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What was originally intended as just a hobby project grew much more quickly than expected. After the game was officially launched in June 2003, the number of players increased to several thousand by early 2004, so that a second game world had to be introduced. The game was improved continuously in the meantime and by fall 2005, the number of players had expanded to about 50,000.
What was originally intended as just a hobby project grew much more quickly than expected. After the game was officially launched in June 2003, the number of players increased to several thousand by early 2004, so that a second game world had to be introduced. The game was improved continuously in the meantime and by fall 2005, the number of players had expanded to about 50,000.

=='''Hobbiból hivatás'''==
=='''From hobby to profession'''==
[[file:innoteam.jpeg|350px|thumb|Az InnoGames csapata 2012-ben|left]]Because the growth continued at a fast pace, the three company founders decided to work full-time on the development and operation of browser games in 2005. By the end of that year, they published a new version that offered drastic visual improvements. InnoGames was founded in early 2007 to handle the operation and continued development of the game. Since then, the company's growth has continued to accelerate, and with over 100 million registered players, InnoGames is now one of the largest operators of Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) games in the world. Not only has the number of users grown, but so has the company: 250 employees from over 20 nations now work full-time in the Hamburg-headquarters. InnoGames also shows great growth potential internationally. On April 1 2010, InnoGames became the first German browser game provider to start a subsidiary in Korea. InnoGames Korea Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of InnoGames GmbH. Sang-Soo Lee directs the company together with Michael Zillmer. In May 2010, the investor group Fidelity Growth Partners Europe (FGPE) joined InnoGames with a minority share. In addition to the financial support, this makes an international partnership network available to InnoGames, which will continue to accelerate the worldwide expansion of the game development house. In February 2013, InnoGames opened a location in Sao Paulo, Brazil to expand its market share in the region that has become increasingly important to the online games industry. Marcus Imaizumi is tasked with leading InnoGames Brazil and significantly growing the brand in South America.
[[file:innoteam.jpeg|350px|thumb|The InnoGames team in 2012|left]]Because the growth continued at a fast pace, the three company founders decided to work full-time on the development and operation of browser games in 2005. By the end of that year, they published a new version that offered drastic visual improvements. InnoGames was founded in early 2007 to handle the operation and continued development of the game. Since then, the company's growth has continued to accelerate, and with over 100 million registered players, InnoGames is now one of the largest operators of Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) games in the world. Not only has the number of users grown, but so has the company: 250 employees from over 20 nations now work full-time in the Hamburg-headquarters. InnoGames also shows great growth potential internationally. On April 1 2010, InnoGames became the first German browser game provider to start a subsidiary in Korea. InnoGames Korea Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of InnoGames GmbH. Sang-Soo Lee directs the company together with Michael Zillmer. In May 2010, the investor group Fidelity Growth Partners Europe (FGPE) joined InnoGames with a minority share. In addition to the financial support, this makes an international partnership network available to InnoGames, which will continue to accelerate the worldwide expansion of the game development house. In February 2013, InnoGames opened a location in Sao Paulo, Brazil to expand its market share in the region that has become increasingly important to the online games industry. Marcus Imaizumi is tasked with leading InnoGames Brazil and significantly growing the brand in South America.

=='''Past, and Present'''==

In 2012, InnoGames had the most succesful start of a browser game world wide: Forge of Empires. The game reached more than five million users within the first six months and also turned out to be the best start of a game in the InnoGames' history.
In 2012, InnoGames had the most succesful start of a browser game world wide: Forge of Empires. The game reached more than five million users within the first six months and also turned out to be the best start of a game in the InnoGames' history.
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In 2013, InnoGames will put a lot of effort into the develoment of mobile apps. While Grepolis and Tribal Wars have already gotten first apps on Android and iOS, Forge of Empires will follow in 2013.
In 2013, InnoGames will put a lot of effort into the develoment of mobile apps. While Grepolis and Tribal Wars have already gotten first apps on Android and iOS, Forge of Empires will follow in 2013.

=='''Tribal wars'''==

A Klánháború egy online stratégiai játék, amely a középkor kezdetén zajlik. Minden játékos a játék kezdetén egy kicsinyke falu uralkodója, akinek feladata és célja, hogy falucskájából egy hatalmas, dicsőséges birodalmat építsen ki.
Rule your own medieval village in the classic free browser game Tribal Wars from InnoGames. Construct and expand more than 15 different kinds of buildings, such as an academy or a hiding place. You can also strengthen the ranks of your army with up to nine different defensive and offensive units, such as spear fighters and heavy cavalry. Team up with other players to form a tribe and declare war on other tribes!

