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==Version 2.128==
==Version 2.128==
On December 28 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.128.
===Changes & Improvements===
*Players with cities on world wonder islands going on vacation generate an automated report to inform alliance leaders about their absence:
**If a player in possession of one or more cities on islands with world wonders owned by their alliance activates vacation mode, alliance leaders automatically receive a report about their action.
**The report contains a list of all cities that may require special attention while this specific alliance member is on vacation.
**Cities are grouped by island and their names are clickable for further action, e.g. going directly to the respective city.
**'''NOTE: This automatic report is only generated if the previously announced vacation mode changes [Info here] are already active on the respective world. It is bound to this functionality.'''
*Further improvements have been made to the world wonder donation overview:
**The donation overview can now also be opened from the world wonder tab within the rankings.
**When opening the overview via the ring menu of a specific world wonder, the overview now automatically shows the statistics for this wonder instead of opening the overall overview.
*Players who founded an alliance are now able to make donations to world wonders right after their new alliance was set up.
**The recently implemented 72 hour cooldown for world wonder donations made it impossible for founders of new alliances to start the construction of a world wonder.
**In order to allow for the start of a world wonder construction, the founder of the alliance may now issue donations immediately.
**This change only applies to the actual founder of an alliance, it has no impact on alliance members with the founder role assigned to them.
*Once the era of world wonder is started on new game worlds, the construction of a world wonder will now always unlock all 20 town spots on the island.
**The construction of a world wonder causes all remaining town spots on the respective island to become available in case the construction was started with less than 20 open spots on the island.
**Players restarting can no longer spawn on these islands. Spots are solely available for colonization.
*We updated our captcha system to reCAPTCHA v2. It is now a lot more convenient to prove that you are not a robot.
*Login - If a banned player was allowed the option to restart, Yes/No buttons were displayed but had no functionality as there was already a *"Restart" button in place. These extra buttons were now removed.
*Reports - Conquest information - Troop information was not loading properly under certain circumstances.
==Version 2.127==
==Version 2.127==
On December 14 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.127.
===Changes & Improvements===
*Earned battle points are now consistently displayed for all report types.
**Previously, battle points were not shown in some reports as they could allow for conclusions about the amount of defeated units.
**Since this data about defeated units could be compiled from the city wall's overviews anyway, it made no sense to stick to this inconsistent rule.
**Battle points are also included in shared reports. They're bound to the booty option for shared content.
*Several new heroes are introduced to ancient Greece.
**All new heroes are available in the regular recruitment cycle.
**These new heroes come with dedicated awards for reaching certain levels with your own hero levels or having wounded enemy heroes a set amount of times.
**Meet the 6 new heroes in question:
****As long as Pariphaistes is assigned to a town, all naval units in that town will be constructed 11-30% faster.
****Cost for recruitment: 70 Coins of Wisdom
****When Rekonos is assigned to a town, the production of stone in that town is increased by 44-120%.
****Cost for recruitment: 65 Coins of Wisdom
****When Ylestres is assigned to a town, the production of wood in that town is increased by 44-120%.
****Cost for recruitment: 65 Coins of Wisdom
****Divine Envoys and horsemen have 11-30% increased offensive and defensive values while fighting at Themistokles side.
****Cost for recruitment: 60 Coins of War
****All units will have 5.5%-15% increased offensive values while attacking with Deimos.
****Cost for recruitment: 120 Coins of War
****Hoplites and chariots will have 11-30% increased offensive and defensive values while fighting with Pelops.
****Cost for recruitment: 60 Coins of War
*Reports - Instead of displaying empty profiles of players who since had their accounts deleted when accessing their profiles from battle reports, a new message is shown, indicating that the player in question no longer exists.
*Bandits Camps - When accepting victory rewards from Bandit Camps while having reached full capacity for at least one resource, the warning popup about losing resources is now displayed properly.
*Map - After a player town was conquered by another player, functions exclusive to owned towns are no longer shown in the ring menu. It is now updated properly to reflect the new owner.
*Alliance - Some alliances were left without a founder or leader and could not be disbanded after their last member was deleted. It is now no longer possible that alliances end up without leader or founder.
*Performance - Some edge cases could cause the game performance to drop on single worlds. These cases are now handled properly.
==Version 2.126==
==Version 2.126==
On November 30 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.126.
===Changes & Improvements===
*Islands with world wonders will now always have 20 town spots.
**If the construction of a world wonder is started on an island with less than 20 available towns or founding spots, all remaining spots automatically appear for potential colonization.
**Players restarting can no longer spawn on world wonder islands.
**This change should allow for a fair competition and less irritation with players from other alliances randomly appearing on islands where a world wonder construction is already in progress.
*Since we have our mobile app in place, the dedicated mobile website will be switched off on December 31st. A banner informs everyone visiting the page about the shutdown.
*General - Scaffolding of thermal baths no longer overlaps academy level 30.
*General - Winners of a world again receive +10% extra favor automatically, no matter when they achieved this goal.
*Alliance rights management - Cyrillic game version - Last column name caused scroll bars and overflows due to overlapping.
*Reports - Island Quests - When supporting or attacking quest objectives, report titles now correctly reflect that the action was part of the quest, instead of stating "(none)".
*Reports - Ghost towns mentioned in battle reports are now always clickable to allow for additional actions with these towns.
*User Interface - When interacting with heroes before the respective tutorial step was reached, a JavaScript error was thrown. This is no longer the case.
*Map - We separated some conjoined twin farming villages.
*Map - A Bandit's camp was overlapping one of the farming village on one very special island. Balance has since been restored in this chaotic place.
*Grepolisscore - Grepolympia - The correct Grepolympia icon is now displayed for the event category.
*Grepolympia - Skill icons for chariot race were displayed in the wrong order.
*Grepolympia - The ranking now correctly keeps the page your alliance is ranked on, even when switching between player and alliance ranking.
==Version 2.125==
==Version 2.125==
On November 16 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.125.
===Changes & Improvements===
*It is now easier to track newly gained awards!
**A new exclamation mark indicator on the Grepolisscore button informs you about recently achieved awards.
**This exclamation mark indicator remains in place until you reviewed all new entries in the Grepolisscore menu.
*Map - When hovering the mouse over any opened windows while moving the map around and subsequently releasing the mouse, the map no longer gets stuck to the mouse pointer.
