Fixed wrong default resource value in the market place;
  • Added missing confirmation prompt when cancel recruitment in the bubble drop down;
  • Fixed animations in the spell menu that were not working for Firefox;
  • Democritus will extend Heightened Senses;
  • Chain lightning displayed wrong owner of city enacted on;
  • Changed subject in reports of Chain lightning for supporting players;
  • The title of confirmation prompt when casting a negative spell on an own city was wrong;
  • The culture points in the tooltip for resetting researches were not updated;
  • The bonuses coming from Passionate Population, Chiron & Odysseus were not correctly applied (multiplication instead of addition);
  • City groups in administrator overview were empty;
  • Some rewards of the fifth birthday event were not correct and will be granted again to the players who were supposed to receive them.

Version 2.73

On October 29th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.73.


  • Now it's possible to share report for an ongoing siege;
  • Replace (old/own) CAPTCHA with ReCAPTCHA;
  • Reduce travel time and fight animation to the third farm town to 5 seconds;
  • Remove the healing functionality for heroes from main UI;
  • Summarize the reports of Chain Lightning for the player who cast the effect;
  • Implement two new quests linked to the Island Quests.


  • Fixed overlapping icons of priest and builder in the city overview;
  • The bb-code pop-ups weren't closed when saving the alliance internal announcements that led to empty pop-ups and JavaScript errors;
  • Buttons in building overview were broken after action in senate;
  • Polished the graphics in the "Quest Completed";
  • [UI] Title of command info does not update when changing command;
  • Fixed some display issues on iOS 8.
  • In the Commands overview fixed the filters for:
    • incoming attacks;
    • breakthrough attacks.
  • There was no drop down in the message's recipient list;
  • Fixed issue with city take over during vacation;
  • The reduce recruitment time was showing wrong error message when limit was reached;
  • Units were showing wrong in siege reports in the mobile app;
  • Jump to page in the Ranking was not working;
  • Premium features are no longer extended after player lost his last town;
  • Recovered Lost Units message was not translated;
  • Fixed visual issues with Colossus & Mausoleum;
  • Revolt attack were not showing arrival times;
  • Input boxes aren't cleared after cancelling the creation of a forum for the alliance;
  • Enacted spells on returning commands weren't displayed in the commands info window;
  • Fixed misleading error message when trying to casting a spell on attacks on a ghost town;
  • There was a missing translation in headline of request password email.

Version 2.72

On October 15th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.72.


  • In Windows IE, it was not possible to get 'new window type' window to the front of the different window;
  • Revolt commands were triggering an endless loading loop in the commands window, instead of changing states;
  • Simulator had a needless scroll bar when combining popups for morale and player search;
  • It is no longer possible to store more silver in the cave if limit was exceeded;
  • There was a missing translation for the tooltip in the recruitment overview;
  • Incorrect icon was displayed in the queue when researching conquest.

Version 2.71

On October 1st 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.71.


  • Remove +12 from the research points bubble in the academy;
  • Final preparations for the Persian conquest;
  • Added missing confirmation popups related to game config;
  • Added separated settings for enabling confirmation prompts for different premium features.


  • Map wasn't updated after creating or dissolving an alliance;
  • Some cities were not orientated in the right direction on one island type;
  • Conquering a town was not triggering quests;
  • Troop Overview was missing the plus sign in the recruiting area;
  • BB-code popups for color picker was not hiding automatically;
  • Farm construction animation was incorrect;
  • Removed needless bar in Color assignment window;
  • Town switch was not activated after conquering the second town;
  • Corrected the title for the enlisting militia window;
  • Fixed Quests' highlights being cut after hiding the menu on the left;
  • Fixed hero tooltip layout;
  • Fixed bug with architecture effect;
  • Fixed size of buttons in the Culture tab;
  • Wrong maximum capacity was shown taken after offer was created in the market;
  • Fixed a bug when clicking a grey button for building a Special building from the town overview;
  • Trade button in harbor window was not working;
  • The option to reserve all towns of a player was shown to member without reservation permissions;
  • Wrong error message was shown when inserting invalid values;
  • Ranking awards are no longer granted on closed worlds;
  • The espionage filter in commands overview was not working;
  • Diplomacy research, once completed, was not changing the tooltip for village;
  • Fixed issue with farming villages sorting;
  • Corrected tooltips and values on the Building Overview for upgrading and demolishing.