A játék folyamán a kicsinyke falut vezetve, növelve a termelést, a kereskedelmet és a hadsereget, a birodalom kiterjed, egyre több és több falucskát, várost foglalva magába.
The first steps in playing the browser game Tribal Wars involve enlarging your small village and increasing your troops. You can do so using a variety of buildings, such as a clay pit and a timber camp. With the help of a barracks, you can ready troops for battle, whether it's for attacking or defending.

Csakhogy nem csak egy játékos szeretné ugyan azt elérni: A Világ Ura lenni. A környező falvak, városok urai is mind erre a címre pályáznak, sereget gyűjtenek, megerősítik a falvaikat, hogy talpon maradjanak a versenyben, és a dicsőséges jövő csak az övék legyen.
Playing Tribal Wars also involves taking on other players. Join with other players to create a tribe and provide your village with better protection as well as support your fellow tribe members. But sometimes attack is the best form of defense: Unite your troops, prove your combat strength in battle against enemy tribes, and expand the borders of your tribal area. Which tribe will triumph and conquer the world of Tribal Wars?


Lépj Jesse James és Billy, a Kölyök nyomdokaiba! Izgalmas kalandok sora és Klondike kincse vár rád a régi Vadnyugaton!
Play the free browser game The West and create your own avatar to follow in the footsteps of famous heroes of the West, like Billy the Kid and Buffalo Bill. Choose between the four character classes of dueller, worker, soldier, and adventurer, and complete exciting quests. Challenge other players to duels, build a town with them, and take part in strategic fort battles!
A The West egy online szerepjáték, amely a régi Vadnyugatra repít el téged. Karaktered bőrébe bújva izgalmas kalandok várnak rád. Fordulatos történetek során segítheted a telepeseket, akik értékes jutalmakkal honorálják fáradozásaidat. Kísérjen szerencse utadon, és kitartásod jutalma arany legyen!

Válasszad ki végzeted! Legyél bár hős katona, dolgos munkás, izgága kalandor vagy hencegő párbajhős, számos képesség fejlesztésének kombinálásával a neked megfelelő karaktert alkothatod meg. De jól vigyázz, mert rajtad múlik, hogy hősöd képes lesz-e megállni helyét a Vadnyugat kihívásai között!
InnoGames' online role-playing game The West sees you start as a greenhorn facing the dangers of the Wild West. Create your own avatar and collect experience by completing tasks and doing jobs. Become a gunslinger by challenging other players to duels. Prove your skills at the poker table or storm forts with other players.

Az játék állandó fejlesztése gondoskodik a fordulatokkal teli virtuális életről, amely egy izgalmakban dús, dinamikus élményt biztosít több mint két és fél millió játékosnak. Csatlakozz te is!
Band together with other players and work hand in hand to build your own town. Towns don't just let you work with other players, building them also earns you extra bonus points, which can be useful during the course of a game.

Készen állsz, hogy uralmad alá hajtsd az ókori Hellászt? Hogy Nagy Sándor, Perszeusz, Leonidász, Achilleusz és más görög hősök lába nyomába lépj? Ha igen, csatlakozz hozzánk egy különleges kalandban, amely az ókori görögök világába kalauzol téged!
The free browser game Grepolis lets you create ancient Greece just the way you want it. Forge powerful alliances with other players and draw on the powers of the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena, and Hades. Recruit armies on water and land and purchase mythical units, such as the Hydra, Pegasus, and Manticore. Build unique World Wonders to help you become ruler of the world of Grepolis!
Ebben a böngésző alapú on-line játékban a te feladatod, hogy kis poliszodat hatalmas metropolisszá fejleszd, erős sereget és ütőképes flottát toborozz, majd távoli szigetek hódításába kezdj. A dicsőséghez és hatalomhoz vezető utadat választásod szerint öt isten egyengetheti: Zeusz, Héra, Athéné, Poszeidón vagy Hádész. Isteneid irántad tanúsított kegye dönthet győzelem és vereség közt.
==Forge of Empires==
A Forge of Empiresben különböző történelmi korokban irányíthatod városod sorsát. Izgalmas feladatok és sokat követelő kihívások várnak rád.
Már a kőkorszaktól kezdve kutass fel építkezési típusokat és technológiákat azért, hogy településeddel a következő korszakba léphess.
[[file:foe.jpeg|link=|350px|left]] Teljes hadjárat esetén virágzó várost építhetsz, és te lehetsz egy egész kontinens ura.
Fedezd fel az emberiség legnagyobb vívmányait, és biztosítsd magadnak a hozzáférést speciálisabb egységekhez, ritka árukhoz és látványos épületekhez.
Vezesd át városod az emberiség történelmének különböző korszakain. Építs egyedi épületeket, amelyektől városod lenyűgöző lesz.