*Marketplace - When reviewing trade details, previously disabled input boxes now show values and can be used for adjustments. For gold trades, the review function and connected arrow button are disabled as no adjustments can be made.
*World Wonder donation overview - The button for resetting the player search field was fixed after it had previously joined the dark, left aligned side.
*World Wonder donation overview - Auto-completion within the search field did not display upper and lower cases in accordance to original player names.
*Attack simulator - A JavaScript error that appeared when inserting units and hero from espionage reports was fixed.
==Version 2.124==
==Version 2.124==
On November 2 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.124.
===Changes & Improvements===
*Vacation mode will no longer apply for cities on islands with present world wonders.
**This change is necessary to prevent alliances from gaining unfair advantages by activitely blocking cities on world wonder islands with some of their members going into in vacation mode.
**In the first step of implementation, this change will only be applied to worlds on which the age of world wonders has not started yet. All other worlds will follow from January 2nd, 2017.
*We are adding some more functionality to the world wonder donation overview:
**The rights management in the alliance member tab has been expanded to include priviledges to review donations in the world wonder donation overview.
**A search bar was added at the bottom of the overview, making it easier to look for a specific player in the list of all donors.
**When opening the donation overview, the donation list will jump to your position in the list, so you can easily see your own donations at a glance.
*Battle point villages have been rebalanced to offer a more streamlined experience. The following changes only apply to worlds with battle point villages:
**Upgrade costs for farming villages are lower in the beginning but ramp up more with each subsequent level. The overall costs for an upgrade to level 6 have been decreased slightly.
**Farming villages start with a bigger resource capacity with less subsequent increase for higher levels. The maximum capacity has been decreased.
**The amount of resources that can be demanded with each cooldown have been increased slightly.
**The number of units you can ask for has been increased as world speed is now taken into account.
**Maximum trade ratios have been decreased as resource trading felt mandatory to maximize resource gain. In turn the trading capacity has been increased.
*Heroes taking part in a battle are now automatically and correctly preselected when opening the simulator from a battle report. However, they are only selected when they were visible in the battle report itself.
*User interface - When opening and closing the "Troops from this city" overview in the agora, units no longer disappear from the overview on the right hand side of the screen.
*User interface - Banners for advisors are no longer displayed in respective menus (e.g. Captain for farming villages) if these advisors are already activated.
*Farming villages overview (Premium) - If demanding and looting resources in one or more farming villages is currently not possible, listed villages and checkboxes are deactivated and tooltips reflect the situation with corresponding information.
*World wonder donation overview - Donation data is now updated properly as soon as new donations arrive.
*World wonder donation overview - NaN was displayed for percentage values if no donations were made yet.
*World wonder donation overview - All world wonders owned by the alliance will now be displayed in the dropdown menu, even if no there were no donations yet.
*Reports - Defenders can no longer see if attackers had divine senses activated during their attack.
*Island view - Another farm town was moved as it was overlapping with the clickable area of founding spot for a new city.
*Grepolisscore - Awards gained on other worlds are displayed properly
*Island quests - After making a decision, both options were still displayed when opening the quest from the island view.
*Grepolisscore - The world overview window was slightly too big, causing an ugly scroll bar.
==Version 2.123==
==Version 2.123==
On October 19 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.123.
===Changes & Improvements===
*An overview of all members' donations towards an alliance's World Wonder has been added.
**When clicking on the respective World Wonder, you now have the opportunity to find a list of all alliance members' donations towards this Wonder.
**This view is currently only available for founders and leaders, but we already plan to include this feature in the rights' management of the alliance.
*There now is a 72-hour donation cooldown for new alliance members. This is to prevent alliances from inviting players solely to accumulate more donations and favor for their World Wonders.
**Due to the way the feature is built, there may be some exceptional behaviour for worlds on which the age of world wonders has already started:
-The donation screen will only show donations that have been done after the activation of the feature as the game can only start collecting the data from that point onward.
-Due to the way the feature is built currently, the list of world wonders in the dropdown menu of the overview may not show all wonders. This is due to the fact that only world wonders with donation entries made after feature implementation are listed. Finished world wonders hence are not listed at all.
For worlds on which the age of world wonders has not started yet, everything should work as expected as soon as the construction of the first world wonder starts.
*Island view - There should be no more farming villages overlapping with potential spots for founding a new city.
*Color assignments - The title of the color picker window was sometimes not displayed properly.
*Fall event - An issue was fixed that prevented incantations to be displayed properly when certain combinations of ingredients were selected.
*Reports - The tooltip for stone hail as displayed in reports will now appear in proper Grepolis style.
*Alliance - Applications and invitations window is now reloaded properly when accepting an alliance invitation.
==Version 2.122==
==Version 2.122==
On October 5 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.122.
*Some cities where wrong aligned based on the island coast.
*Long texts in the instant buy tooltip didn't fit.
*The layout of the system messages was broken.
*Clicking on the world wonder resource icon only worked in the most recent opened window.
*The "your alliance" link in the color assignment window was broken.
*Autocompleting a player name when sharing an attack plan showed player ids instead of names.
*In rare cases the island quest would not end even after reaching 100%.
*Opening the Phoenician Merchant overview could result in an "error 502".
*In the Fall Event the window could get stuck on loading screen.
==Version 2.121==
==Version 2.121==
On September 15 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.121.
===Changes and Improvements===
*Acumen, Divine Senses, Myrmidion attack and Trojan defense are no longer game speed dependant.
*Click area of foundations spots no longer covers farming villages.
*Game actions and color picker didn't work on maximized forum.
*No error message was displayed when putting an invalid target name on attack planner.
*Grepolisscore world ranking was opened on a wrong page and didn't highlight player's rank.
*Mark as read no longer denies drag'n'drop reports to a folder.
*A date was displayed on Hades portal award.
*Command type filter was disappearing after selecting a dropdown filter.
*Rare and epic favor boost didn't spawn to new towns (conquests and foundations) while the effect was already active on player's account.
*Own alliance wasn't inserted with correct color when adding it on the strategic map.
==Version 2.120==
==Version 2.120==
On September 7th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.120.
On September 7th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.120.

