2015 Changelogs: Difference between revisions

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All 2015 Changelogs.
==Version 2.90==
On July 1st 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.90.
*Made numbers on progress bars of island quests more readable by exchanging the colors; (community suggestion)
*Implemented new non-cryptic city names for guest users;
*Exchanged unit icons to match with unit tooltip graphics;
*In the preparation phase of vacation mode players were not able to attack their own cities. (community suggestion)
- On the city effect bar arrows are showing up after 8 running effects which were disappearing after the first mouse click;
- Colony ship attacks were shown as sea attacks in the conquest report which was published by the attacker;
- Fixed an issue with mentoring relations which were made on already closed worlds;
- Fixed an error which could occur while trying to demand or loot from farming villages.
==Version 2.89==
On June 17th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.89.
*Improved the "Not enough gold" screen;
*Changed rendering of farm villages on the map;
*Refactored tooltips of farm villages on the map.
*On lower levels (up to 13), the mill of the farm was displayed in the city overview while upgrading the farm;
*Fixed wrong tooltip at reservation button in city info;
*Barracks/Docks lost state when Population growth or Call of the ocean was cast;
*Illusion attacks contained light ships that were displayed in the barracks and could be destroyed by sea storm;
*Fixed a JavaScript error when opening the barracks/docks window as long as you haven't built them;
*Grayed out "send resources" button and displayed red values if capacity would become negative in direct trade;
*Processing of payment notifications takes too long;
*Maximum resources inserted too high value after sending resources via direct trade;
*City overview didn't fit anymore with high screen resolution;
*Farming villages overview didn't consider diplomacy research of selected city but of active one.
==Version 2.88==
On June 3rd 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.88.
*[[Commander of Rome]] summer event.
*Names in the marketplace table weren't aligned on the left;
*Mass recruit does not switch body if header changes.
==Version 2.87==
On May 20th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.87.
*Launch of the reworked market place: Redesign of own offers and offers from other players. E.g. a lot more possibilities to filter resources, simplified way to partially accept offers, new slide bars, etc.
*Mermaid appeared in the city overview when refreshing the page;
*The subject of an in message wasn't always clickable;
*The click event was unresponsive when a hero wasn't chosen in attack screen;
*Troop changes weren't saved in attack planner;
*Setting text for allowing alliances to suggest towns in the reservation tool was misleading and has been corrected;
*City overview showed "build reduced" button, even if feature wasn't enabled;
*Old advisor images were still used in the "activate advisor" dialog;
*Defenders can get information about an attack whether a spell was casted or not.
==Version 2.86==
On May 6th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.86.
*Not all incoming troop movements were displayed in the window "town is under conquest";
*Some players got multiple payment notifications by buying gold once;
*Commands overview wasn't sorted by time;
*Attacker of the day award was showing the wrong date;
*Inactivity reminder mails were sent for closed worlds;
*Removed unnecessary symbol in attack info window;
*Heroes didn't show the hero card when hovering over the hero icon in the attack info window.
==Version 2.85==
On April 22nd 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.85.
*Added loading animation when opening a new window;
*Added a confirmation prompt "not enough storage capacity" for farm town claims;
*Added a confirmation prompt "not enough storage capacity" for tutorial quests;
*Improved the visual design of unit tooltips in Barracks, Harbor, Agora & main UI;
*Unified the way how trade ration is displayed in farm villages to be aligned with the rest of the game.
*Completed building orders were not always removed from the building queue;
*The sorting of market offers was different when gold is activated;
*Old advisors images were still used in the simulator;
*There was a graphical issue with the Administrator icon on the construction bar in the town overview;
*In some cases, the "Experienced Ruler" award was not granted;
*Instant Buy for demolition was disabled if you didn't meet the building requirements;
*The mermaid from the Valentine's Day was appearing randomly in the city overview when refreshing the page;
*Five digit text on unit icon was missing the shadow.
*Facebook Connect: It might happen that players who changed their email address, either of their Facebook or Grepolis account, won’t be able to log in anymore if they are now using different email addresses on both accounts! In order to assure Facebook Connect to work, the same email address has to be registered for the connected Facebook and Grepolis account. If you are experiencing this problem please use the “Password forgotten?” function on our start page if you don’t own any password yet. We recommend to change back your email address to be able to use Facebook Connect again, otherwise it won’t be possible anymore.
==Version 2.84==
On April 8th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.84.
*Added a confirmation prompt to prevent loss of resources when the warehouse is full;
*Improvements to the tutorial / quests handling:
**Added a new setting to disable quest arrows by default in the settings window;
**The state of quest arrows is now saved for each quest: if you disable them for one quest, they now stay disabled for that quest until completion or enabled again on purpose;
**Visual improvement to the quest highlight.
*Own offers in the market are now sorted by creation date.
*Special abilities of heroes were displayed incorrectly on the user's screen while the heroes are wounded. This did not affect the actual ability of the hero;