Vívj izgalmas csatákat, és légy te a nap hőse, csapataid különleges képességének és a terep természetének a segítségével.
The browser game Grepolis sees you start with a small polis, which you build into a metropolis over the course of time. You can choose between 13 different buildings and 8 monuments to shape your empire. These include silver mines, harbors, and timber camps. Plus, over 30 different technologies are available to research in the Academy of Grepolis. These include faster construction times as well as the ability to invade other cities.

Párbaj keretében mérd össze tudásodat barátaiddal és ellenfeleiddel a csatatéren, és taktikai ügyességed segítségével leckéztesd meg őket.
As well as being able to build up your polis the way you wish, there are several gods in Grepolis for you to choose as personal guardians. The goddess Hera, for example, can help you increase production in your polis and the sea god Poseidon can help you weaken enemy sea powers.

=='''Forge of Empires'''==

[[file:foe.jpeg|link=|350px|left]]In the browser game Forge of Empires you can build your own city and experience all of history from its perspective - from the stone age on through the centuries. Explore new technologies that ring in a new era. Leave a mark with unique, contemporary buildings and establish a gigantic metropolis that is unparalleled anywhere. Increase your empire with sophisticated strategic campaigns and skilled actions in Forge of Empires. Create your own world: Forge your Empire!
Üdvözlünk a déli tengereken!

A kristálytiszta víz hullámain, egy repülőgép parázsló roncsai lassan közelebb mosódnak a parthoz. Lezuhant! Most mi a tennivaló? Fedezd fel a trópusi sziget tájait, igyekezz más túlélőket megmenteni és építs egy virágzó szigeti társadalmat velük együtt. Kerülj kapcsolatba más víz-sodorta játékosokkal, köss barátságokat velük és segíts nekik saját szigetük megtervezésében.
The strategy game Forge of Empires takes you through the different eras - explore new building types and technologies to continue developing your settlement. Meet the challenges of the single-player campaigns until you rule an entire continent, or compete against other players in the multiplayer mode. In the browser game Forge of Empires, dedicate yourself to research and develop more advanced battle units, innovative products and spectacular buildings. Passionate builders will have many opportunities to develop and beautify their cities in this strategy game. Good economic skills are essential in Forge of Empires to finance the growth of your empire with your residents’ tax money.

Tennivalók: Tervezz és építs sokféle érdekes épületet, gyűjts össze több tucat építőanyagot, vezesd a szigetlakókat a barátság és szeretet felé, beszélj, flörtölj és vigasztalj, alapíts családot és vállalj gyermekeket, fedezz fel idegen szigeteket és köss barátságot játéktársaiddal. Játssz Lagooniát ingyenesen és letöltés nélkül!
But not everything is peaceful in Forge of Empires. Fight exciting battles, use a variety of units and incorporate the individual features of the terrain in order to win. On the battle field you can either take on the computer or give other players a lesson in battle strategy. Steer the fate of your empire: Forge of Empires!

Latest revision as of 07:55, 4 April 2014



Eike Klindworth's first drawing about the village of Tribal Wars

The software developer in Hamburg began back in 2003. At the beginning of that year, the brothers Eike and Hendrik Klindworth began creating the browser game Tribal Wars together with Michael Zillmer. They were motivated by the idea of making a game that they themselves would enjoy playing and that would offer a fun gaming experience for a long time. What was originally intended as just a hobby project grew much more quickly than expected. After the game was officially launched in June 2003, the number of players increased to several thousand by early 2004, so that a second game world had to be introduced. The game was improved continuously in the meantime and by fall 2005, the number of players had expanded to about 50,000.

From hobby to profession

The InnoGames team in 2012

Because the growth continued at a fast pace, the three company founders decided to work full-time on the development and operation of browser games in 2005. By the end of that year, they published a new version that offered drastic visual improvements. InnoGames was founded in early 2007 to handle the operation and continued development of the game. Since then, the company's growth has continued to accelerate, and with over 100 million registered players, InnoGames is now one of the largest operators of Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) games in the world. Not only has the number of users grown, but so has the company: 250 employees from over 20 nations now work full-time in the Hamburg-headquarters. InnoGames also shows great growth potential internationally. On April 1 2010, InnoGames became the first German browser game provider to start a subsidiary in Korea. InnoGames Korea Ltd. is a 100% subsidiary of InnoGames GmbH. Sang-Soo Lee directs the company together with Michael Zillmer. In May 2010, the investor group Fidelity Growth Partners Europe (FGPE) joined InnoGames with a minority share. In addition to the financial support, this makes an international partnership network available to InnoGames, which will continue to accelerate the worldwide expansion of the game development house. In February 2013, InnoGames opened a location in Sao Paulo, Brazil to expand its market share in the region that has become increasingly important to the online games industry. Marcus Imaizumi is tasked with leading InnoGames Brazil and significantly growing the brand in South America.

