2014 App Changelogs: Difference between revisions

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All 2014 app changelogs.
==Version 2.76==
During the week of December 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.76.
*Implemented settings for the island quest push notification.
*Added new forgot password screen.
*Added new market selection screen and button.
*Added new login screen.
*Loading animation is now displayed with a slight delay.
*Pressing the back button on Android devices no longer closes the app.
*Fixed the ornament of the forgot password screen being scaled wrong.
*Fixed background assets being displayed too dark.
*Fixed error occurring during town switch.
*Fixed activities not being displayed after login.
*Fixed incorrect zeus image positioning in the world selection screen.
*Fixed farm towns not being selectable on the map.
*RingMenu now no longer overlaps the map element information box.
*Additional research points are no longer incorrectly displayed in the academy.
*Siege reports now have proper texts for ghost towns.
*Attack activities now display the proper attacked town.
==Version 2.75==
During the week of December 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.76.
*New intro animation was implemented.
*Changed quest text of the tutorial quest to attack another player.
*Progress bars in the town overview are now instantly shown.
*New background for the town overview.
*Renamed "Skip tutorial" button.
*Added a check for intro animation: It doesn't show up for players with an account on another world or restarting players.
*Fixed issue with unit generator spells triggering push notifications.
==Version 2.74==
No changes posted
==Version 2.73==
During the week of Dec 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.73.
*Island quest detail screen is now accessible from quest list screen even if it is on a different island
*Buttons in the tutorial quests now have an highlight animation
*Adjust layout in the new queue screen for research orders
*The town overview now show progress bars for currently active building construction, recruitment and research
*The loading screen has been exchanged according to the new layout
*An highlight/animation was added to the activity bar when an upgrade is issued
*The building menu construction button now indicates if an upgrade is possible or not
*The tutorial flow was polished
*The tutorial now uses the new building menu to construct buildings
*Implemented two new tutorial quests that deal with island quests
*Wall completion no longer kicks player from the app
*Upgraded building now also updates the level at construction screen correctly
*Fixed unexpected error after login
*Fixed unexpected error after having the building menu open and switching towns
*Fixed unexpected error after clicking on enduring an effect
*Fixed issue that selecting first god for a town didi not update the header god display
*Endless loader no longer occurs in Premium&Advisor screen on iOS8
*Fixed unexpected error when a building order was finished without visiting the senate before
*Fixed a bug that halving the construction time was not working in some cases
*Fixed visual glitch before the loading screen is shown.
*Added missing translation for the "enter your name" quest
==Version 2.72==
During the week of October 24th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.72.
*The progress bars were improved to give a better overview
*Implemented a downloader for android devices in order to extend the app size
*Finishing quests now no longer closes the screen instantly but uses a delay
*Guided Tutorial now uses the new building workflow of the building menu and no longer the senate
*Finishing a building order now displays an animation in the town
*Quest screen design updated
*Quest list design updated
*Confirmation and search dialogs designs updated
*Building info screen design updated
*Construction screen design updated
*Box showing resource costs for the construction screen was updated
*Main Menu screen design updated
*Button design updated
*Building order lists of the senate was updated
*Unit recruitment order list of barracks and harbour were updated
*Research order list of the academy was updated
*Administrator promotion frame design updated
*Fix crash that freezes the app on quick tapping on quest and daily reward button
*Fixed unexpected error when requesting a new password
*Fixed crash when constructing special building via new building menu
*iOS apps no longer crash when accessing the spells screen
*Fixed incorrect strings in the dialog when the player has to confirm cancelling a building upgrade
==Version 2.71==
During the week of October 14th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.71.
*Improved visual effects when a building is being teared down;
*Improved optimization for iOS 8.
*Splash screen is hidden correctly during app start;
*Fixed a crash of map when using the hardware back button.
==Version 2.70==
During the week of September 30th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.70.
*Improved updating of Town Overview when switching towns;
*Small tweaks to Town Overview animations and highlights.
*Fixed touch behavior in the quest list.
*The app is now fully compatible with iOS 8.
==Version 2.69==
During the week of September 17th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.69.
*Fixed crashes on hero world town overviews;
*Fixed incorrect texts in the guided tutorial;
*Fixed translation error in buy gold screen;
*Fixed additional memory leaks;
*Register e-mail quest was not working properly;
*Fixed incorrect spelling in wedding spell;
*Failed support report now properly translated;
*Fixed buggy switching town behavior.