Latest revision as of 02:28, 25 February 2017

Version 2.128

On December 28 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.128.

Changes & Improvements

  • Players with cities on world wonder islands going on vacation generate an automated report to inform alliance leaders about their absence:
    • If a player in possession of one or more cities on islands with world wonders owned by their alliance activates vacation mode, alliance leaders automatically receive a report about their action.
    • The report contains a list of all cities that may require special attention while this specific alliance member is on vacation.
    • Cities are grouped by island and their names are clickable for further action, e.g. going directly to the respective city.
    • NOTE: This automatic report is only generated if the previously announced vacation mode changes [Info here] are already active on the respective world. It is bound to this functionality.

2.128 -1.png

  • Further improvements have been made to the world wonder donation overview:
    • The donation overview can now also be opened from the world wonder tab within the rankings.
    • When opening the overview via the ring menu of a specific world wonder, the overview now automatically shows the statistics for this wonder instead of opening the overall overview.
  • Players who founded an alliance are now able to make donations to world wonders right after their new alliance was set up.
    • The recently implemented 72 hour cooldown for world wonder donations made it impossible for founders of new alliances to start the construction of a world wonder.
    • In order to allow for the start of a world wonder construction, the founder of the alliance may now issue donations immediately.
    • This change only applies to the actual founder of an alliance, it has no impact on alliance members with the founder role assigned to them.
  • Once the era of world wonder is started on new game worlds, the construction of a world wonder will now always unlock all 20 town spots on the island.
    • The construction of a world wonder causes all remaining town spots on the respective island to become available in case the construction was started with less than 20 open spots on the island.
    • Players restarting can no longer spawn on these islands. Spots are solely available for colonization.
  • We updated our captcha system to reCAPTCHA v2. It is now a lot more convenient to prove that you are not a robot.

2.128 -2.png


  • Login - If a banned player was allowed the option to restart, Yes/No buttons were displayed but had no functionality as there was already a *"Restart" button in place. These extra buttons were now removed.
  • Reports - Conquest information - Troop information was not loading properly under certain circumstances.

Version 2.127

On December 14 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.127.

Changes & Improvements

  • Earned battle points are now consistently displayed for all report types.
    • Previously, battle points were not shown in some reports as they could allow for conclusions about the amount of defeated units.
    • Since this data about defeated units could be compiled from the city wall's overviews anyway, it made no sense to stick to this inconsistent rule.
    • Battle points are also included in shared reports. They're bound to the booty option for shared content.
  • Several new heroes are introduced to ancient Greece.
    • All new heroes are available in the regular recruitment cycle.
    • These new heroes come with dedicated awards for reaching certain levels with your own hero levels or having wounded enemy heroes a set amount of times.
    • Meet the 6 new heroes in question:
      • Pariphaistes
        • As long as Pariphaistes is assigned to a town, all naval units in that town will be constructed 11-30% faster.
        • Cost for recruitment: 70 Coins of Wisdom
      • Rekonos
        • When Rekonos is assigned to a town, the production of stone in that town is increased by 44-120%.
        • Cost for recruitment: 65 Coins of Wisdom
      • Ylestres
        • When Ylestres is assigned to a town, the production of wood in that town is increased by 44-120%.
        • Cost for recruitment: 65 Coins of Wisdom
      • Themistocles
        • Divine Envoys and horsemen have 11-30% increased offensive and defensive values while fighting at Themistokles side.
        • Cost for recruitment: 60 Coins of War
      • Deimos
        • All units will have 5.5%-15% increased offensive values while attacking with Deimos.
        • Cost for recruitment: 120 Coins of War
      • Pelops
        • Hoplites and chariots will have 11-30% increased offensive and defensive values while fighting with Pelops.
        • Cost for recruitment: 60 Coins of War


  • Reports - Instead of displaying empty profiles of players who since had their accounts deleted when accessing their profiles from battle reports, a new message is shown, indicating that the player in question no longer exists.
  • Bandits Camps - When accepting victory rewards from Bandit Camps while having reached full capacity for at least one resource, the warning popup about losing resources is now displayed properly.
  • Map - After a player town was conquered by another player, functions exclusive to owned towns are no longer shown in the ring menu. It is now updated properly to reflect the new owner.
  • Alliance - Some alliances were left without a founder or leader and could not be disbanded after their last member was deleted. It is now no longer possible that alliances end up without leader or founder.
  • Performance - Some edge cases could cause the game performance to drop on single worlds. These cases are now handled properly.

Version 2.126

On November 30 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.126.

Changes & Improvements

  • Islands with world wonders will now always have 20 town spots.
    • If the construction of a world wonder is started on an island with less than 20 available towns or founding spots, all remaining spots automatically appear for potential colonization.
    • Players restarting can no longer spawn on world wonder islands.
    • This change should allow for a fair competition and less irritation with players from other alliances randomly appearing on islands where a world wonder construction is already in progress.
  • Since we have our mobile app in place, the dedicated mobile website will be switched off on December 31st. A banner informs everyone visiting the page about the shutdown.