Version 2.70

On September 17th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.70.


  • Changed the resource limitation to 15k for creating offers.


  • The first level of the "Thracian Oppressor" award was missing the horizontal stone column;
  • At certain circumstances on god change a mythical unit of the old god was not removed;
  • After deleting target towns from Attack Planner, notifications were still popping up;
  • Error message was missing when using partial returning on a conquest;
  • Pyramids of Giza icon in trade activity was cut;
  • There was a JavaScript error showed in some cases when the Phoenician trader was in the town;
  • In the heroes overview, a tooltip was shown where it shouldn't;
  • Sound events were not correctly disabled when sound is turned off;
  • Units defeated via supporting ghost towns were not displayed in the wall;
  • The button to generate a new alliance invitation link was not working;
  • The wording of some effects was misleading;
  • In the heroes overview, tooltip area of symbol for type of a hero was too small;
  • Selecting heroes didn't work with iPad;
  • High Priestess "3 days free" was not centered in the premium window;
  • Revolt icon seemed to be clickable as a hand was displayed in the list of activities;
  • Report about received gold for confirming the email address is missing when the email address gets confirmed before the quest comes up;
  • The tutorial arrow was covered by the "Train hero" button;
  • Hero window was not updated correctly after recruiting a hero;
  • In the upgrade level tab of farming villages, the text saying the village is already at the maximum was too long;
  • Unit icons were misplaced in reports;
  • Window management tab in settings had graphical issue;
  • Olympic games "Organize" button was disappearing after running city festival;
  • Troops were instantly back home after attacking the third farming village;
  • Cancelling espionage does not refresh the silver restored;
  • It was possible to halves researches beyond 1 second;
  • Some players couldn't complete the Olympic Games quest.

Version 2.69

On September 3rd 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.69.


  • Added the ability to reserve all towns from one player;
  • Night bonus will not play a role in Island quests anymore;
  • Only cast spells will count for unlocking the award "Divine Aid";
  • Added consistency to rewards name one gets when skipping tutorial;
  • Improved the information displayed to the island "Rally troops";
  • Improved looting/plundering farm villages by extending the click area.


  • Corrected Fire ship and swordsmen tooltips;
  • Fixed a problem with accepting Daily Login rewards if user switched town before;
  • It was not possible to accept the Odysseus reward after registering;
  • After being conquered some players didn't receive "New hope" effect;
  • The window to activate militia was shown after restart;
  • It was possible to cast spells from Recruitment Overview without the specific god activated;
  • It was possible to send more resources than needed when upgrading a farming village;
  • It is no longer possible to use "Forced Loyalty" directly on a town in an island without farming villages;
  • Compass (displayed near mouse cursor) has been fixed for Internet Explorer;
  • Construction queue was misplaced when closing minimized windows with "Close all" in the city overview;
  • Under certain circumstances it was possible to cast the same effect twice leading to increase of the wall level by every new attack;
  • Trade movements icons were showing wrong mouse cursor;
  • After finishing battleground 43, the fight value of veteran warriors was increased instead of elephant riders in the Thracian Conquest;
  • Wrong loot message for the siege defender was shown;
  • Fixed missing translation for reserved culture level;
  • Fixed size of field boxes in the alliance invitations window;
  • Confirmation icon was misplaced when renaming a city group in Internet Explorer;
  • Push notifications were still being sent to banned players;
  • Hovering enemy units in fight reports was showing the tooltip for own units instead of enemy units in the Thracian Conquest;
  • Fixed issue with unreachable CAPTCHAs.

Version 2.68

On August 20th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.68.


  • Tablet users now get a new landing page;
  • Added a new fight animation when fighting against the first farm village;
  • Improved the simulator with tooltips for every power;
  • The new reward "Luxury Residence" was added to combat simulator;
  • Offers are no longer reduced anymore after the level of the market changes;
  • Removed the drop down menu for former hero worlds in "Hall of Fame".