==Version 2.68==
During the week of September 3rd 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.68.
*Prepared the inventory feature in the app for upcoming events;
*It is now possible to double tap a building to directly enter it.
==Version 2.67==
During the week of August 21st 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.67.
*Added a new animation on the map for the selected own town;
*Added construction site spots on the town overview for buildings not built yet;
*Added menus to buildings to directly access the different related screens right from the town overview;
*Added new sidebar controls in map and town overview for showing activities and messages;
*Added info screens for the two groups of special buildings;
*Added a glowing effect when a building is selected in the town overview.
*Improved layout of the header with a new button showing the gold amount that links directly to the payment screen.
*The hint indicating when the vacation mode start was not correctly translated;
*Some arrows in the tutorial quests were not pointing to the correct position;
*iPad version was showing the wrong logo size during loading;
*Some images were missing for the tablet version;
*Fixed wrong positioning of the gold amount display after purchasing gold;
*Switching town via the header in attack or support screen wasn't changing the target town anymore;
*Fixed memory leaks and high memory consumption leading the app to crash;
*The daily reward was not shown after midnight without having to re-login;
*Fixed an error that could occur when switching the town;
*Fixed the bug where switching towns in some actions screens could lead to interact with the wrong target;
*Trading with a farm was leading to an error;
*Leveling up a farm town was leading to an error;
*Opening the farm villages from the island info screen was leading to an error;
*It was possible to see ground units in the harbor;
*Some quests had incorrect images;
*Fixed an issue with the quest "Village Management";
*Fixed a problem with returning troops in the movement screen that resulted in an endless loader;
*There was a message saying that the building queue was full when it was not;
*Cancelling a research no longer was leading to an error;
*The names of special buildings were not consistent in all the app;
*It was not possible to cast spells properly on revolt attacks;
*The farm town and island quest screen were not updated properly when switching towns;
*Solved the problem with demolishing buildings blocking the building order after the demolishment was *done;
*Switching towns in the found city screen was not updating the unit numbers properly;
*Fixed the bug where reopening the island info would end in an endless loader;
*Fixed the error when closing the inventory;
*Fixed the error when opening the cave with more stored silver than normally possible;
*Fixed a layout issue where screen content was overlapping with the new header;
*Fixed an issue that could occur when closing the trade screen.
==Version 2.66==
During the week of August 1st 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.66.
*The App now officially supports tablets;
*Exchanged the spy icon in the cave;
*Added a new push notification for informing when the building queue has been completed;
*Improved the layout of the confirmation and error pop-up messages.
*The trade button was not visible in the Phoenician trader screen;
*An unexpected error was occurring when summoning the Phoenician trader;
*The trade ratio in the Phoenician trader screen was not always up to date after a trade;
*The tutorial was stuck after opening the new circular menu;
*Some buttons were missing in Academy and Alliance screens;
*There was an error when opening an island quest from the quest list;
*There was an error that could occur while scrolling in the city list;
*Not all Hera related favor quest rewards had the additional info informing the players that the reward affects Hera;
*The rewards description of the quest "Building a military force" was incorrect;
*Fixed a bug where an endless loading could occur in the town overview;
*There was a confirmation box displayed when worshiping the first god in a city;
*World wonders were clickable although not built yet;
*Ghost towns were clickable in reports;
*There were some layout issues and incorrect text in spy reports;
*Reports about lost battles were displaying battle points;
*Fixed a possible error with town overview animations;
*There was an error when returning supporting troops via the agora;
*There was an error that could occur in the hero assembly screen;
*Farming villages level changes were not displayed in the ring menu detail box;
*Fixed incorrect texts in the new circular menu info box;
*The trade button was always enabled when 0 resources are selected in the Phoenician trader screen.
==Version 2.65==
During the week of July 21th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.65.
*Implemented a brand new design for the circular menu;
*Added an info box under the circular menu when selecting towns and farm villages;
*Added visual feedback when tapping elements on the map;
*Added the information that favor will be lost upon god change;
*Removed the countdown in the temple when the maximum favor has been reached and added this *information instead;
*Added guidance for the quest "Wood for upgrading the mines";
*Removed the empty space in the first tutorial popup;
*Buttons to cast spells were only shown on attacks;
*Island name in farm overview was not centered;
*Found a city tutorial screen was scrollable;
*Values in agora were not correctly rounded now;
*Translations were missing in the text screen;
