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Grepolis can be considered a 4X browser game. It requires a player to Exploit resources, Expand their cities, Explore the oceans, and to Exterminate opposition. Many of these basic functions are familiar to many players, however this section of the Wiki will help those not familiar with this type of game, to become more familiar with it and to help with those first steps in playing Grepolis. As well, new players should look at the many guides that are available for starting out.


"To brave men, the prizes that war offers are liberty and fame" - Lycurgus of Sparta

Resources are the basis of your soon to be growing city. It is the way in which your city will grow from a simple small town into an island super power dominating your neighboring cities. There are 6 resources in Grepolis - 3 normal types and 3 special types:

Normal Resource Source Description
Wood Wood
Lumber 50x50.png
Timber Camp
Gathered in the Timber Camp.
Stone Stone
Stoner 50x50.png
Gathered in the Quarry.
Silver Silver
Ironer 50x50.png
Silver Mine
Mined in the Silver Mine.
Special Resource Source Description
Favor Divine Favor
Temple 50x50.png
Generated in the Temple.
Population Population
Farm 50x50.png
Fed by the Farm.
Research Points Research Points
Academy 50x50.png
Generated in the Academy.

All of your buildings, units, spells, and research will need some or all of these resources. Once you build the basic level for the timber camp, quarry, and silver mine you will begin to receive those resources automatically. The rate at which you generate those resource will depend on your island type. Divine Favor will only begin to accumulate once you select a god to worship in your city. The higher the level of your Timber Camp, Quarry, Silver Mine, and Temple the more quickly you will gain resources.

Because resources are generated automatically, they will continue to accumulate even when you are not logged in to the game. In order for resources not to be wasted or lost, it is important to make sure you have room for the resources. You can ensure this by keeping your Warehouse large enough to store all of them. Divine Favor is always capped at 500 regardless of the size of your Temple or Warehouse. You can see how close you are to reaching your warehouse cap in the upper righthand of the screen.

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First Steps

"A disorderly mob is no more an army than a heap of building materials is a house" - Socrates

Now that you're starting out in the world, your main concern over everything else will be: Resources. When you first look at your city you will not have any resource buildings built. Getting those built will help to start generating more resources. At this point in the game, Divine Favor is not needed. Expanding your resource production buildings is the main concern for a new player. Remember to make sure that you have space in your warehouse to hold all of the resources though.

Building new buildings and increasing the size of existing ones will take up population. Since all of the buildings except for the Farm and Warehouse require population, you will need to ensure that you have enough free population available. You can increase the amount you have by increasing the size of your farm.

At this point, your city will be starting to look like a good target for others to raid you for resources. A nice feature of the Warehouse is that it will protect 100 of each resource for each level you build it to. This will help in denying those greedy neighbors from taking your resources. Because your city is starting to look more and more attractive to other players, you will want to begin creating some troops to help protect your city from attacks. The basic unit for this is the Swordsman.

In order to begin building troops, you will need to build a Barracks. This can be done fairly quickly as it only needs a few low level buildings to be built. As you begin to build troops, you should also begin to take over more Farming Villages so that you can gain resources from those as well. The more you have under your control, the quicker you can build your city and army.

Once you reach a stage where you feel comfortable with being protected and not having to worry about raids, you should consider finding a strong alliance in your local area to join. There is strength in numbers and having allies will greatly assist in becoming a great player.

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Late Start

"There are only two people who can tell you the truth about yourself - an enemy who has lost his temper and a friend who loves you dearly." - Antisthenes

Should you get into a late game phase of a world adapting your strategy is important. A fast resource production plays an important role so that the construction of the Polis is completed quickly. It is also of the utmost importance that you should protect yourself against the raids of your neighbors. To prevent the loss of your resources, expand your city wall and the warehouse. Then produce a couple of units to defend your city. It makes good sense to write to your neighbors – a good contact with them can save you against hopeless battles as you group together. If your Polis has become large enough you should try to capture some resources from your neighbors (farms first, then real players when you are strong enough). Captured resources can greatly aid the expansion of your Polis.

Soon the biggest difference to the normal construction sequence comes: Do not commit the mistake to quickly leave your island boundaries to set off on colonial ships. It logically appears that this is the next stage in expansion. It is however an embarrassing mistake, because strong players will first try to secure their cities in your area in order to have in the course of the game a better strategic position. If you invest your raw materials only in building an offensive, you are an easy target for these players! They have the possibility from this to inflict high losses on attackers and in turn take few losses themselves.

The best strategy that there is consists of the constructing one strong defensive Polis, containing a garrison of numerous swordsmen and archers. You will be an unattractive target for the larger players. If they constantly have high losses in your city, they will usually stop attacking.