  • General - Scaffolding of thermal baths no longer overlaps academy level 30.
  • General - Winners of a world again receive +10% extra favor automatically, no matter when they achieved this goal.
  • Alliance rights management - Cyrillic game version - Last column name caused scroll bars and overflows due to overlapping.
  • Reports - Island Quests - When supporting or attacking quest objectives, report titles now correctly reflect that the action was part of the quest, instead of stating "(none)".
  • Reports - Ghost towns mentioned in battle reports are now always clickable to allow for additional actions with these towns.
  • User Interface - When interacting with heroes before the respective tutorial step was reached, a JavaScript error was thrown. This is no longer the case.
  • Map - We separated some conjoined twin farming villages.
  • Map - A Bandit's camp was overlapping one of the farming village on one very special island. Balance has since been restored in this chaotic place.
  • Grepolisscore - Grepolympia - The correct Grepolympia icon is now displayed for the event category.
  • Grepolympia - Skill icons for chariot race were displayed in the wrong order.
  • Grepolympia - The ranking now correctly keeps the page your alliance is ranked on, even when switching between player and alliance ranking.

Version 2.125

On November 16 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.125.

Changes & Improvements

  • It is now easier to track newly gained awards!
    • A new exclamation mark indicator on the Grepolisscore button informs you about recently achieved awards.
    • This exclamation mark indicator remains in place until you reviewed all new entries in the Grepolisscore menu.


  • Map - When hovering the mouse over any opened windows while moving the map around and subsequently releasing the mouse, the map no longer gets stuck to the mouse pointer.
  • Marketplace - When reviewing trade details, previously disabled input boxes now show values and can be used for adjustments. For gold trades, the review function and connected arrow button are disabled as no adjustments can be made.
  • World Wonder donation overview - The button for resetting the player search field was fixed after it had previously joined the dark, left aligned side.
  • World Wonder donation overview - Auto-completion within the search field did not display upper and lower cases in accordance to original player names.
  • Attack simulator - A JavaScript error that appeared when inserting units and hero from espionage reports was fixed.

Version 2.124

On November 2 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.124.

Changes & Improvements

  • Vacation mode will no longer apply for cities on islands with present world wonders.
    • This change is necessary to prevent alliances from gaining unfair advantages by activitely blocking cities on world wonder islands with some of their members going into in vacation mode.
    • In the first step of implementation, this change will only be applied to worlds on which the age of world wonders has not started yet. All other worlds will follow from January 2nd, 2017.
  • We are adding some more functionality to the world wonder donation overview:
    • The rights management in the alliance member tab has been expanded to include priviledges to review donations in the world wonder donation overview.
    • A search bar was added at the bottom of the overview, making it easier to look for a specific player in the list of all donors.
    • When opening the donation overview, the donation list will jump to your position in the list, so you can easily see your own donations at a glance.
  • Battle point villages have been rebalanced to offer a more streamlined experience. The following changes only apply to worlds with battle point villages:
    • Upgrade costs for farming villages are lower in the beginning but ramp up more with each subsequent level. The overall costs for an upgrade to level 6 have been decreased slightly.
    • Farming villages start with a bigger resource capacity with less subsequent increase for higher levels. The maximum capacity has been decreased.
    • The amount of resources that can be demanded with each cooldown have been increased slightly.
    • The number of units you can ask for has been increased as world speed is now taken into account.
    • Maximum trade ratios have been decreased as resource trading felt mandatory to maximize resource gain. In turn the trading capacity has been increased.
  • Heroes taking part in a battle are now automatically and correctly preselected when opening the simulator from a battle report. However, they are only selected when they were visible in the battle report itself.


  • User interface - When opening and closing the "Troops from this city" overview in the agora, units no longer disappear from the overview on the right hand side of the screen.
  • User interface - Banners for advisors are no longer displayed in respective menus (e.g. Captain for farming villages) if these advisors are already activated.
  • Farming villages overview (Premium) - If demanding and looting resources in one or more farming villages is currently not possible, listed villages and checkboxes are deactivated and tooltips reflect the situation with corresponding information.
  • World wonder donation overview - Donation data is now updated properly as soon as new donations arrive.
  • World wonder donation overview - NaN was displayed for percentage values if no donations were made yet.
  • World wonder donation overview - All world wonders owned by the alliance will now be displayed in the dropdown menu, even if no there were no donations yet.
  • Reports - Defenders can no longer see if attackers had divine senses activated during their attack.
  • Island view - Another farm town was moved as it was overlapping with the clickable area of founding spot for a new city.
  • Grepolisscore - Awards gained on other worlds are displayed properly
  • Island quests - After making a decision, both options were still displayed when opening the quest from the island view.
  • Grepolisscore - The world overview window was slightly too big, causing an ugly scroll bar.

Version 2.123

On October 19 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.123.

Changes & Improvements

  • An overview of all members' donations towards an alliance's World Wonder has been added.
    • When clicking on the respective World Wonder, you now have the opportunity to find a list of all alliance members' donations towards this Wonder.
    • This view is currently only available for founders and leaders, but we already plan to include this feature in the rights' management of the alliance.
  • There now is a 72-hour donation cooldown for new alliance members. This is to prevent alliances from inviting players solely to accumulate more donations and favor for their World Wonders.
    • Due to the way the feature is built, there may be some exceptional behaviour for worlds on which the age of world wonders has already started:

-The donation screen will only show donations that have been done after the activation of the feature as the game can only start collecting the data from that point onward.

-Due to the way the feature is built currently, the list of world wonders in the dropdown menu of the overview may not show all wonders. This is due to the fact that only world wonders with donation entries made after feature implementation are listed. Finished world wonders hence are not listed at all.

For worlds on which the age of world wonders has not started yet, everything should work as expected as soon as the construction of the first world wonder starts.


  • Island view - There should be no more farming villages overlapping with potential spots for founding a new city.
  • Color assignments - The title of the color picker window was sometimes not displayed properly.
  • Fall event - An issue was fixed that prevented incantations to be displayed properly when certain combinations of ingredients were selected.
  • Reports - The tooltip for stone hail as displayed in reports will now appear in proper Grepolis style.
  • Alliance - Applications and invitations window is now reloaded properly when accepting an alliance invitation.