  • Corrected issues with daily login rewards and daylight saving time;
  • Fixed the possibility to start Theater plays and City festival without having enough resources for both;
  • Fixed the bug of the daily login favor was enabled after selecting a god;
  • Fixed the Myrmidon Attack weakening naval units in defenses;
  • Fixed the Quest Icons that were not displayed in the strategic map and switching from strategic map to city view;
  • The reports for mentoring a player were showing a wrong sender;
  • Fitted the layout of the spells tab in the attack window for 6 gods;
  • Fixed an issue where a unit's information in espionage reports could sometimes be outdated;
  • Fixed the issue that when catapults damaged a temple or statue the favor production was not updated;
  • Fixed a problem when a player would change from guest to user they could receive "lost password" emails;
  • Fixed the problem where clicking on the resource icon was not filling up the leftover capacity in trading tab of town;
  • The attack button was not working anymore after clicking on a greyed out attack button;
  • The clickable area of notes icon in top menu bar was too small;
  • Clicking the adviser images in the advantages tab would result in a JavaScript error;
  • Scroll bar in heroes overview was broken after switching towns while having minimized heroes window;
  • Troop Overview was broken and produced a JavaScript error;
  • Solved some issues with auto-completion to find cities;
  • Favor icon was not correctly displayed in the favor bar of the temple;
  • Improved consistency in the game terms with the change of the text "Expand" to "Upgrade";
  • Duplicated daily awards were shown on a players profile;
  • Loot was shown in siege reports even if siege started;
  • Island quests were shown as grey dots on strategic map;
  • The wrong attack icon was shown for ongoing sieges in activity menu bubble;
  • Resources icons in the upgrade tab of farming villages were not clickable;
  • Troop movements weren't displayed correctly in siege window;
  • Incoming troop movements were overlapping each other in conquest window.

Version 2.67

On August 6th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.67.


  • A bunch of improvements have been made to the tutorial:
    • Exchanged the current arrow with the one from the app;
    • Adjusted visual hints for new additional quests;
    • Rebalanced some quest rewards;
    • Some quests with more than one step have been split up into separate quests;
    • Added 34 additional quests.
  • Increased the point limit from 1000 to 3000 in order to get 200 gold with the friend invite system. This change was made due to the recent tutorial changes: it is now more easy for new players to reach 1000 points;
  • Players who get conquered now can get a new effect "New hope" while restarting the game. The effect reduces the construction times and increases the resource production by 40% for a week;
  • Improved the layout of the window showed after being conquered;
  • Improved the construction bar in the town overview: the progress bars are now updated every second;
  • Adjusted the building requirements for showing specific buildings in the town;
  • Added the ability to drop rewards from the Island Quests;
  • Optimized the EasyPay window;
  • Removed battle stats for naval units which don't take part into battle;
  • "Reserved" culture levels for ongoing sieges and founding towns are now displayed in the agora and the culture overview;
  • Added seconds to reports;
  • The tab "New" has been been renamed "Suggested" in the Reservation Tool;
  • Clicking the resources on the top right corner now opens the warehouse;
  • Implemented a new visual for the spy.


  • The forum name was shown twice when putting the mouse over the alliance forum tabs;
  • The spells submenu was shown on support info window;
  • When reducing the construction time in the tutorial, no confirmation window was shown;
  • The button names in the circular menu didn't have a proper frame;
  • The favor production countdown was not working properly after opening the temple;
  • Button to activate the captain in the farming village window was not displayed properly in Internet Explorer 8;
  • The activation button in the city groups overview was not working as intended;
  • Farming villages didn't have a progress bar on the map;
  • It was not possible to build the special buildings with build cost reduction;
  • There was a JavaScript error when selecting hero for attack in the attack planner;
  • When opening several attack windows in a row, a wrong error message was shown and windows were empty in the attack planner;
  • Flags of ghost towns didn't match in color and style in reports;
  • Arrival time wasn't shown in commands overview in Internet Explorer 8;
  • Vacation mode wasn't stopped when last world played is closed;
  • Heroes were triggering naval fights;
  • Layout of phoenician merchant window was broken;
  • Island Quests were displayed as ghost towns on the strategic map;
  • Some quest tooltips were covered by windows;
  • Quest arrows were hidden in construction mode;
  • There was a graphical issue with the tutorial arrow showing how to trade with players;
  • Fixed wrong wording in the warehouse about resources stored in the cave;
  • Fixed some quest title issues;
  • Fight results are sometimes delivered too slowly and therefore not shown after the fight in the Thracian Conquest event.

Version 2.66

On July 23rd 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.66.