This phase of building a secure position costs you some time but brings a bonus because as you will be able to utilize the defensive troops again and again. If you now have a healthy defense, you can prepare your expansion and begin the construction of offensive troops.

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City Overview

"The art of living well and the art of dying well are one." - Epicurus

The city overview delivers important information about your Polis as a separate view. So you can see there: the building steps; the current resource production; troops present in the city and your current troop movements.

The graphic representation of the buildings changes according to their extension level. With a quick glance you can see how far your Polis has developed. As each building becomes more advanced the style changed to show larger buildings. They will become more elaborate as they advance until they are fully upgraded.

With a click on the individual buildings, you are brought into the respective building menu and can use their internal options. For example: building ships in the harbor or conducting research in the academy.

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Renaming your Polis

"Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber." - Plato

You can rename your Polis easily. Click on the banner above the city overview that displays the current city name. After that you can click the down arrow to the right of the new name to save the new name.

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Construct Buildings

"It is possible to provide security against other ills, but as far as death is concerned, we men live in a city without walls." - Epicurus

If you want to construct or expand a building, you must click on the senate and then click on the "Expansion to X". You must have the correct quantity of wood, stone and silver coins to build. The amount needed depends on the type and the expansion level of the building. The larger you want to make the building, the more resources you require for the expansion level.

In addition the constructions of many of the buildings in Grepolis have a dependence upon the expansion levels of other buildings. For example you can only construct a market place if your warehouse and your cave have already reached a certain size. In the senate these prerequisites are indicated next to the resource costs.

For further information see: Buildings

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Construct Units

"Brave men are a city's strongest tower of defense" - Alcaeus

You can train units in Grepolis in your barracks. The first available unit that can be trained is the swordsman, a simple defensive unit not to be underestimated. During the course of the game, you can conduct research in the academy and can then construct other units such as: Archers; Slingers; Hoplites; Cavalry and Catapults.

Once you have constructed a temple, chosen a God and produced some divine favor points you can then in the barracks train mythical units of your chosen God. They are superior to the normal units in the strength but their cost is expensive and also uses the divine favor resource.

In your harbor, you can construct naval units. You begin with carrier ships and can later also construct: Bireme; Fire Ships; Demolition Ships, Trireme; and Colony Ships according to extension level of the harbor and research stage in your academy. The latter are prerequisite for gaining other cities. If you worship Poseidon, you can construct the hydra in the harbor, a mythical being that is the strongest ranged water unit.

In the unit survey, you find a short description which outlines the prerequisites for production and strengths of the units.

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Farm Villages

"Every care must be taken that our auxiliaries, being stronger than our citizens, may not grow too much for them and become savage beasts." - Plato

You are not alone on your island. In addition to other players you will find a multitude of farm villages as neighbors. A smart contact with them can give you ample resources that you can utilize especially at the beginning very well. To gain the resources of the surrounding farm villages you must send troops to demand tribute.

To attack a farm village you must: Select a farm village in your vicinity on the island, select the 'attack' view and select 'resource looting' option. Depending on how many troops you send, they bring you more or less raw materials into your Polis. The farm village will react to being asked for tribute and eventually will get annoyed by your demands. The mood value of the farm villages falls after each demand that you make. You start with a mood value of 100 percent. Eventually there's the risk of a resistance that puts the life of your troops in danger. The lower the mood value the higher the risk of resistance.

It is best to regularly demand tribute from these villages in order to grow quickly. This creates a problem as the mood value drops and you must react to this problem. You should try to attack different farm village on your island. You can increase the strength value when your troops perform civil works. They help the farm village in the erection of civil buildings, drainage of fields and harvesting crops. For you, this means that your troops are bound a time outside of the city without receiving resources for the invested time. Long-term this beneficial work brings you better resources from the villages. It is even possible, depending on the mood value, that the villagers will resist your efforts and defend against your incoming troops.

The higher the strength value the less mood will decrease when demanding resources. Strength of farm villages starts our at 50% over time it will gradually move towards this number irregardless of your actions. It is also important to note that strength is affect by all players. If another player attacks the farm village, its strength will be lower for you as well. However, mood is only affected by each individual player. It starts our at 100% and over time will slowly increase to that number when left alone.

Basically this simple formula applies to the farm villages: The more troops you send and the higher the strength values of the farmer village is, the more resources the farm village gives you.

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Game Goal

"Success is dependent on effort." - Sophocles

The Goal of the Game is to live out the dream of the average Greek, to become a hero! You must conquer your enemies, destroy your foes and gain the ultimate favor of the gods!

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