*There was an unexpected error when switching to a town that had a building upgrade from level 0 to 1;
*There was an error on the login page after the app is brought back from background;
*There was an endless loading issue when trying to send 0 resources to an island quest;
*The failed support report due to wrong god was incorrect;
*Fixed misspelling in tutorial explanation text;
*"Build Faster" tutorial quest was not showing the correct target level for senate;*
*The wording in claim load quest explanation text was wrong.
==Version 2.64==
During the week of Dec 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.64.
*The list of Tutorial Quests and Island Quests have been merged into one list
*Trading does not offer the option to trade more than the player has anymore
*The game is now updated properly when brought to foreground
*Added a hint to the quest "Council of Heroes"
*Buildings built at the highest level are now greyed out in the senate
*Trade capacity bars have now a unified fill behavior like in the browser
*The quests rewarding favors now show that the favor is for Hera only
*Added a new quest that rewards the player for trying the browser version
*The town overview was not updated when changing town from the Island Quests screen
*In the senate, 20% instead of 25% was displayed as building cost reduction bonus
*Farming villages overview were not up to date when opened
*Text in the quest screen was not always shown in front of highlight glow
*In the daily login bonus, the favor was not greyed out when switching to a town where it was not possible to get favor
*Fixed a crash that could occur when restoring device context (screen rotation, background switching)
*Some strings were not localized in the premium screens
*The travel time was not adjusted properly when adding a hero to an attack
==Version 2.63==
During the week of June 12th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.63.
*Extend your Heroes collection with a new exclusive Hero: Jason! He will be one of the rewards of Hephaestus' Forge event on worlds with Heroes enabled and give up to 60% additional loot capacity to your attacking units when traveling with him
*Removed spell description text in active spell screen
*Added new icons for the "Enter city" button in the circular menu
*Added new icons for quests and daily bonus buttons
*Improved performance of the map
*Descriptions for negative powers was not showing the correct duration time
*Picture of a building under construction was not the proper one
*Fixed app crashes when interacting with farming villages on some Android devices
*City name in conquest screen was shown twice and not clickable
*Bunks research was not taken into account on the attack and support screens
*The welcome screen had empty space
*Fixed incorrect calculation of remaining time until max favor is reached in temple
*Changed header for wall screen to "losses"
*Fixed time display on some screens
*Fight report was showing two minus for a damaged wall
*Fixed UI disappearing when tabbing to fast on the heroes button
*The wall was not displayed properly in reports for the last farm town
*Town list didn't properly calculate resources of all towns when opened
*Incoming attacks was not always showing the correct source town
*Academy was not always displaying correct research costs
*Fixed incorrect layout of the line in command overview elements
*Trade ratio was not updated correctly after a farm town trade
*Loading screens didn't prevent from doing actions on screens under them
*The app was sometimes crashing on the temple screen
*Trade notifications were clickable
*An image for the celebrate party quest was missing
*A hint in the Recruit Godsent Quest that favor is only given to Hera was not shown
*Fixed incorrect colonization handling in the commands overview
*Fixed text in report for a failed colonization
*Icons were missing for Illusion reports
*Purification didn't properly removed spells on towns
*Fixed espionage and ongoing siege descriptions in command overview
==Version 2.62==
During the week of June 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.62.
*Added a new design for the main menu
*Implemented the last remaining quests into the app
*Adjusted the alliance finder to new functionalities
*Improved user experience when the active city has been conquered
*The alliance forum was sometimes freezing the app when leaving it
*The description of the quest Camp of the Desperate was not localized
*When opening the temple and selecting a god, the god selection was reset automatically after a few seconds
*Fixed a bug with the rights management of alliance members
*City wall kills and losses were not changing after switching towns
*Times and dates were not correctly displayed
*Culture level needed to unlock hero slots was not correctly displayed
*The red alarm was still shown after logging off and being under attack
*Offers created in the marketplace were not properly using the maximum travel times
*Advisor-enhanced city-list was not properly displaying outgoing attacks
*Found town quest was not showing correct duration in its description
*Attack farmtown screen was scrollable when guided tutorial is active
==Version 2.61==
During the week of Dec 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.61.
*Added the possibility to attack Island Quests with the Divine Envoy;
*Adjusted images for Odysseus;
*Shortened several quest texts;
*Improved the Alliance Finder:
**Players now have an option to display their alliance in the alliance finder or not;
**Alliance leadership can set a point threshold new players have to meet to apply for that alliance.
*The amount of coins players own as well as a button to access the coin exchange screen are now shown on all screens where coins can be spent;