  • As already announced, we will open the Hero Worlds and the former Hero World features are now merged to all newly opened worlds:
    • If you have the "Master of the World" award for winning any world, you now can store 50 additional (max) favor on every world;
    • The award "Heroic Tactician" has been removed completely;
    • The research Stone Hail has been adjusted: catapults now can't damage special buildings anymore;
    • All hero world related restrictions have been removed, it's now possible to invite players to hero worlds as long as the registration isn't closed. Any player can now join the existing hero worlds.
  • Buying gold is now easier than before with the new EasyPay functionality. It allows you to save the payment related information and just re-use them for the next purchase without having to insert them again;
  • All effects from the island quests and the ingame events have been added to the simulator so that it's now possible to simulate your fights more accurately (suggested by Gonetxa from Spain);
  • The movement speed of Atalanta has been increased to 40 so that she doesn't slow down attacking units anymore;
  • New graphics for the Phoenician trader have been implemented;
  • Removed the "2.0" marker on from the list of worlds.


  • The wall of the last farming village on an island was reset on the next attack on the farming village;
  • When losing the last city on an island, the remaining troops in the farming villages weren't reset correctly;
  • Quest towns were clickable in siege info window and called "Ghost town";
  • There was an invalid player name in reports if a quest was attacking a city under siege;
  • An exception was thrown if the player was still logged in when logging in with invitation link;
  • In the purification report,the tooltip for the removed spell was missing;
  • Moving the city overview wasn't possible if grabbing onto the right of the construction bar;
  • Moving the map wasn't possible on a Surface;
  • In the simulator the tooltips for the bonuses were created twice;
  • The Phoenician Trader window was not part of the window queue;
  • The payment module had race condition in rare cases which resulted in internal errors;
  • Moving messages via drag & drop didn't work after deleting a message;
  • The cancel invitation button was missing when inviting an alliance with a long name to merge alliances;
  • Long customized command names could break the layout of the command overview;
  • The silver amount was reset in cave overview when clicking the help button;
  • The Daily login bonus window was shown with 2 pages when popping up during gameplay;
  • Switching between strategic map and island view with the Esc hotkey didn't work correctly;
  • The pop-up to assign a color to a player was sometimes opened twice;
  • Cities weren't shown in spell reports anymore after the arrival of the attack;
  • The buildings in the city view couldn't be opened on a Surface;
  • The Layout of Invite Friends window was broken;
  • The edit function for own attacks was missing in shared attack plans;
  • The tutorial quests, in which you have to recruit units, weren't validated when not all units were in the town when the last unit got recruited;
  • The badge indicating the amount of unread reports sometimes showed wrong values.

Version 2.65

On July 9th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.65.


  • Buildings that can't be built yet are now shown in the town overview even though requirements are still missing (this change affects only the Harbor, Academy, Cave, and special buildings);
  • Adjusted the limit of open windows at the same time from 10 to 20. New windows like Heroes or events are however not affected by this limit. Setting 0 now allows you to open an infinite number of windows;
  • Windows opened upon game load are now queued which means that the first window has to be closed to see the next one and so on;
  • Added a new push notification when the last building upgrade in the queue is completed;
  • Added a confirmation window when activating or extending one of the premium advisors;
  • Improvements have been made to the tutorial:;
    • The arrow is now displayed again and pointing at the quest icon after closing the first quest window without accepting it;
    • Adjusted the quest that rewards the app users for trying the browser version it does not trigger on mobile browsers anymore.


  • Treasures of the underworld reports didn't show resources;
  • Flag colors weren't consistent in map, reports and town info;
  • Points of ghost towns weren't recalculated after decomposition of special buildings and wall;
  • Messages couldn't be moved back to Inbox;
  • Map colors window was showing a needless scroll bar;
  • When having open several windows to cast spells simultaneously, the spell was sometimes cast on the wrong destination;
  • Third person version of the award descriptions for profiles from different players didn't work anymore;
  • Reset button in caves overview didn't work;
  • Vacation wasn't calculated correctly;
  • When 2 towns are under siege,the info window was not updating;
  • Island quest window was not opening on click;
  • In the simulator it was possible to choose attacking mythical units even if the text input box was not visible;
  • Siege information window could be closed via "close all windows" button;
  • Draggable element in new windows like Heroes events were too large;
  • Premium confirmation window showed up even if disabled;
  • Jason's loot bonus wasn't added on attack screen;
  • Heracles defender lost resources weren't centered;
  • Lower part of letters in circular menus were cut;
  • Incorrect loss values were displayed in battle report;
  • Pressing Enter when changing message list name was causing an internal error;
  • It was possible to start Theater plays and City festival at the same time;
  • In the troops outside overview, the sorting by supported player didn't work;
  • Cave window was staying in the background but not yet for Internet Explorer;
  • Heroes were stuck in traveling state after they were injured in a successful takeover;
  • Heroes were stuck, because they were sent as support;
  • Hero's help was triggered if another hero was assigned;
  • There was a missing space character in the mood tooltip of the farming villages;
  • A confirmation request was shown even if advisor can be activated for free;
  • Button to activate the captain was missing in the island info window.