Version 2.122

On October 5 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.122.


  • Some cities where wrong aligned based on the island coast.
  • Long texts in the instant buy tooltip didn't fit.
  • The layout of the system messages was broken.
  • Clicking on the world wonder resource icon only worked in the most recent opened window.
  • The "your alliance" link in the color assignment window was broken.
  • Autocompleting a player name when sharing an attack plan showed player ids instead of names.
  • In rare cases the island quest would not end even after reaching 100%.
  • Opening the Phoenician Merchant overview could result in an "error 502".
  • In the Fall Event the window could get stuck on loading screen.

Version 2.121

On September 15 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.121.

Changes and Improvements

  • Acumen, Divine Senses, Myrmidion attack and Trojan defense are no longer game speed dependant.


  • Click area of foundations spots no longer covers farming villages.
  • Game actions and color picker didn't work on maximized forum.
  • No error message was displayed when putting an invalid target name on attack planner.
  • Grepolisscore world ranking was opened on a wrong page and didn't highlight player's rank.
  • Mark as read no longer denies drag'n'drop reports to a folder.
  • A date was displayed on Hades portal award.
  • Command type filter was disappearing after selecting a dropdown filter.
  • Rare and epic favor boost didn't spawn to new towns (conquests and foundations) while the effect was already active on player's account.
  • Own alliance wasn't inserted with correct color when adding it on the strategic map.

Version 2.120

On September 7th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.120.


  • We implemented hints about new awards in the Grepolisscore screen.
  • We implemented a new tab in the rankings for Grepolisscore. Here you can see the world rank of Grepolisscore points.
  • We reworked the rewards of the daily login bonus. This way it fits better to your current needs in the game and rewards you a bit more for logging in every day.
    • The resources and favor amounts have been increased.
    • The items available from the mystical goblet have been reworked completely
    • The amount and level of reward possibilities are now bound to the world speed and your progress in the game.
    • By hovering the mystical goblet or the current day number, you will see a tooltip that shows the possible content.


  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to move reports to extra folder.
  • Fixed a display issue where the wrong time until next demand was displayed in the Farm villages Overview for Battle Point Villages worlds.
  • Fixed a display issue where the award icons of 'Deathtrap of Erinys' level 1 and level 2 were displayed the wrong way around.
  • Fixed an issue where the caption button in the island quest window wasn't translated.
  • Fixed an issue where Heroes bounty awards weren't given out correctly
  • Some of the new tutorial quests we installed in update 2.119 couldn't be fullfilled.
  • Fixed a display issue where sometimes world names weren't displayed correctly for new players in the Grepolisscore screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the reply button in alliance invitation messages was still active when the invitation was already invalid or withdrawn.
  • Fixed an issue where some quotes in the alliance forum could lead to an error.
  • The mouse cursor in the city overview didn't indicate the screen could be moved in Microsoft Edge browser.

Version 2.119

On August 24th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.119.


  • We added reservation icons to the player's profile next to the city names. So from now on, conquering many cities from one player will be a lot easier. (community suggestions)
  • We moved 18 tutorial quests to an earlier or later point in the quest lines.
  • We adjusted some more windows (Premium Advisors and Quest log) to match our minimum resolution.
  • We have implemented new quests "Army Specialization" and "Maximize Buildings".


  • The pact invitation button in the alliance profile did not work.
  • The scrollbar in the agora outside window was broken.
  • Clicking the alliance invitation notification didn't lead to the invitations tab.
  • When clicking on the "new application" tab in the Alliance finder there was a green success message saying the alliance doesn't exist any more, while this was not the case.
  • Incoming attacks weren't displayed correctly when casting purification on an attack with helmet of invisibility active.
  • Finishing some quests led to an internal error.
  • Opening some windows led to an empty screen or error message.

Version 2.118

On August 10th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.118.


  • Community request - We implemented a confirmation dialog in case you want to activate a unit generating effect but don't have enough free population.
  • Now you can enable or extend premium advisors while your current town is under conquest.
  • BPV - We changed the quest logic for attacking Bandits' Camp quests. From now on these quests will be completed as soon as you won the fight and not after you accepted the reward in the camp.
  • [Grepolisscore] We have added 36 new combat awards:
    • "Intercepted Colony Ships"
      • You have destroyed x colony ships while supporting another player's city.
    • "Stopping Colony Ships"
      • You have destroyed x colony ships while defending an own city.
  • Tutorial arrows should not overlap any texts anymore. We checked around 80 quests in the browser and changed the positioning of the yellow help arrow.
  • Closing special offer windows (sale or package offers) will not open another window afterwards anymore.
  • We have decreased the size of the following windows to fit to our minimum screen resolution:
    • New farming villages
    • Grepolisscore
    • Marketplace
    • Premium overviews
    • Messages
    • Heroes
    • Alliance profile
    • Island overview
    • Within one of the next updates we will also adjust the size of the questlog and the advisors / advantages windows.
  • Furthermore we increased the base speed of all heroes to a minimum of 35, because we don't want heroes to have a negative influence on the unit speed. Only Atalanta keeps her speed of 40.


  • In the past we had cases where players founded a town on an island with world wonder but without a legal foundation spot. We added another check in the code to prevent these cases in the future.
  • The alliance finder displayed wrong alliances as recommended. Now it is always the alliance with the highest rank from the list that has also an open application state.
  • Some tutorial arrows were displayed although the quest has already been fulfilled

Version 2.117

On July 27th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.117.


  • City foundations are displayed on the map with corresponding new icons.
  • The quest introduction of heroes got reordered and put into a better questflow.
  • The quests to rename the town name and to validate the e-mail address, got moved to a later point in the game.
  • Looting the Bandits' Camp will give you fixed resources in the first attack stages.
  • The first player on a world who completes an award with level 4 will see a golden Grepolisscore icon for this award.
  • BB-Codes for town reservations will be displayed in the app now (with app version 2.117).
  • In case you have an active bundle/package offer, now it will be displayed in the bottom right together with a new duration timer.