*Unlocking a hero slot in the Hero Overview Screen now brings up a premium confirmation box;
*Unit counts in the barracks now show the current unit count instead of total.
*Fixed a bug where error popups would be incorrectly initialized;
*Icons for ongoing revolts were wrong in the command overview;
*Unit numbers were not correctly updated after attacking island quests;
*The footer of the attack screen had some inconsistencies when using the "Select all units" checkbox;
*Marketplace didn't update correctly after town-change in the create offer screen;
*The resource selection bar in the market was not updated correctly after switching towns.
==Version 2.60==
During the week of May 7th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.60.
*The god in the header and temple were not being updated properly after changing the god or when worshipping a god for the first time,
*"Alliance attacker" tab name was displaying context infos on French worlds,
*Resources were displayed incorrectly,
*Reducing construction times led to a wrong time displayed for following orders,
*When trying to buy Easter ingredients while having an insufficient amount of gold, an incorrect dialog window had been shown,
*Fixed a text not being translated in the farm town overview,
*Some building names in the senate were overlapping one another
*Farm town names were sometimes overlapping other elements,
*Alliance log entries had been cut off,
*The amount of resources for external offers in the market could not be partially selected,
*When the capacity of a cave had been reached corresponding input field and buttons were displaying "1" instead of "0",
*Spy reports had shown wrong amounts of stored silver,
*The report for conquered towns had shown wrong information about the owner of the town,
*Island Quest reports had the correct information shown for quest towns,
*The "Back" button for the senate screen did not open the previous screen on click, but closed the senate instead,
*When building a wonder, an incorrect time for favor acceleration had been displayed,
*The conquest icon was not always correctly displayed,
*Players not part of an alliance had been able to send alliance invitations,
*After deleting reports, edit mode was still active,
*The button to recruit heroes had been available even if a player did not have enough coins available,
*here was an empty space between player profile description and player rank in editing mode.
==Version 2.59==
During the week of April 22ns 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.59.
*Unknown heroes newly available on browser but not yet implemented in the app are now better handled;
*Heroes are now displayed in running attack window;
*The Hen and Recipes screens are now refreshed at midnight local time;
*Heroes are now shown in commands/activities;
*Adapted the app to better handle exclusive heroes as in the browser.
*The App was showing the alliance invitation tab to players who didn't have the authorization for it;
*When favor reaches the maximum, it was not red;
*When writing messages, there was an auto switch to uppercase for the first letter of a each word;
*The button for halving troops recruitment was visible on all worlds and not only on those where the feature is enabled;
*The recipient of a message was not inserted properly when replying to a message;
*Premium confirmation request was showing wrong prize for Easter chicken feeds;
*After feeding the hen the 20th and 40th times, the reward popup was not shown;
*There were some crashes and login loop on HD devices;
*The confirmation message for canceling a building order was not working as intended;
*Updating building were stuck in the construction queue at the last second;
*Construction queue was mixed up when playing on multiple worlds or changing the active town;
*Cancel units recruitment button was not working;
*The App was getting stuck after returning units from the Agora;
*Users with no alliance were able to invite other users.
==Version 2.58==
During the week of April 8th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.58.
*A few things have been polished in the tutorial.
*An error could occur when acquiring a new town;
*The app could crash when multiple dialogs are shown;
*The player search in the ranking was not working correctly;
*The building queue was not reset when switching accounts;
*The alliance invitation tab was displayed to all members;
*There were small issues with the text inputs for the alliance finder;
*Words were always capitalized in text fields;
*Some tutorial hints were covering some elements;
*The author of a message reply was not set correctly.
==Version 1.9.0==
During the week of MAy 28th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 1.9.0.
*Added the brand new Alliance Finder;
*Improved texts and layout of tutorial hints;
*Improved layout of dialog boxes.
*Screens showing a player/alliance profile text were sometimes crashing;
*Fixed wrong text color for resources in the activities screens;
*Fixed a bug in the Farmtown screens that could crash the App.
==Version 1.8.0==
During the week of Jan 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 1.8.0.
*Implemented the merged support reports.
*Alliance screens were not considering players' rights correctly when displaying elements;
*The world wonders tab was not correctly show in alliance screen;
*Alliance properties were not shown properly when the alliance had uploaded a custom picture;
*Fixed incorrect unit amount update in collect/send units island quests;
*Fixed incorrect button behavior in Spy Screen;
*Change email address screen was not translated.