*With the tutorial, it could happen that arrows for two quests were shown simultaneously;
*Quest arrows were creating a scroll bar in some cases;
*Unit orders weren't always properly updated after canceling a recruitment order;
*Spells that destroy units displayed wrong unit amounts in the report;
*Some graphics were missing for mixed resources package;
*Units were buried by debris after player conquered a ghost town;
*Validating email address wasn't possible in some cases;
*Dropdown lists in the recruitment overview was opening behind the window;
*Favor package had wrong description;
*Players couldn't use premium window directly after validating the email address, it always needed to be reloaded;
*An error was showing up when update starts.
==Version 2.83==
On March 25th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.83.
*No/wrong tool-tips were shown when hovering over the demolish buttons in senate and building overview;
*Buttons in Internet Explorer 10 didn't show a pressed state;
*The troop overview didn't correspond when barracks were open;
*Fixed issue where failed Olympic games in all cities reduced the gold amount;
*Fixed wrong translation of "Rocks" which should be "stone";
*Changing the resources with two or more open trade windows didn't work properly;
*Alliance names with an apostrophe weren't clickable;
*City list dropdown was in front of confirmation windows;
*It's no longer possible to attack or support towns of island quests with catapults.
==Version 2.82==
On March 11th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.82.
*Implemented logout prevention and notification windows which will show up before and during updates;
*Improved some titles of tabs in the ranking for consistency and better understanding.
*Upgrade button of the temple was covered in the city overview when upgrading the silver mine;
*The alliance window didn't always have the proper size which led to layout issues;
*Islands which are located at the edge of the world map weren't displayed in the strategic map;
*Corrected wrong information text about interactions between people sharing an internet connection;
*Long explanation text for the conquest report broke the layout of the window;
*Recruitment overview marked all cities if an empty city group was selected;
*Advisor tooltips didn't disappear after clicking;
*Wrong background was shown when starting on a new world;
*Activating vacation mode gave full resources on second worlds of the same account;
*Text in email for master account deletion was not readable;
*Entering negative unit amounts into the simulator caused an internal error;
*Reward explanations in the Battle of Troy weren't displayed correctly when they need 2 lines;
*Added missing tooltips to tabs with cut-off tab titles;
*Unit generators no longer keep running when an effect was cancelled;
*An internal Error occured when using the Enter key in the Pacts tab of the alliance forum;
*An internal Error occured when casting "Helmet of Invisibility" on an attack on a ghost town;
*Wrong info after finishing 20 quest was displayed when Andromeda has been already received before.
==Version 2.81==
On February 25th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.81.
*Revamped the visual look of the advisors: advisors now have the same look than in the Grepolis App. They are more modern and more appealing. Their benefits remain unchanged.
*Adjusted the text showed in the interstitial and tooltip of the market on worlds where gold trading is enabled. The text now provides information about the embargo feature which prevents players from putting gold acquired via certain payment methods on the market for a certain period of time;
*Disabled the ability to login on both the Grepolis Toolbox and Grepolis App/Browser as it could generate issues on the user side.
*The warning message showed when the description of a new plan in the attack planner is too long was not displayed correctly;
*It was not possible to use the "Enter" key in the ranking in order to search;
*The apostrophe character was not allowed to be used in town names for some languages;
*Input fields were showed on the recruitment overview for towns where the recruitment queue is already full;
*In some cases, the circular menu was not closed when opening a new window;
*The attack indicator was sometimes misleading and showing more incoming attacks than there were;
*Some reward graphics were not aligned with their hover state, resulting in jumping graphics by a few pixels;
*Attack push-notifications were not delivered because they exceed the size limit on iOS;
*The daily collection of mercenaries bar in the Battle of Troy event was 1 pixel a bit too low;
*After renaming a command, the command overview was still displayed the old name;
*The description of the award "Looter of the day" was wrong;
*The renaming option was displayed in the command overview for colonization although it is isn't possible to rename those;
*Some attacks weren't displayed in the app if a city group was selected with the browser version;
*When renaming commands in the command overview, there was no default name;
*After deleting a report, the Inbox tab wasn't selected and the filters weren't displayed;
*The effect "Myrmidon Attack" was also affecting naval units.
*Removed the ability to publish awards on your Facebook Timeline for now due to new Facebook policies. This feature will be implemented back in the game later this year;
*Please also be aware we will be switching all our game services to SSL and that it will have an impact on existing user scripts supplied by the community. If Grepolis is running inside an SSL context (https) it will no longer be possible to load insecure content (http). Every script that loads external resources, images, scripts or iframes, will fail to do so. Script developers have to supply it as secure content. We will start with a grace period where Grepolis is available through SSL on demand. After some time we will switch to a forced SSL solution. The current schedule is to start with the SSL grace period end of March, which gives enough time to script developers to accommodate with the change.