  • Global happenings that influence the resource production are considered in the resource production value now.
  • Towns on the map should be better clickable now, in case fire, smoke or the beginners protection overlaps other town images.
  • Grepolisscore BB-codes cannot be styled (changing font style, size, underlined and more).
  • The town tooltip on the map revealed incoming attacks hidden by Helmet of Invisibility.
  • Grepolisscore - The list with the Grepolisscore of your other worlds is sorted by world age now. Newest worlds on the top.
  • The slider for spending hero coins is now limited to either the max. required coins for a level or the max. available coins of the player.
  • Island quests - Attacking certain quests or the Bandits' Camp fulfilled quests which require sending an attack.
  • For the recent Hades Portal we fixed the issue where players gained all awards twice. We will remove the duplicate award.
  • Fixed additional bugs connected to the recent Hades Portal (Population costs problem, broken scrollbar and more).
  • Alliance profile - The "Join" button was not grayed out in case a player is already member of an alliance.
  • While being on the island view and changing the alliance, the map was empty when hovering over a town.

Version 2.116

On July 13th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.116.


  • New alliance invitation system:
    • If you apply for an alliance the leader gets a message that includes two buttons now: Reject and Accept. If you receive an alliance invite, you get a message with a similar format.
    • You can easily visit player profiles and the inviting alliance.
    • We implemented a list of all open applications for your alliance and all open player invitations in the alliance tab "Recruitment".
    • The new system allows you to apply directly from the alliance profile.
  • The recruitment time displayed in the premium troop overview considers running spells or effects now.
  • We have added icons to the single events in the alliance overview in order to let you faster visualize what happened in your alliance. These are events like "Player conquered a new town." or "Player joined or left the alliance."
  • Market place: The trade details window automatically checks for restrictions now and presets the correct number. Either it is the max. offer value, your free capacity or your available resources.
  • Tutorial arrow improvement: Now the tutorial arrow points on the cool down time in case the player is not able to demand resources.
  • Grepolisscore: After the first player feedback we changed how daily awards credit to your Grepolisscore. From now on you get 250 Grepolisscore every time you get a daily award, no matter if you got the same award before.


  • City switch arrows were not disabled (grey) if you were in a group with just one city.
  • Tutorial arrow improvement: Arrow was still pointing to the farming village even after the upgrade already started.

Version 2.115

On June 29th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.115.


New Awardsystem "Grepolisscore"

  • We finished the implementation of the new Awardsystem "Grepolisscore" and added plenty of new awards to the game.
  • All old awards you earned will be counted for the Grepolisscore.
  • We implemented 86 new awards for you and have plenty of more in preparation.
  • All new awards provide a new challenge for you that you can complete now.
    • New awards will provide a new challenge for you that you can complete now. This means they are not granted automatically to you although you already achieved the required goals in the past.
    • Only new awards that are connected to your heroes will be automatically granted to you, otherwise you would not have a chance to gain these awards.
  • After our testing phase on the beta we changed the way daily awards will be counted in the Grepolisscore. Gaining the daily awards is accompanied by a lot of effort and this should be credited. Therefore you will get the points for your Grepolisscore every time you gain a new daily award.
  • You can find a detailed description of the new Grepolisscore in our game wiki.
  • Quests you have read in the browser are also displayed as read in the app now and vice versa.
  • Quests in the questlog are sorted now. The oldest quest is shown on the top.
  • From now on the alliance setting "Show your fellow pact members in the profile" is set "off" by default.
  • For "build"-quests the yellow tutorial arrow will be hidden as long as the construction time is higher than 5 minutes.
  • When leveling up heroes the required hero coins are filled in the input box automatically now.
  • In terms of our planned changes on the alliance finder, we changed the look of the alliance profile in a first step to be ready for more elements to be displayed there.


  • When you get daily awards, the date is now dependent on the server time and not on the time zone the player has selected.
  • When deleting all mass mails, the tab switched to "messages". Now you stay in the "mass mail" tab.
  • For "build"-quests the progress bar displayed sometimes a wrong progress when having more than one town.
  • Now Herakles also generates favor for you after destroying an ongoing conquest.
  • The status icon for farming villages on the map change again when claiming resources via the premium overview and when claiming units.
  • When you want to start a new city foundation, but have no colonize-ship added to the command, you will get a red system message instead of the new confirmation message.
  • For completing quests where you have to attack a city, now you need to attack real player cities or ghost towns. Attacking the bandits camp or island quests will not work anymore.
  • When having the senate window open and leveling up Christopholus, the construction times were not updated automatically.

Version 2.114

On June 15th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.114.


  • Technical improvement for faster town switching
  • Since foundation commands cannot be canceled, we implemented a confirmation dialog when starting the command.
  • If you minimize the "Highlight Options" window and switch between the map views, the window stays minimized now.
  • We reduced the starting volume of all Grepolis sounds. If you want to increase the volume, you can do so in the sound settings.


  • Using the "Delete all reports" function caused errors from time to time.
  • Some animations (e.g. festival celebrations) were not shown in the city overview automatically.
  • Newly colonized cities were not displayed automatically in the city drop-down menu.
  • When switching the alliance, the alliance forum was not updated correctly.

=Version 2.113

On June 1st 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.113.


  • Improved city tooltips on the map. When hovering over cities you will see own troops, ongoing attacks or support commands as well as ongoing revolts or conquests.
  • We added the new exclusive hero "Christopholus" to our hero collection. You will be able to earn this hero by playing the next event "Natures' Wheel of Time" very actively. Christopholus reduces the construction time of buildings by 11%.