Version 2.64

On June 25th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.64.


  • The Grepolis toolbar that could be hooked to the web browser is no longer supported and has been removed from the game;
  • Improvements have been made to the tutorial:;
    • The first quest of quest line "Tutorial quests" is now automatically accepted when closing the quest window;
    • Added a new quest that rewards browser users for trying the app;
    • Increased the amount of resources the first town has when starting the game to 250 wood, 250 stone and 250 silver coins;
    • Reduced the construction times for the first levels of the senate and storage;
    • More tutorial quests are now hinted by the yellow arrow pointing on the quest icon;
    • Reduced the recruitment times of the first units of the barrack;
    • The quest "Build faster" now requires to upgrade the senate to level 2 instead of 3;
    • Removed the guidance for the quest "Expanding Your Influence".


  • Mood of the non conquered farm villages was recovering faster than conquered farm villages;
  • When opening a player profile via alliance profile, long names were shortened in the title of the player profile window;
  • In the trade overview, the list of trade activities were considering farming villages as normal towns and not as farm villages;
  • There were some layout issues for the reports of expired island quests;
  • Long player names were covering information in the alliance members list of the alliance profile;
  • When assigning a color to a player, the tooltip for the button was missing;
  • The fields of the farm weren't changed upon upgrade level in the town overview;
  • When there was no free population no windmill was shown in the town overview;
  • Graphical elements were missing on the last upgrade level of the warehouse on hero worlds;
  • New messages to a player, who has blocked you, weren't indicated as blocked although they weren't sent;
  • After turning from negative to positive population the population was still shown in red color;
  • Advertising for the captain was missing in the loot window;
  • The "Go to" function of island BBCode didn't lead to the island view;
  • The building level shown in the tooltip of the town overview when mouseovering it was incorrect;
  • Information about the resources that ones get when canceling a building order was missing in the tooltip;
  • The militia was clickable in units menu on the right, although it has no travel time;
  • The shared connection entries list in the settings was empty in some cases;
  • Units selection in island quests sub-windows was shifting to a wrong position if the text is too long;
  • City foundation state name was not consistent in movements and command overview;
  • Confirmation request for spending was displayed even though disabled;
  • Jump to current city was centering the island and not the city;
  • Messages in the inbox were never deleted;
  • There was a JavaScript error when closing sub-window to dispatch units to an island quest;
  • Opening the notes, saving locations and buying new inventory slots was not possible when the city is under siege;
  • The alliance window was too big;
  • Too long alliance name was overlapping the curtain in the profile window;
  • The orders list was not working;
  • The save location window was empty.

Version 2.63

On June 11th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.63.


  • Not yet built buildings weren't shown in construction mode while erecting them;
  • Storing the maximum amount of silver wasn't preselected in the cave;
  • Windows were sometimes opened without content;
  • Players sometimes received 2 or 3 reports for one purchase;
  • The radial menu was broken in the maximized forum;
  • The construction buttons in the town overview were staying greyed out although *Administrator was activated and 5 more building orders could be queued;
  • Heroes window got empty when switching tabs with coin exchange open;
  • Layout of coin exchange got broken when switching towns with coin exchange open;
  • Reports in which Heracles were involved didn't show the booty correctly;
  • The coin exchange didn't work when inserting a negative odd value.

Version 2.62

On May 28th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.62.


  • Adjusted the tutorial quest arrows and adapted the guidance to the new full screen town overview.