Past, and Present

In 2012, InnoGames had the most succesful start of a browser game world wide: Forge of Empires. The game reached more than five million users within the first six months and also turned out to be the best start of a game in the InnoGames' history.

In 2013, InnoGames will put a lot of effort into the develoment of mobile apps. While Grepolis and Tribal Wars have already gotten first apps on Android and iOS, Forge of Empires will follow in 2013.

Tribal wars


Rule your own medieval village in the classic free browser game Tribal Wars from InnoGames. Construct and expand more than 15 different kinds of buildings, such as an academy or a hiding place. You can also strengthen the ranks of your army with up to nine different defensive and offensive units, such as spear fighters and heavy cavalry. Team up with other players to form a tribe and declare war on other tribes!

The first steps in playing the browser game Tribal Wars involve enlarging your small village and increasing your troops. You can do so using a variety of buildings, such as a clay pit and a timber camp. With the help of a barracks, you can ready troops for battle, whether it's for attacking or defending.

Playing Tribal Wars also involves taking on other players. Join with other players to create a tribe and provide your village with better protection as well as support your fellow tribe members. But sometimes attack is the best form of defense: Unite your troops, prove your combat strength in battle against enemy tribes, and expand the borders of your tribal area. Which tribe will triumph and conquer the world of Tribal Wars?



Play the free browser game The West and create your own avatar to follow in the footsteps of famous heroes of the West, like Billy the Kid and Buffalo Bill. Choose between the four character classes of dueller, worker, soldier, and adventurer, and complete exciting quests. Challenge other players to duels, build a town with them, and take part in strategic fort battles!

InnoGames' online role-playing game The West sees you start as a greenhorn facing the dangers of the Wild West. Create your own avatar and collect experience by completing tasks and doing jobs. Become a gunslinger by challenging other players to duels. Prove your skills at the poker table or storm forts with other players.

Band together with other players and work hand in hand to build your own town. Towns don't just let you work with other players, building them also earns you extra bonus points, which can be useful during the course of a game.



The free browser game Grepolis lets you create ancient Greece just the way you want it. Forge powerful alliances with other players and draw on the powers of the Greek gods Zeus, Poseidon, Hera, Athena, and Hades. Recruit armies on water and land and purchase mythical units, such as the Hydra, Pegasus, and Manticore. Build unique World Wonders to help you become ruler of the world of Grepolis!

The browser game Grepolis sees you start with a small polis, which you build into a metropolis over the course of time. You can choose between 13 different buildings and 8 monuments to shape your empire. These include silver mines, harbors, and timber camps. Plus, over 30 different technologies are available to research in the Academy of Grepolis. These include faster construction times as well as the ability to invade other cities.

As well as being able to build up your polis the way you wish, there are several gods in Grepolis for you to choose as personal guardians. The goddess Hera, for example, can help you increase production in your polis and the sea god Poseidon can help you weaken enemy sea powers.

Forge of Empires


In the browser game Forge of Empires you can build your own city and experience all of history from its perspective - from the stone age on through the centuries. Explore new technologies that ring in a new era. Leave a mark with unique, contemporary buildings and establish a gigantic metropolis that is unparalleled anywhere. Increase your empire with sophisticated strategic campaigns and skilled actions in Forge of Empires. Create your own world: Forge your Empire!

The strategy game Forge of Empires takes you through the different eras - explore new building types and technologies to continue developing your settlement. Meet the challenges of the single-player campaigns until you rule an entire continent, or compete against other players in the multiplayer mode. In the browser game Forge of Empires, dedicate yourself to research and develop more advanced battle units, innovative products and spectacular buildings. Passionate builders will have many opportunities to develop and beautify their cities in this strategy game. Good economic skills are essential in Forge of Empires to finance the growth of your empire with your residents’ tax money.

But not everything is peaceful in Forge of Empires. Fight exciting battles, use a variety of units and incorporate the individual features of the terrain in order to win. On the battle field you can either take on the computer or give other players a lesson in battle strategy. Steer the fate of your empire: Forge of Empires!