  • Hovering over the "Delete all notifications" button, on the right bottom side, caused a vertical scroll-bar to appear and therefore, made the button hard to click. There should not be a scroll-bar anymore.
  • From time to time after cycling through many towns, the building orders from a different town were displayed.
  • We fixed the quest progress for quests where you have to research certain technologies, for example biremes or colony ship.
  • On conquest worlds attacks on ghost towns with an ongoing conquest were not handled correctly.
  • Furthermore we fixed some bugs around the "Highlight Options" feature on the strategic map.

Version 2.112

On May 18th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.112.


  • The award "Victim" will be deactivated with this version. The award will stay in the game, but it will not be possible to gain this award any longer.
  • Your player name will be displayed above the world selection.0
  • The "Profile" menu item in the UI will open your profile now. If you want to edit your profile, you can select the tab "Edit profile".
  • Game Design decided to allow founding cities only with your colony ship without the need to send additional units. This counts only for founding cities as there is no attack happening.


  • After joining an alliance the players flag color will automatically be changed to the color of the alliance.
  • Fixed some quest guidance arrow problems.
  • Fixed the display problem that new towns (especially founded ones) were not displayed on the map. This problem occurred only in our App and is fixed with this browser update.
  • There was a malfunction after trying to enter special chars to resources input boxes in the market place or in the trade screen. Now the value gets automatically set to 0.
  • The quest log button did not disappear after completing the last quest.
  • While having multiple town info windows open for different players, changing the flag color for one of them changed also the color of the other player. Same problem occurred for alliances.
  • Now you can again edit your own created sub-menus in your premium "quick bar".
  • While manually creating a new reservation for a player by typing the player name, the player id was filled automatically into the input box instead of the name.
  • When choosing the "breakthrough" attack mode naval units fight 50% weaker but you should loose less land units compared to the normal attack mode. There was a bug in the calculation of how many units can break through. We fixed this now.
  • It is possible again to change the text color in messages and forum posts.
  • You can change again the colors for enemies and pact members although you have no pacts or enemies.

Version 2.111

On May 3rd 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.111.


  • The red/green system messages will disappear immediately when you hover it or click somewhere else.
  • The following awards will be deactivated with this update: "Double Agent", "Jinxed", "Watery Grave". These awards will stay in the game, but from now on you will not be able to earn them anymore.
  • We added a tooltip to the "Trade" button in farming villages for cases when the mood of the villagers is below 80%. The tooltip will explain why you cannot trade with the farming village.


  • In the premium recruitment overview the input fields were not cleared after pressing the "Recruit" button.
  • We fixed a problem caused by the effect "Luxury Residence".
  • In the quest to confirm your email address, we exchanged the small graphic for the gold reward with a bigger one.
  • Quests where you need to recruit units to a certain number did not take units into account that are currently outside of your town.

Version 2.110

On April 20th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.110.


  • Ongoing revolts and conquests are indicated by a smoke / fire graphic above the city image on the map. We only display these graphics if either you get conquered or you start a revolt or conquest in another city. Conquests or attacks of other players are not shown to you.
  • Smoke and fire above city images on the map can be deactivated in the settings.
  • We changed the way system messages are displayed. These are green and red confirmation messages in the top middle of the screen that appear for some seconds to confirm your action (green) or to inform you that an error occurred (red).
  • We extended the description of the beginners protection effect by clarifying that casting powers on you also doesn't work. New text is: You are currently under beginner's protection. You cannot be attacked or spied on by other players, nor can they cast divine powers on you.
  • On the "Strategic Map" you now have the possibility to easily highlight alliances and players by setting a color. This will give you a better overview about your neighborhood and the position of your friends and enemies.


  • Quests where you need to fulfill only one of multiple conditions are now displayed in the quest list with the corresponding fulfilled task text.
  • For a few players the Agora showed a wrong number of battle points. Some players had even around minus 30k battle points for a short amount of time. This issue was hard to reproduce but we are confident that we found and fixed the problem in this version. Anyway if you recognize this issue again, please let us know.
  • Removed a white pixel that was displayed above the Agora image during night.
  • In the command overview commands towards ghost towns were not displayed correctly. Behind the town name there were sometimes only brackets displayed.
  • Dissolving a pact did not change the flag color for the members. Players of this alliance were still displayed as pact members. Now the color changes to the default one.
  • The effect luxury resistance
  • We fixed a problem that got caused by the effect "Luxury Residence".
  • We fixed display problems of ghost town reservations in the town info window.

Version 2.109

On April 6th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version


  • Quests where you need to fulfill only one of multiple conditions are now displayed in the questlist with the corresponding fulfilled task text.
  • Removed a white pixel that was displayed above the Agora image during night.
  • A few players reported a negative number of battle points in their Agora for a short time. Some had even around minus 30k battle points for some minutes. This issue was hard to reproduce but we are confident that we found and fixed the problem with v.2.109. But anyway if you recognize this issue again, please let us know.
  • Fixed display problems with the Facebook button on the new world selection page.
  • The "Great Arming" effect description got extended by the info that the effect affects all cities.
  • The warning for casting "Helmet of invisibility" got displayed in the first 10% of the travel time.
  • In the premium overview for gods, the tooltip for the temple and the statue was broken.

Version 2.108

On March 23rd 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.108.


  • The implementation of this years Easter event "Trial of the Slingers" has been finished. This year you will be a master slinger, teaching young Greeks the art of wielding the slingshot. Please visit our wiki for a detailed documentation about the event.


  • You were sometimes told you did not have enough resources although they were shown in the top right of the UI. This problem occurred while having resource boost effects and the militia activated in your city. Now the resource value should be correct and you should not get the error again.
  • Under certain circumstances the link for the settings on the world selecting page was displayed multiple times.
  • The sound effect for completing a quest was missing, but has been added now.
  • In the command overview the word "Ghost town" was not displayed behind the city name when attacking a ghost town. There were only two brackets shown before.
  • The new tooltip for the small catapult icon in the fight report was not in the Grepo style.
  • In the Starting booster info screen the timer was not displayed on the blue banner.
  • We fixed a problem in our invitation system. The invitation link did not bring the players to the world they were invited to.
  • In the heroes window and the island quests the arrow below the scroll-bar was shown upwards when scrolling to the very end of the page/text.
  • BB-codes for alliances that don't exist any more were still clickable and lead to an empty alliance profile. Now the alliance name is not clickable any more and will be displayed with a new icon.