Latest revision as of 15:05, 14 October 2016

Version 2.76

During the week of December 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.76.


  • Implemented settings for the island quest push notification.
  • Added new forgot password screen.
  • Added new market selection screen and button.
  • Added new login screen.
  • Loading animation is now displayed with a slight delay.


  • Pressing the back button on Android devices no longer closes the app.
  • Fixed the ornament of the forgot password screen being scaled wrong.
  • Fixed background assets being displayed too dark.
  • Fixed error occurring during town switch.
  • Fixed activities not being displayed after login.
  • Fixed incorrect zeus image positioning in the world selection screen.
  • Fixed farm towns not being selectable on the map.
  • RingMenu now no longer overlaps the map element information box.
  • Additional research points are no longer incorrectly displayed in the academy.
  • Siege reports now have proper texts for ghost towns.
  • Attack activities now display the proper attacked town.

Version 2.75

During the week of December 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.76.


  • New intro animation was implemented.


  • Changed quest text of the tutorial quest to attack another player.
  • Progress bars in the town overview are now instantly shown.
  • New background for the town overview.
  • Renamed "Skip tutorial" button.
  • Added a check for intro animation: It doesn't show up for players with an account on another world or restarting players.
  • Fixed issue with unit generator spells triggering push notifications.

Version 2.74

No changes posted

Version 2.73

During the week of Dec 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.73.


  • Island quest detail screen is now accessible from quest list screen even if it is on a different island
  • Buttons in the tutorial quests now have an highlight animation
  • Adjust layout in the new queue screen for research orders
  • The town overview now show progress bars for currently active building construction, recruitment and research
  • The loading screen has been exchanged according to the new layout
  • An highlight/animation was added to the activity bar when an upgrade is issued
  • The building menu construction button now indicates if an upgrade is possible or not
  • The tutorial flow was polished
  • The tutorial now uses the new building menu to construct buildings
  • Implemented two new tutorial quests that deal with island quests


  • Wall completion no longer kicks player from the app
  • Upgraded building now also updates the level at construction screen correctly
  • Fixed unexpected error after login
  • Fixed unexpected error after having the building menu open and switching towns
  • Fixed unexpected error after clicking on enduring an effect
  • Fixed issue that selecting first god for a town didi not update the header god display
  • Endless loader no longer occurs in Premium&Advisor screen on iOS8
  • Fixed unexpected error when a building order was finished without visiting the senate before
  • Fixed a bug that halving the construction time was not working in some cases
  • Fixed visual glitch before the loading screen is shown.
  • Added missing translation for the "enter your name" quest

Version 2.72

During the week of October 24th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.72.


  • The progress bars were improved to give a better overview
  • Implemented a downloader for android devices in order to extend the app size
  • Finishing quests now no longer closes the screen instantly but uses a delay
  • Guided Tutorial now uses the new building workflow of the building menu and no longer the senate
  • Finishing a building order now displays an animation in the town
  • Quest screen design updated
  • Quest list design updated
  • Confirmation and search dialogs designs updated
  • Building info screen design updated
  • Construction screen design updated
  • Box showing resource costs for the construction screen was updated
  • Main Menu screen design updated
  • Button design updated
  • Building order lists of the senate was updated
  • Unit recruitment order list of barracks and harbour were updated
  • Research order list of the academy was updated
  • Administrator promotion frame design updated


  • Fix crash that freezes the app on quick tapping on quest and daily reward button
  • Fixed unexpected error when requesting a new password
  • Fixed crash when constructing special building via new building menu
  • iOS apps no longer crash when accessing the spells screen
  • Fixed incorrect strings in the dialog when the player has to confirm cancelling a building upgrade

Version 2.71

During the week of October 14th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.71.


  • Improved visual effects when a building is being teared down;
  • Improved optimization for iOS 8.


  • Splash screen is hidden correctly during app start;
  • Fixed a crash of map when using the hardware back button.

Version 2.70

During the week of September 30th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.70.


  • Improved updating of Town Overview when switching towns;
  • Small tweaks to Town Overview animations and highlights.


  • Fixed touch behavior in the quest list.


  • The app is now fully compatible with iOS 8.

Version 2.69

During the week of September 17th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.69.


  • Fixed crashes on hero world town overviews;
  • Fixed incorrect texts in the guided tutorial;
  • Fixed translation error in buy gold screen;
  • Fixed additional memory leaks;
  • Register e-mail quest was not working properly;
  • Fixed incorrect spelling in wedding spell;
  • Failed support report now properly translated;
  • Fixed buggy switching town behavior.

Version 2.68

During the week of September 3rd 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.68.


  • Prepared the inventory feature in the app for upcoming events;
  • It is now possible to double tap a building to directly enter it.

Version 2.67

During the week of August 21st 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.67.