==Version 2.80==
On February 11th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.80.
*Barracks/Harbor don't lose state anymore when reloaded (community suggestion).
*Created/updated/deleted reservations didn't display changes to all affected players;
*Fixed shadow of thermal bath overlapping the academy;
*The button to construct the cave with reduced resources was hidden in the city overview;
*Text formatting was broken in the forum settings window of alliance sharing;
*Deleting reservations wasn't possible after canceling the reservation once;
*Unit recruitment values could have become negative;
*Fixed issue with vacation days counter not showing premium vacation days bought two years ago;
*Searching spy commands reset their names;
*Canceled attacks with helmet of invisibility weren't visible in troop movements list;
*Changing town name didn't invalidate map data;
*Quests with wrong triggers got fixed;
*Buttons didn't stay greyed out until end of beginner protection;
*Beginner protection icon didn't vanish after it ended;
*Conquest BB-code was not displayed in mass mails.
==Version 2.79==
On January 28th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.79.
*Fixed resource values for first Island Quest "TheDestroyedShrine". The Island Quest is not speed dependent for the first time.
*Farm construction animation was hopping and has been corrected;
*In the recruiting overview recruitment orders were not removed when they were finished;
*The "Delete" button for the saved locations could be clicked multiple times;
*Special buildings were displayed too low in construction mode on IE;
*Only the creator of an attack plan could delete it;
*The image in the tutorial quest for trading with the phoenician merchant was wrong;
*Aura of Healing had a wrong description;
*Travel and arrival time didn't show up when selecting units manually to attack a farming village;
*The wrong ring menu showed up on current selected town;
*Wrong troops showed up in simulator for farm villages;
*Building time was not reduced in overview when halved in the construction queue;
*Center button didn't work in the city overview;
*Made buttons in notes window resizable;
*Notes aren't saved if inserted with right click and paste;
*Added the missing plural form for Heightened Senses, Myrmidon Attack and Trojan Defense;
*Spell icons were cut off at the bottom of the running spell overview;
*In event counters ":" format is now used instead of "h", "m" and "s";
*Fixed a visual layout issue of the alliance forum window;
*Tooltips are now delayed by 250ms when hovering over them.
==Version 2.78==
On January 14th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.78.
*The inventory has been extended with 5 more free slots and 5 more premium slots (suggested by the community);
*The item counter above the inventory icon shows now in red in case the inventory is full;
*After changing the account password, players are now logged out from all devices.
*The layout of the spell report "Wedding" was broken;
*When renaming a command in the command overview, the changes were reverted after using the search field;
*When publishing a report, the check box "all" was not responsive after altering publication options;
*The invitation button in the friend invite window was sometimes cut-off;
*In case the last units are killed by the spell chain lightning, the take over was not ending;
*It was possible to insert negative values for point limits of towns in the alliance finder;
*When cancelling the renaming of a spy command, the command was also cancelled;
*The tutorial arrow for the quest asking to level up a hero was misplaced;
*The graphic of Zeus' divine statue was missing on the town overview.
*Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Drop: while working on 2.78, we decided to drop compatibility for Internet Explorer 8. This change already went live with last update 2.77. This doesn't mean that Grepolis isn't running on this browser anymore but we can't guarantee that bugs won't show up and we won't deliver fixes for Internet Explorer 8 related bugs. It is recommended that you update your browser to a newer version for better performances and higher stability.
==Version 2.77==
On January 7th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.77.
*Added information about the wall level before "Earthquake" was used to reports;
*Extended the notepad - Now up to 5 tabs are possible;
*Changed trading with other islands from market level 10 to market level 5;
*Added tooltips to command overview filters.
*In the troop overview the detailed city info couldn't be collapsed;
*Warehouse didn't have a sound when opening the building window;
*After performing an action on a tab, the tab wasn't highlighted anymore;
*Heroes window jumped to the top after halving the resurrection time;
*Share Internet connection description was incomplete;
*Culture overview showed wrong information during happening;
*Construction tooltip in senate shows wrong level in comparison to city overview;
*Announcements showed blank lines among the table layout;
*Re-enabled administrator didn't restore town groups in city drop down;
*When casting "Illusion" the wrong target town name showed up in the notifications;
*"City name has been changed" confirmation showed up with no reason;
*It was possible to halve recruit time for units to 0;
*Fixed an issue with demolish button for a level 0 building in the building overview;
*Fixed a graphical issue with arrows indicating level increase/decrease repeating on y-axes;
*Tooltip on question mark icon was missing in published reports;
*It was impossible to invite players to nearby islands; The next free 21 positions are available;
*An Internal Error occurred when setting a high points limit for the alliance finder; The limit is now 500,000;
*The Hero was missing in the attack window when opening it from the attack planner;
*Javascript error occurred in a dialogue while not having enough gold;
*Population boost was shown in the wrong city;
*Already finished orders stayed in queue and building orders didn't update properly.