Version 2.107

On March 9th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.107.


  • In the past players were confused about the functionality of the spell "Helmet of Invisibility". We changed the description text to "Your troops are invisible for the first 10% of their journey." and implemented a warning dialog that will pop up, as soon as you try to cast this spell after the 10% are over.
  • We added a progress bar to quests where you can make progress.
  • Cities from players under beginners' protection will be displayed with a shield on top of the city image on the map.


  • The trade ratio filter setting in the marketplace changed to 1:2 after each city switch. In case the player changes the filter setting for the trade ratio, now this value will stay also after a city switch.
  • It was possible to get negative research points in the academy. It happened when players started researching and demolished the academy in the same time. From now on demolishing is not possible any more as long as you would get into negative research points afterwards.
  • Grey spells that can not be cast on farming village attacks were clickable, although they can not be used. These grey spells are not clickable any more.
  • The problem, that the mermaid "Thessalonike" caused shortly before she left around midnight has been fixed. Players were not able to collect her reward within the last 15 minutes of the event.
  • The alliance finder did not show alliances with one player.
  • For players that have been kicked from an alliance, the button for the alliance forum was still clickable and opened an empty screen. Now we disable this button after a player has been kicked.

Version 2.106

Feb 24, 2016. On February 21th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.106.


  • To receive the awards "Defender of the day" and "Attacker of the day", you now have to gain the most battle points during the day and not defeat the most units.
  • The tooltip text for resetting a research was misleading and got exchanged.
  • We reduced the height of the simulator window, so it fits again to our minimum screen resolution.
  • With this browser update the reservation icons in our app return to the map. We had to turn them of several weeks ago because of technical problems.
  • Farming villages will not revolt anymore when the effect "Forced Loyalty" is running.
  • We adapted the design of our world selection page according to our latest design of the game landing page.
  • Damage inflicted on the wall by catapults and bonus damage inflicted by stone hail are now displayed with new icons in reports.


  • After being conquered, it was not possible to accept invitations to the same world.
  • In the marketplace the city list with own offers was not sorted. Now we sort alphabetically.
  • Some quests in the new Quest Log had no button to collect the reward.
  • We fixed a display bug in the settings for the vacation mode.
  • Some players had problems collecting the 50 gold reward of the daily bonus via an iPad.
  • The missing quest icon for the quest "Victorious" has been fixed and will be displayed again.

Version 2.105

On February 10th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.105.


  • With this update we implemented a Quest Log. This new feature should improve the quest handling and give you a better overview about your available tasks.
    • Within the Quest Log window we display all available quests in a list on the left side.
    • New quests are automatically accepted to save some clicks. You only need to collect your reward whenever you completed a quest.
    • The content of the selected quest will be displayed on the right side of the Quest Log window.
    • We removed the animation for completing a quest and removed the possibility to skip the quest-system for experienced players.
    • A new Quest Log icon in the UI replaces all other existing quest icons.
    • We increased the scrolling speed for windows with a scroll bar.
    • The premium overview "Farming villages" now updates automatically as soon as a village is ready. The time when a village will be ready also contains seconds now.
  • In addition to the new Quest Log we finished the integration of the upcoming event.


  • The culture progress bar in the Agora was inconsistent to the progress bar in the premium culture overview.
  • Marketplace: When you create an offer and don't have enough free capacity afterwards, the button becomes disabled (grey). Unfortunately the button stayed disabled after you switched the city.
  • Marketplace: After closing the "Accept offer" window, the other tabs in the marketplace were still disabled and not clickable.
  • It was possible to close the Welcome window via the "close all windows" button.
  • In certain situations we displayed wrong info in published reports (e.g. the temple lost some levels, which was not correct).
  • The description text for the effect "Reduced favor production" was misleading and has been changed.

Version 2.104

Jan 27, 2016. On January 23rd 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.104.


  • The new travel time simulator is ready for you. You can access it from the attack and support screens via the small button next to the attack/support button. In this simulator you can easily compare travel time of all possible units to a selected target.


  • Sometimes farming village fights could not take place because the required unit strength of the player decreased or another farming village has been conquered in the meantime. We created a new report for this case, telling the player why the fight didn't happen and the units return.
  • Players who lost all towns on a world, couldn't accept alliance invitations afterwards, now they can do it.
  • When having more than 9999 new messages, reports or forum entries, the corresponding menu item got overlapped by the number. We adjusted that and will display 999+, if you have more than 999 entires.
  • Hall of Fame. Some alliances with the award "Master of the world" were not listed in the Hall of Fame.
  • Combining several negative effects affecting the resource production, caused a display bug in the tooltips.

Besides these issues we also fixed several bugs that were connected to our questsystem. For example players couldn't complete certain quests, help arrows were not shown at the right places, island quests behave not like intended sometimes and more. This update also contains several bugfixes for our Battle Points Villages feature, we are currently testing on our beta servers. Thanks for all your feedback about this feature, it helped to increase the quality and solve a lot of bugs.

Version 2.103

On January 13th 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.103.


  • Town population value of some cities was sometimes wrong.
  • New construction or unit orders were sometimes not added to the construction queue.
  • Daily Login Bonus window didn't refresh at midnight.
  • Fixed an issue with a hero who remained in the town after conquest.
  • Changed positions of action choices in island quest "A question of math" as they were interchanged.
  • Creating a new offer in the Marketplace took longer with every created offer.
  • Ratio in farming village tooltips wasn't properly updated on town switch.
  • Levels weren't shown on the reward icons in the tutorial quest windows.
  • "New resources" time in farming villages overview wasn't correct after upgrading all farming villages.