  • Added a new animation on the map for the selected own town;
  • Added construction site spots on the town overview for buildings not built yet;
  • Added menus to buildings to directly access the different related screens right from the town overview;
  • Added new sidebar controls in map and town overview for showing activities and messages;
  • Added info screens for the two groups of special buildings;
  • Added a glowing effect when a building is selected in the town overview.


  • Improved layout of the header with a new button showing the gold amount that links directly to the payment screen.


  • The hint indicating when the vacation mode start was not correctly translated;
  • Some arrows in the tutorial quests were not pointing to the correct position;
  • iPad version was showing the wrong logo size during loading;
  • Some images were missing for the tablet version;
  • Fixed wrong positioning of the gold amount display after purchasing gold;
  • Switching town via the header in attack or support screen wasn't changing the target town anymore;
  • Fixed memory leaks and high memory consumption leading the app to crash;
  • The daily reward was not shown after midnight without having to re-login;
  • Fixed an error that could occur when switching the town;
  • Fixed the bug where switching towns in some actions screens could lead to interact with the wrong target;
  • Trading with a farm was leading to an error;
  • Leveling up a farm town was leading to an error;
  • Opening the farm villages from the island info screen was leading to an error;
  • It was possible to see ground units in the harbor;
  • Some quests had incorrect images;
  • Fixed an issue with the quest "Village Management";
  • Fixed a problem with returning troops in the movement screen that resulted in an endless loader;
  • There was a message saying that the building queue was full when it was not;
  • Cancelling a research no longer was leading to an error;
  • The names of special buildings were not consistent in all the app;
  • It was not possible to cast spells properly on revolt attacks;
  • The farm town and island quest screen were not updated properly when switching towns;
  • Solved the problem with demolishing buildings blocking the building order after the demolishment was *done;
  • Switching towns in the found city screen was not updating the unit numbers properly;
  • Fixed the bug where reopening the island info would end in an endless loader;
  • Fixed the error when closing the inventory;
  • Fixed the error when opening the cave with more stored silver than normally possible;
  • Fixed a layout issue where screen content was overlapping with the new header;
  • Fixed an issue that could occur when closing the trade screen.

Version 2.66

During the week of August 1st 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.66.


  • The App now officially supports tablets;
  • Exchanged the spy icon in the cave;
  • Added a new push notification for informing when the building queue has been completed;
  • Improved the layout of the confirmation and error pop-up messages.


  • The trade button was not visible in the Phoenician trader screen;
  • An unexpected error was occurring when summoning the Phoenician trader;
  • The trade ratio in the Phoenician trader screen was not always up to date after a trade;
  • The tutorial was stuck after opening the new circular menu;
  • Some buttons were missing in Academy and Alliance screens;
  • There was an error when opening an island quest from the quest list;
  • There was an error that could occur while scrolling in the city list;
  • Not all Hera related favor quest rewards had the additional info informing the players that the reward affects Hera;
  • The rewards description of the quest "Building a military force" was incorrect;
  • Fixed a bug where an endless loading could occur in the town overview;
  • There was a confirmation box displayed when worshiping the first god in a city;
  • World wonders were clickable although not built yet;
  • Ghost towns were clickable in reports;
  • There were some layout issues and incorrect text in spy reports;
  • Reports about lost battles were displaying battle points;
  • Fixed a possible error with town overview animations;
  • There was an error when returning supporting troops via the agora;
  • There was an error that could occur in the hero assembly screen;
  • Farming villages level changes were not displayed in the ring menu detail box;
  • Fixed incorrect texts in the new circular menu info box;
  • The trade button was always enabled when 0 resources are selected in the Phoenician trader screen.

Version 2.65

During the week of July 21th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.65.


  • Implemented a brand new design for the circular menu;
  • Added an info box under the circular menu when selecting towns and farm villages;
  • Added visual feedback when tapping elements on the map;
  • Added the information that favor will be lost upon god change;
  • Removed the countdown in the temple when the maximum favor has been reached and added this *information instead;
  • Added guidance for the quest "Wood for upgrading the mines";
  • Removed the empty space in the first tutorial popup;


  • Buttons to cast spells were only shown on attacks;
  • Island name in farm overview was not centered;
  • Found a city tutorial screen was scrollable;
  • Values in agora were not correctly rounded now;
  • Translations were missing in the text screen;
  • There was an unexpected error when switching to a town that had a building upgrade from level 0 to 1;
  • There was an error on the login page after the app is brought back from background;
  • There was an endless loading issue when trying to send 0 resources to an island quest;
  • The failed support report due to wrong god was incorrect;
  • Fixed misspelling in tutorial explanation text;
  • "Build Faster" tutorial quest was not showing the correct target level for senate;*
  • The wording in claim load quest explanation text was wrong.