Revision as of 21:30, 27 August 2016

Version 2.90

On July 1st 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.90.


  • Made numbers on progress bars of island quests more readable by exchanging the colors; (community suggestion)
  • Implemented new non-cryptic city names for guest users;
  • Exchanged unit icons to match with unit tooltip graphics;
  • In the preparation phase of vacation mode players were not able to attack their own cities. (community suggestion)


- On the city effect bar arrows are showing up after 8 running effects which were disappearing after the first mouse click; - Colony ship attacks were shown as sea attacks in the conquest report which was published by the attacker; - Fixed an issue with mentoring relations which were made on already closed worlds; - Fixed an error which could occur while trying to demand or loot from farming villages.

Version 2.89

On June 17th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.89.


  • Improved the "Not enough gold" screen;
  • Changed rendering of farm villages on the map;
  • Refactored tooltips of farm villages on the map.


  • On lower levels (up to 13), the mill of the farm was displayed in the city overview while upgrading the farm;
  • Fixed wrong tooltip at reservation button in city info;
  • Barracks/Docks lost state when Population growth or Call of the ocean was cast;
  • Illusion attacks contained light ships that were displayed in the barracks and could be destroyed by sea storm;
  • Fixed a JavaScript error when opening the barracks/docks window as long as you haven't built them;
  • Grayed out "send resources" button and displayed red values if capacity would become negative in direct trade;
  • Processing of payment notifications takes too long;
  • Maximum resources inserted too high value after sending resources via direct trade;
  • City overview didn't fit anymore with high screen resolution;
  • Farming villages overview didn't consider diplomacy research of selected city but of active one.

Version 2.88

On June 3rd 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.88.



  • Names in the marketplace table weren't aligned on the left;
  • Mass recruit does not switch body if header changes.

Version 2.87

On May 20th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.87.


  • Launch of the reworked market place: Redesign of own offers and offers from other players. E.g. a lot more possibilities to filter resources, simplified way to partially accept offers, new slide bars, etc.


  • Mermaid appeared in the city overview when refreshing the page;
  • The subject of an in message wasn't always clickable;
  • The click event was unresponsive when a hero wasn't chosen in attack screen;
  • Troop changes weren't saved in attack planner;
  • Setting text for allowing alliances to suggest towns in the reservation tool was misleading and has been corrected;
  • City overview showed "build reduced" button, even if feature wasn't enabled;
  • Old advisor images were still used in the "activate advisor" dialog;
  • Defenders can get information about an attack whether a spell was casted or not.