  • A wrong error message was show when trying to cast multiple negative spells on speed 3 worlds;
  • There was no guidance for the quest asking players to assign a hero;
  • The attack warning didn't disappear after cancelling an attack order from a city during occupation;
  • Building orders were not completed correctly when keeping the confirmation window for time reduction or order cancellation open;
  • "Level" in the "Train your hero!" window was not localized;
  • It was possible to tear down the farm or reset the research plow if population is negative or would become negative;
  • Siege information window wasn't disappearing when a siege is canceled;
  • When not having the administrator active and trying to activate the "All" city group, an internal error was occurring;
  • When having the thermal baths built, a corner of the academy was covered in the new town overview;
  • There was a white pixel over the agora in the new town overview;
  • It was possible to continue halving the building construction time when remaining time was 00h 00m 00s;
  • The animation for the olympic games were misplaced on the new town overview;
  • % character was missing in the error message when trying to trade with mood below 80%;
  • It was possible to provoke an attack from an Island Quest while a city is under siege;
  • The mini-map in the User Interface was not completely showing the ocean number;
  • The confirmation pop-up for gold spending was showing wrong information when trying to use the build time reduction without having enough gold;
  • The quest arrows were displayed under the notepad icon when pointing on the city view button;
  • When you click the cancel icon from a building in the construction queue, a wrong error message was displayed when the cancellation was confirmed after the building order has been finished.

Version 2.61

On May 15th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.61.


  • Added the possibility to attack Island Quests with the Divine Envoy;
  • Adjusted images for Odysseus;
  • Shortened several quest texts;
  • Improved the Alliance Finder:
    • Players now have an option to display their alliance in the alliance finder or not;
    • Alliance leadership can set a point threshold new players have to meet to apply for that alliance.
  • The amount of coins players own as well as a button to access the coin exchange screen are now shown on all screens where coins can be spent;
  • Unlocking a hero slot in the Hero Overview Screen now brings up a premium confirmation box;
  • Unit counts in the barracks now show the current unit count instead of total.


  • Fixed a bug where error popups would be incorrectly initialized;
  • Icons for ongoing revolts were wrong in the command overview;
  • Unit numbers were not correctly updated after attacking island quests;
  • The footer of the attack screen had some inconsistencies when using the "Select all units" checkbox;
  • Marketplace didn't update correctly after town-change in the create offer screen;
  • The resource selection bar in the market was not updated correctly after switching towns.

Version 2.60

On April 30th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.60.


  • Added the fullscreen city overview: the fullscreen city overview will replace the small window to provide a better overview and improved functions to manage your city. This way you can observe your city upgrades more easily;
  • The "Go to" function has been replaced by the "Select town" function in corresponding radial menus.


  • Returning transport ships of a besieged city simply vanished without generating a battle report stating the loss of these units;
  • Report filters disappeared when moving reports to custom folders;
  • The effect Lost Loyalty was not named properly in all places;
  • The alliance overview remained highlighted when another tab had been selected;
  • Players were not properly displayed as offline in the chat when they were not online;
  • Heroes had not been unassigned properly when their assigned city was under siege;
  • Pressing the Enter key while in an alliance forum survey had caused internal errors;
  • The conquer image on conquest attacks was missing.

Version 2.59

On April 16th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.59.


  • A few improvements have been made to the alliance finder for recruiters:
    • The dependency that alliances need to have their contact buttons enabled in order to appear in the alliance finder has been removed;
    • Instead of this, a new option that will handle whether an alliance appears in the alliance finder or not has been added to the alliance settings;
    • Also, a points requirement has been added: if a player doesn't have the required amount of points required by an alliance, the "apply" button will be greyed out for that player and for that alliance.
  • Improved the way in which exclusive heroes such as Andromeda are handled in the game:
    • Exclusive heroes are now listed in the council, but with chains above them in case you don't own them;
    • Exclusive heroes may never appear in the recruitment as long as they are considered as exclusive;
    • Players who own exclusive heroes, will have their maximum amount of slots increased for each owned exclusive heroes and each hero given out with the hero reward, will give a free additional slot;
    • Considering that Andromeda is an exclusive hero by definition she now behaves like one in terms of extra slot gained: the start amount of slots per player is reduced by one, so new players will only have 1 free slot at the beginning. As Andromeda is exclusive, she will automatically come with her own slot, which means that the initial free slot will stay free.
  • Heracles now also grant favor when injured if battle was honorable and player won.


  • Switching towns wasn't updating all data in the UI;
  • In the troops overview, expanding several town info simultaneously didn't work correctly in Internet Explorer 9;
  • Sounds were played multiple times simultaneously when disabling and enabling them;
  • The background picture was not loading in the hall of fame;
  • The size of the heroes assignment progress bar didn't adjust to the length of the content;
  • When forwarding a message, the subject was missing;
  • There was a javascript error when closing alliance window;
  • The visual indicator of the farm population was not accurate after recruitment;
  • The rewards for completing 100% of the tutorial (Andromeda and production boost) were misplaced on the window;
  • In some cases, awards were not displayed in profile window.