Version 2.64

During the week of Dec 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.64.


  • The list of Tutorial Quests and Island Quests have been merged into one list
  • Trading does not offer the option to trade more than the player has anymore
  • The game is now updated properly when brought to foreground
  • Added a hint to the quest "Council of Heroes"
  • Buildings built at the highest level are now greyed out in the senate
  • Trade capacity bars have now a unified fill behavior like in the browser
  • The quests rewarding favors now show that the favor is for Hera only
  • Added a new quest that rewards the player for trying the browser version


  • The town overview was not updated when changing town from the Island Quests screen
  • In the senate, 20% instead of 25% was displayed as building cost reduction bonus
  • Farming villages overview were not up to date when opened
  • Text in the quest screen was not always shown in front of highlight glow
  • In the daily login bonus, the favor was not greyed out when switching to a town where it was not possible to get favor
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when restoring device context (screen rotation, background switching)
  • Some strings were not localized in the premium screens
  • The travel time was not adjusted properly when adding a hero to an attack

Version 2.63

During the week of June 12th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.63.


  • Extend your Heroes collection with a new exclusive Hero: Jason! He will be one of the rewards of Hephaestus' Forge event on worlds with Heroes enabled and give up to 60% additional loot capacity to your attacking units when traveling with him
  • Removed spell description text in active spell screen
  • Added new icons for the "Enter city" button in the circular menu
  • Added new icons for quests and daily bonus buttons
  • Improved performance of the map


  • Descriptions for negative powers was not showing the correct duration time
  • Picture of a building under construction was not the proper one
  • Fixed app crashes when interacting with farming villages on some Android devices
  • City name in conquest screen was shown twice and not clickable
  • Bunks research was not taken into account on the attack and support screens
  • The welcome screen had empty space
  • Fixed incorrect calculation of remaining time until max favor is reached in temple
  • Changed header for wall screen to "losses"
  • Fixed time display on some screens
  • Fight report was showing two minus for a damaged wall
  • Fixed UI disappearing when tabbing to fast on the heroes button
  • The wall was not displayed properly in reports for the last farm town
  • Town list didn't properly calculate resources of all towns when opened
  • Incoming attacks was not always showing the correct source town
  • Academy was not always displaying correct research costs
  • Fixed incorrect layout of the line in command overview elements
  • Trade ratio was not updated correctly after a farm town trade
  • Loading screens didn't prevent from doing actions on screens under them
  • The app was sometimes crashing on the temple screen
  • Trade notifications were clickable
  • An image for the celebrate party quest was missing
  • A hint in the Recruit Godsent Quest that favor is only given to Hera was not shown
  • Fixed incorrect colonization handling in the commands overview
  • Fixed text in report for a failed colonization
  • Icons were missing for Illusion reports
  • Purification didn't properly removed spells on towns
  • Fixed espionage and ongoing siege descriptions in command overview

Version 2.62

During the week of June 5th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.62.


  • Added a new design for the main menu
  • Implemented the last remaining quests into the app
  • Adjusted the alliance finder to new functionalities
  • Improved user experience when the active city has been conquered


  • The alliance forum was sometimes freezing the app when leaving it
  • The description of the quest Camp of the Desperate was not localized
  • When opening the temple and selecting a god, the god selection was reset automatically after a few seconds
  • Fixed a bug with the rights management of alliance members
  • City wall kills and losses were not changing after switching towns
  • Times and dates were not correctly displayed
  • Culture level needed to unlock hero slots was not correctly displayed
  • The red alarm was still shown after logging off and being under attack
  • Offers created in the marketplace were not properly using the maximum travel times
  • Advisor-enhanced city-list was not properly displaying outgoing attacks
  • Found town quest was not showing correct duration in its description
  • Attack farmtown screen was scrollable when guided tutorial is active

Version 2.61

During the week of Dec 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.61.


  • Added the possibility to attack Island Quests with the Divine Envoy;
  • Adjusted images for Odysseus;
  • Shortened several quest texts;
  • Improved the Alliance Finder:
    • Players now have an option to display their alliance in the alliance finder or not;
    • Alliance leadership can set a point threshold new players have to meet to apply for that alliance.
  • The amount of coins players own as well as a button to access the coin exchange screen are now shown on all screens where coins can be spent;
  • Unlocking a hero slot in the Hero Overview Screen now brings up a premium confirmation box;
  • Unit counts in the barracks now show the current unit count instead of total.