Version 2.86

On May 6th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.86.


  • Not all incoming troop movements were displayed in the window "town is under conquest";
  • Some players got multiple payment notifications by buying gold once;
  • Commands overview wasn't sorted by time;
  • Attacker of the day award was showing the wrong date;
  • Inactivity reminder mails were sent for closed worlds;
  • Removed unnecessary symbol in attack info window;
  • Heroes didn't show the hero card when hovering over the hero icon in the attack info window.

Version 2.85

On April 22nd 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.85.


  • Added loading animation when opening a new window;
  • Added a confirmation prompt "not enough storage capacity" for farm town claims;
  • Added a confirmation prompt "not enough storage capacity" for tutorial quests;
  • Improved the visual design of unit tooltips in Barracks, Harbor, Agora & main UI;
  • Unified the way how trade ration is displayed in farm villages to be aligned with the rest of the game.


  • Completed building orders were not always removed from the building queue;
  • The sorting of market offers was different when gold is activated;
  • Old advisors images were still used in the simulator;
  • There was a graphical issue with the Administrator icon on the construction bar in the town overview;
  • In some cases, the "Experienced Ruler" award was not granted;
  • Instant Buy for demolition was disabled if you didn't meet the building requirements;
  • The mermaid from the Valentine's Day was appearing randomly in the city overview when refreshing the page;
  • Five digit text on unit icon was missing the shadow.


  • Facebook Connect: It might happen that players who changed their email address, either of their Facebook or Grepolis account, won’t be able to log in anymore if they are now using different email addresses on both accounts! In order to assure Facebook Connect to work, the same email address has to be registered for the connected Facebook and Grepolis account. If you are experiencing this problem please use the “Password forgotten?” function on our start page if you don’t own any password yet. We recommend to change back your email address to be able to use Facebook Connect again, otherwise it won’t be possible anymore.

Version 2.84

On April 8th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.84.


  • Added a confirmation prompt to prevent loss of resources when the warehouse is full;
  • Improvements to the tutorial / quests handling:
    • Added a new setting to disable quest arrows by default in the settings window;
    • The state of quest arrows is now saved for each quest: if you disable them for one quest, they now stay disabled for that quest until completion or enabled again on purpose;
    • Visual improvement to the quest highlight.
  • Own offers in the market are now sorted by creation date.


  • Special abilities of heroes were displayed incorrectly on the user's screen while the heroes are wounded. This did not affect the actual ability of the hero;
  • With the tutorial, it could happen that arrows for two quests were shown simultaneously;
  • Quest arrows were creating a scroll bar in some cases;
  • Unit orders weren't always properly updated after canceling a recruitment order;
  • Spells that destroy units displayed wrong unit amounts in the report;
  • Some graphics were missing for mixed resources package;
  • Units were buried by debris after player conquered a ghost town;
  • Validating email address wasn't possible in some cases;
  • Dropdown lists in the recruitment overview was opening behind the window;
  • Favor package had wrong description;
  • Players couldn't use premium window directly after validating the email address, it always needed to be reloaded;
  • An error was showing up when update starts.

Version 2.83

On March 25th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.83.


  • No/wrong tool-tips were shown when hovering over the demolish buttons in senate and building overview;
  • Buttons in Internet Explorer 10 didn't show a pressed state;
  • The troop overview didn't correspond when barracks were open;
  • Fixed issue where failed Olympic games in all cities reduced the gold amount;
  • Fixed wrong translation of "Rocks" which should be "stone";
  • Changing the resources with two or more open trade windows didn't work properly;
  • Alliance names with an apostrophe weren't clickable;
  • City list dropdown was in front of confirmation windows;
  • It's no longer possible to attack or support towns of island quests with catapults.

Version 2.82

On March 11th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.82.


  • Implemented logout prevention and notification windows which will show up before and during updates;
  • Improved some titles of tabs in the ranking for consistency and better understanding.