Version 2.58

On April 2nd 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.58.


  • The Hero Banner has been removed on worlds without the Hero feature, as it is not planned right now to release heroes on old worlds.


  • The revolt icon on published reports was missing;
  • After being invited to an alliance, the confirmation message to accept the invitation was not disappearing properly;
  • In some cases it was possible to generate too many culture points at once;
  • It was not possible to spy on cities belonging to players who have been banned (attackable) but are currently on vacation mode.

Version 2.57

On March 19th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.57.


  • New: the Alliance Finder! Have you ever started on a new world willing to join an alliance, but have been unsure about your choice of alliance? The alliance finder will help make your choice easier by providing an overview of all nearby alliances, also displaying the most vital information. This feature is mainly designed for new players who want to get into an alliance more easily;
  • Support units can now be returned again to original city if this city is currently being conquered.


  • Fixed several Windows 8 app bugs:
    • The app was not always loading;
    • The publish report button was not working;
    • Alliance forum links were broken;
    • Recruiting units was not always possible.
  • Searching for a player in the "Sea Players" ranking returned results from the normal "Players" ranking;
  • Fixed some visual email issues;
  • Fixed an issue where militia was activated after the start of a siege;
  • Importing mythical units into the simulator from attack reports was not working;
  • Mythical units were not removed when player was changing god;
  • Fixed a problem where it was not possible to send resources if info window of a ghost town is minimized;
  • Looted favor was shown in the booty field of defense reports in Hero Worlds.

Version 2.56

On March 5th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.56.


  • Descriptive text for the award "Experienced Ruler" has been slightly changed;
  • Adjusted the tooltip text for the "town overview" button in the UI.


  • Changed inaccurate description of the "Weakened defense" effect;
  • Confusing text for meteorology and cartography was changed;
  • Problem with plural forms in effect descriptions resolved;
  • There was a JavaScript error after clicking on a report notification;
  • Hint for transport ships did not disappear after selecting transport ships in the attack/support window;
  • Cancel button in commands list of a town didn't disappear after 10 minutes;
  • In the commands overview, the icons filter were not working correctly in combination with drop down filter;
  • Published reports sometimes gave an error;
  • Trading was no longer possible with a global banned player;
  • Opening thread with published report in alliance forum was demaximizing the window;
  • Alliance limit could be exceeded;
  • Links for apps in the settings window weren't opened in new tabs.

Version 2.55

On February 19th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.55.


  • Player account is now also deleted from the world after town deletion if the town didn't reach at least 176 points withing 3 days;
  • Current accounts without any towns due to the town deletion made over the last days will also get deleted;
  • After a player got deleted and if the biggest town of an island has 1500 points, new players will not be settled on the island;
  • Players who support another player's town with troops from multiple own towns, the support reports will be merged in case of an attack instead of one report per town;
  • All game mails have been redesigned with a new graphic style.


  • Players under vacation mode and global banned couldn't be attacked;
  • The conqueror of a town was benefiting of the effect "Trojan defense";
  • The game was rewarding existing player invitation with gold although only newly created players should be rewarded;
  • After changing password on mobile device, the session login session on the startpage was not reset;
  • Displaying support troops in the outside tab of the agora was refreshing window's position;
  • The mythical units inserted in the simulator were removed when switching towns;
  • The research icon for Stone Hail was black in the academy;
  • The hints of the tutorial quest "Country Bumpkins" was not pointing on a farm village;
  • When conquering a town, it was possible to generate multiple "favor boosts" on towns;
  • Some island quests were not expiring after 24 hours without interaction;
  • It was possible to open multiple times the recruitment overview information by clicking multiple times the question mark button;
  • The report for the player who suffered from "Zeus rage" was misleading in case no units were killed;
  • In the simulator, it was possible to see the current god of a town by inserting mythical units of an old report.

Version 2.54

On February 5th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.54.


  • [Tutorial] Quest window layout has been improved;
  • [Tutorial] Building times have been adjusted;
  • [Tutorial] Silver Mine and Temple have new building requirements (Timber Camp Level 1 and Quarry Level 1, respectively);
  • [Tutorial] Helping arrows are now displayed only once per quest;
  • Friend invite descriptions have been adjusted to make it clear that gold is granted for newly registered players only.