  • Fixed a bug where error popups would be incorrectly initialized;
  • Icons for ongoing revolts were wrong in the command overview;
  • Unit numbers were not correctly updated after attacking island quests;
  • The footer of the attack screen had some inconsistencies when using the "Select all units" checkbox;
  • Marketplace didn't update correctly after town-change in the create offer screen;
  • The resource selection bar in the market was not updated correctly after switching towns.

Version 2.60

During the week of May 7th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.60.


  • The god in the header and temple were not being updated properly after changing the god or when worshipping a god for the first time,
  • "Alliance attacker" tab name was displaying context infos on French worlds,
  • Resources were displayed incorrectly,
  • Reducing construction times led to a wrong time displayed for following orders,
  • When trying to buy Easter ingredients while having an insufficient amount of gold, an incorrect dialog window had been shown,
  • Fixed a text not being translated in the farm town overview,
  • Some building names in the senate were overlapping one another
  • Farm town names were sometimes overlapping other elements,
  • Alliance log entries had been cut off,
  • The amount of resources for external offers in the market could not be partially selected,
  • When the capacity of a cave had been reached corresponding input field and buttons were displaying "1" instead of "0",
  • Spy reports had shown wrong amounts of stored silver,
  • The report for conquered towns had shown wrong information about the owner of the town,
  • Island Quest reports had the correct information shown for quest towns,
  • The "Back" button for the senate screen did not open the previous screen on click, but closed the senate instead,
  • When building a wonder, an incorrect time for favor acceleration had been displayed,
  • The conquest icon was not always correctly displayed,
  • Players not part of an alliance had been able to send alliance invitations,
  • After deleting reports, edit mode was still active,
  • The button to recruit heroes had been available even if a player did not have enough coins available,
  • here was an empty space between player profile description and player rank in editing mode.

Version 2.59

During the week of April 22ns 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.59.


  • Unknown heroes newly available on browser but not yet implemented in the app are now better handled;
  • Heroes are now displayed in running attack window;
  • The Hen and Recipes screens are now refreshed at midnight local time;
  • Heroes are now shown in commands/activities;
  • Adapted the app to better handle exclusive heroes as in the browser.


  • The App was showing the alliance invitation tab to players who didn't have the authorization for it;
  • When favor reaches the maximum, it was not red;
  • When writing messages, there was an auto switch to uppercase for the first letter of a each word;
  • The button for halving troops recruitment was visible on all worlds and not only on those where the feature is enabled;
  • The recipient of a message was not inserted properly when replying to a message;
  • Premium confirmation request was showing wrong prize for Easter chicken feeds;
  • After feeding the hen the 20th and 40th times, the reward popup was not shown;
  • There were some crashes and login loop on HD devices;
  • The confirmation message for canceling a building order was not working as intended;
  • Updating building were stuck in the construction queue at the last second;
  • Construction queue was mixed up when playing on multiple worlds or changing the active town;
  • Cancel units recruitment button was not working;
  • The App was getting stuck after returning units from the Agora;
  • Users with no alliance were able to invite other users.

Version 2.58

During the week of April 8th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.58.


  • A few things have been polished in the tutorial.


  • An error could occur when acquiring a new town;
  • The app could crash when multiple dialogs are shown;
  • The player search in the ranking was not working correctly;
  • The building queue was not reset when switching accounts;
  • The alliance invitation tab was displayed to all members;
  • There were small issues with the text inputs for the alliance finder;
  • Words were always capitalized in text fields;
  • Some tutorial hints were covering some elements;
  • The author of a message reply was not set correctly.

Version 1.9.0

During the week of MAy 28th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 1.9.0.


  • Added the brand new Alliance Finder;
  • Improved texts and layout of tutorial hints;
  • Improved layout of dialog boxes.


  • Screens showing a player/alliance profile text were sometimes crashing;
  • Fixed wrong text color for resources in the activities screens;
  • Fixed a bug in the Farmtown screens that could crash the App.

Version 1.8.0

During the week of Jan 20th 2014, the Grepolis app was updated to version 1.8.0.


  • Implemented the merged support reports.


  • Alliance screens were not considering players' rights correctly when displaying elements;
  • The world wonders tab was not correctly show in alliance screen;
  • Alliance properties were not shown properly when the alliance had uploaded a custom picture;
  • Fixed incorrect unit amount update in collect/send units island quests;
  • Fixed incorrect button behavior in Spy Screen;
  • Change email address screen was not translated.