  • Upgrade button of the temple was covered in the city overview when upgrading the silver mine;
  • The alliance window didn't always have the proper size which led to layout issues;
  • Islands which are located at the edge of the world map weren't displayed in the strategic map;
  • Corrected wrong information text about interactions between people sharing an internet connection;
  • Long explanation text for the conquest report broke the layout of the window;
  • Recruitment overview marked all cities if an empty city group was selected;
  • Advisor tooltips didn't disappear after clicking;
  • Wrong background was shown when starting on a new world;
  • Activating vacation mode gave full resources on second worlds of the same account;
  • Text in email for master account deletion was not readable;
  • Entering negative unit amounts into the simulator caused an internal error;
  • Reward explanations in the Battle of Troy weren't displayed correctly when they need 2 lines;
  • Added missing tooltips to tabs with cut-off tab titles;
  • Unit generators no longer keep running when an effect was cancelled;
  • An internal Error occured when using the Enter key in the Pacts tab of the alliance forum;
  • An internal Error occured when casting "Helmet of Invisibility" on an attack on a ghost town;
  • Wrong info after finishing 20 quest was displayed when Andromeda has been already received before.

Version 2.81

On February 25th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.81.


  • Revamped the visual look of the advisors: advisors now have the same look than in the Grepolis App. They are more modern and more appealing. Their benefits remain unchanged.
  • Adjusted the text showed in the interstitial and tooltip of the market on worlds where gold trading is enabled. The text now provides information about the embargo feature which prevents players from putting gold acquired via certain payment methods on the market for a certain period of time;
  • Disabled the ability to login on both the Grepolis Toolbox and Grepolis App/Browser as it could generate issues on the user side.


  • The warning message showed when the description of a new plan in the attack planner is too long was not displayed correctly;
  • It was not possible to use the "Enter" key in the ranking in order to search;
  • The apostrophe character was not allowed to be used in town names for some languages;
  • Input fields were showed on the recruitment overview for towns where the recruitment queue is already full;
  • In some cases, the circular menu was not closed when opening a new window;
  • The attack indicator was sometimes misleading and showing more incoming attacks than there were;
  • Some reward graphics were not aligned with their hover state, resulting in jumping graphics by a few pixels;
  • Attack push-notifications were not delivered because they exceed the size limit on iOS;
  • The daily collection of mercenaries bar in the Battle of Troy event was 1 pixel a bit too low;
  • After renaming a command, the command overview was still displayed the old name;
  • The description of the award "Looter of the day" was wrong;
  • The renaming option was displayed in the command overview for colonization although it is isn't possible to rename those;
  • Some attacks weren't displayed in the app if a city group was selected with the browser version;
  • When renaming commands in the command overview, there was no default name;
  • After deleting a report, the Inbox tab wasn't selected and the filters weren't displayed;
  • The effect "Myrmidon Attack" was also affecting naval units.


  • Removed the ability to publish awards on your Facebook Timeline for now due to new Facebook policies. This feature will be implemented back in the game later this year;
  • Please also be aware we will be switching all our game services to SSL and that it will have an impact on existing user scripts supplied by the community. If Grepolis is running inside an SSL context (https) it will no longer be possible to load insecure content (http). Every script that loads external resources, images, scripts or iframes, will fail to do so. Script developers have to supply it as secure content. We will start with a grace period where Grepolis is available through SSL on demand. After some time we will switch to a forced SSL solution. The current schedule is to start with the SSL grace period end of March, which gives enough time to script developers to accommodate with the change.

Version 2.80

On February 11th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.80.


  • Barracks/Harbor don't lose state anymore when reloaded (community suggestion).


  • Created/updated/deleted reservations didn't display changes to all affected players;
  • Fixed shadow of thermal bath overlapping the academy;
  • The button to construct the cave with reduced resources was hidden in the city overview;
  • Text formatting was broken in the forum settings window of alliance sharing;
  • Deleting reservations wasn't possible after canceling the reservation once;
  • Unit recruitment values could have become negative;
  • Fixed issue with vacation days counter not showing premium vacation days bought two years ago;
  • Searching spy commands reset their names;
  • Canceled attacks with helmet of invisibility weren't visible in troop movements list;
  • Changing town name didn't invalidate map data;
  • Quests with wrong triggers got fixed;
  • Buttons didn't stay greyed out until end of beginner protection;
  • Beginner protection icon didn't vanish after it ended;
  • Conquest BB-code was not displayed in mass mails.