  • Sound for incoming attacks is now working properly;
  • Extending powers via Mass Recruit is now possible and will show the correct tooltip;
  • When demolishing the wall completely, the tooltip is now displaying the correct amount of population that will become available;
  • The Island Quest The Tournament of the Chariots will no longer expire 24 hours after it has been accepted and units have been sent to the event;
  • The welcome mail that will be received after having created an account on the InnoGames *Portal will now contain your correct password;
  • Players should no longer experience a state of having an invalid email address after having it validated already;
  • "Cheiron" should now read "Chiron" in English;
  • Message and notebook content that could freeze the browser for a period of time has been removed;
  • Once the Wisdom spell has been caste on an Illusioned Attack, the command should not be displayed anymore;
  • It should no longer be possible to exceed the alliance limit;
  • Fixed an issue where commands could no longer be canceled from cities other than its origin;
  • The icon for the technology Stone Hail is now visible again.

Version 2.53

On January 22nd 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.53.


  • Changed the way in which recruit and build time bonuses are applied to the game, in order to avoid unfair situations where players can instantly recruit units. They are now multiplied instead of added (formula: build_time * [1 * bonus_1 * bonus_2 * ... * bonus_n]);
  • Added a detailed population overview to the farm (Russian suggestion from Gizmo244);
  • Restricted mass-forward functionality to prevent spam. Players are now required to have at least 800 points before they are able to use this function;
  • The god is no longer automatically set by the system when founding/conquering a new town with mythical units;
  • Reduced traffic caused by sounds.


  • The support tool link was not working;
  • Some email validation inconsistencies have been fixed;
  • Some bugs related to alliance forums have been fixed:
    • It was possible to create threads even though no forum was created, in case another alliance offered you to share a forum;
    • After cancelling the editing of a forum post, the forum was jumping to the last page of the current thread;
    • When trying to enable "Check for new posts" option an internal error was occurring;
    • When having shared a forum with many alliances, it was not possible to manage the shared alliances properly.
  • It was possible to use HTML in the personal invite text when inviting players to play Grepolis;
  • The recruiting overview was not updated correctly after switching towns;
  • The drag & drop function in the reports didn't work after deleting a report;
  • Town name was not changed after switching towns while renaming a town;
  • In some cases, windows opened in the game are empty after playing for some hours in row;
  • The entered values of selected units in the attack screen were not centered in the field;
  • There were some layout issues in the settings windows, notification tab;
  • The favor productions were not updated in the tooltip when mouseovering the god portrait after activating the High Priestess;
  • The game was sending a message that you could claim your gold reward for inviting an existing player to your world, although this type of invite is not rewarded;
  • The border and text of advisor tooltips were sometimes cut out;
  • The building completion time in tooltips didn't update after cutting the construction time;
  • The "Go to city" function was causing an internal error when using it from a city under conquest;
  • Spying multiple times without closing window caused the game to resend the same amount of silver even if manually changed;
  • The slider in the cave was not working smoothly;
  • The commands list was not updated after sending a town foundation;
  • In some rare cases, it was not possible to create attacks in the attack planner;
  • Sorting options by number of troops in troops outside overview didn't work;
  • "Add surviving troops" function to the simulator didn't work;
  • The peace time was not correctly applied if attacks are delayed by the anti-timing variable;
  • Deleted reports could still be accessed via town info window and cave;
  • The messages window was sometimes opening in the rankings window;
  • The default value for sending a spy was not displayed in the game as long as the value didn't get altered once;
  • Some texts were not translated in the world wonders tab of the alliance window;
  • The island quest "The Chariot Tournament" was expiring 24 hours after start even if some units were sent from time to time.

Version 2.52

On January 16th 2014, Grepolis was updated to version 2.52.


  • Changed the way how inactive accounts are handled: accounts that did not reach 176 (or more) points within 2 days will now be removed from the game in order to make room for new players. The town of these accounts will be instantly removed from the map and the slot will be available again for new players.


  • Some data didn't update correctly when switching between towns very fast;
  • Vacation mode couldn't be stopped when last world account was deleted;
  • The text of the tooltip for recruit time reduction was wrong;
  • The font size of town name was not always adjusted in the header;
  • The culture overview was not considering Tyche's Celebration of Joy correctly.