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Archer 90x90.jpg
Archers have a relatively good speed and can carry a large amount of booty. However they are not good in attack, but are an essential part of a good defence. They are best used against hoplies and chariots.
Must research Archers in the Academy. Available at level 1.
Costs Stats
Wood.png: 120 Favor.png: 0 Attackdist.png: 8 Def hack.png: 6
Stone.png: 0 Pop.png: 1 Speed.png: 12 Def pierce.png: 25
Silver.png: 75 Time.png: 0:18:07 Booty icon.png: 24 Def distance.png: 12
  • Time is for the lowest level of the Barracks that it can be recruited at.