Version 2.79

On January 28th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.79.


  • Fixed resource values for first Island Quest "TheDestroyedShrine". The Island Quest is not speed dependent for the first time.


  • Farm construction animation was hopping and has been corrected;
  • In the recruiting overview recruitment orders were not removed when they were finished;
  • The "Delete" button for the saved locations could be clicked multiple times;
  • Special buildings were displayed too low in construction mode on IE;
  • Only the creator of an attack plan could delete it;
  • The image in the tutorial quest for trading with the phoenician merchant was wrong;
  • Aura of Healing had a wrong description;
  • Travel and arrival time didn't show up when selecting units manually to attack a farming village;
  • The wrong ring menu showed up on current selected town;
  • Wrong troops showed up in simulator for farm villages;
  • Building time was not reduced in overview when halved in the construction queue;
  • Center button didn't work in the city overview;
  • Made buttons in notes window resizable;
  • Notes aren't saved if inserted with right click and paste;
  • Added the missing plural form for Heightened Senses, Myrmidon Attack and Trojan Defense;
  • Spell icons were cut off at the bottom of the running spell overview;
  • In event counters ":" format is now used instead of "h", "m" and "s";
  • Fixed a visual layout issue of the alliance forum window;
  • Tooltips are now delayed by 250ms when hovering over them.

Version 2.78

On January 14th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.78.


  • The inventory has been extended with 5 more free slots and 5 more premium slots (suggested by the community);
  • The item counter above the inventory icon shows now in red in case the inventory is full;
  • After changing the account password, players are now logged out from all devices.


  • The layout of the spell report "Wedding" was broken;
  • When renaming a command in the command overview, the changes were reverted after using the search field;
  • When publishing a report, the check box "all" was not responsive after altering publication options;
  • The invitation button in the friend invite window was sometimes cut-off;
  • In case the last units are killed by the spell chain lightning, the take over was not ending;
  • It was possible to insert negative values for point limits of towns in the alliance finder;
  • When cancelling the renaming of a spy command, the command was also cancelled;
  • The tutorial arrow for the quest asking to level up a hero was misplaced;
  • The graphic of Zeus' divine statue was missing on the town overview.


  • Internet Explorer 8 Compatibility Drop: while working on 2.78, we decided to drop compatibility for Internet Explorer 8. This change already went live with last update 2.77. This doesn't mean that Grepolis isn't running on this browser anymore but we can't guarantee that bugs won't show up and we won't deliver fixes for Internet Explorer 8 related bugs. It is recommended that you update your browser to a newer version for better performances and higher stability.

Version 2.77

On January 7th 2015, Grepolis was updated to version 2.77.


  • Added information about the wall level before "Earthquake" was used to reports;
  • Extended the notepad - Now up to 5 tabs are possible;
  • Changed trading with other islands from market level 10 to market level 5;
  • Added tooltips to command overview filters.


  • In the troop overview the detailed city info couldn't be collapsed;
  • Warehouse didn't have a sound when opening the building window;
  • After performing an action on a tab, the tab wasn't highlighted anymore;
  • Heroes window jumped to the top after halving the resurrection time;
  • Share Internet connection description was incomplete;
  • Culture overview showed wrong information during happening;
  • Construction tooltip in senate shows wrong level in comparison to city overview;
  • Announcements showed blank lines among the table layout;
  • Re-enabled administrator didn't restore town groups in city drop down;
  • When casting "Illusion" the wrong target town name showed up in the notifications;
  • "City name has been changed" confirmation showed up with no reason;
  • It was possible to halve recruit time for units to 0;
  • Fixed an issue with demolish button for a level 0 building in the building overview;
  • Fixed a graphical issue with arrows indicating level increase/decrease repeating on y-axes;
  • Tooltip on question mark icon was missing in published reports;
  • It was impossible to invite players to nearby islands; The next free 21 positions are available;
  • An Internal Error occurred when setting a high points limit for the alliance finder; The limit is now 500,000;
  • The Hero was missing in the attack window when opening it from the attack planner;
  • Javascript error occurred in a dialogue while not having enough gold;
  • Population boost was shown in the wrong city;
  • Already finished orders stayed in queue and building orders didn't update properly.