2015 App Changelogs

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Version 2.117

During the week of Dec 10th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.101.


  • Added support for Grepolis bb-code icons like players, cities and islands to messages.
  • Added display information and interacting features for reservations:
    • It is now possible to reserve a city for yourself and to delete the reservation if needed.
    • Display of your own reserved cities, other reserved cities and suggested reservations on the island view.
    • Added a hint to the attack screen that a city is reserved for someone else.
  • Added missing reward icon for "improved resource production".
  • Refactored the tutorial and implemented improvements so that also unrelated screens get recognized from the tutorial to give further guidance.
  • Added passive strikethrough support for text formatting in messages.
  • Reworked Agora window to fit into the new style.
  • Reactivated push notifications for island quests.
  • Improved indication about errors (e.g. at login, sending messages etc.) with new UI input fields.


  • Building queue could get stuck by tapping on 'build' a second time.
  • Editing the rights of alliance members weren't saved correctly after leaving the edit mode with saving the changes.

Version 2.100

During the week of November 25th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.100.


  • Improved ranking tab title.
  • Changed password-reset window for better information.
  • Changed wording for sound effects settings.
  • Added a scrollbar to Report and Messages lists.
  • The current Hero in Hero overview screen is now highlighted.
  • Implemented town overview graphics for divine statue.


  • Improved resource animation of collecting daily bonuses as it seemed to be on a low framerate.

Version 2.99

During the week of November 12th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.99.


  • The trade order and ratios of farming villages have been changed back to the old behaviour.


  • Tab button text was cut off on some devices.
  • Attack icon was jumping up weird after opening New UI screen.

Version 2.98

During the week of October 29th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.98.


  • Changed unit graphics back to the old ones.


  • Farm village overview detail screen wasn't reacting to town switching.
  • The city name of a selected city didn't update in the farm village overview.
  • Fixed broken island info popup.
  • Fixed error where "Error has occurred with transmission with the map" was showing up on Iphone6 S.
  • Switching towns in the Island Quest reward screen was not possible.

Version 2.97

During the week of October 14th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.97.


  • Reworked the daily reward window to match the new design. Furthermore you can now slide through the days and look at your rewards.
  • Added link from spell screen to Temple when no god is selected.
  • Created new system for polling the server.
  • Added link to the forum in the main menu.
  • Clicking an interstitial can now open external links.
  • Updated icons in reports.
  • Added "Demolish" button to building menu when fully upgraded.
  • Added a new animation on the map for the selected own town;
  • Added construction site spots on the town overview for buildings not built yet;
  • Added menus to buildings to directly access the different related screens right from the town overview;
  • Added new sidebar controls in map and town overview for showing activities and messages;
  • Improved layout of the header with a new button showing the gold amount that links directly to the payment screen;
  • Added info screens for the two groups of special buildings;
  • Added a glowing effect when a building is selected in the town overview.
  • Added reworked unit graphics.


  • "Invalid email" feedback message is positioned correctly now.
  • Implemented a prevention for multiple special buildings from occupying the same location
  • Button updates correctly again after claiming free advisor.
  • Implemented a prevention for next quest window from opening while reward animation is playing.
  • Fixed ability to select gold for "You get" at the create offer screen.
  • Fixed header sometimes showing incorrect god after login.
  • Fixed issue with direct play login when https redirects were enabled.
  • Fixed issue with reward animations sometimes triggering incorrect screens on complete.
  • "No festivals could be organized" error was shown while trying to organize a victory procession while city festival and olympic games were already running.
  • The window for "An Error has occurred" was missing the text.
  • The tap area of World Wonders was too big.

Version 2.96

No update noted

Version 2.95

No update noted

Version 2.94

During the week of September 2nd 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.94.


  • Unified displaying of buildings levels when upgrading/downgrading
  • Improved handling of heroes data
  • Added the effect "the great arming"
  • No longer need to enter the old password when requesting a new one
  • Improved memory usage


  • Using the hardware back button can no longer bring the guided tutorial into an inconsistent state.
  • Fixed wrong resources shown in header after trading with farm villages.
  • Fixed translation in quest rewards title
  • Fixed gold 'you get' button not activating correctly in create offer scre

Version 2.93

During the week of August 23rd 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.93.


  • Town related spells are now shown in town spell screen.
  • Added unit amount to unit detail screen .
  • Removed superfluent building menu buttons and level display from agora.
  • Enabled town switch in new ui screens like the senate.
  • Implemented new design for city selector.
  • After doing a construction order it's now possible to go back to senate if the screen was entered from senate.
  • Using inventory items now shows a success message.


  • Pacts screen shows correct alliance names now.
  • Properly cleans assets when closing message screen.
  • Academy now considers hero Apheledes.
  • Fixed wrong resource amount sometimes shown in header.
  • Fixed scrolling bug in advisor screen on iphone.

Version 2.92

During the week of August 4th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.92.


  • Tweaked alpha values for disabled buttons.
  • Layout error dialog buttons are now displayed vertically when they don't fit horizontally.


  • Fixed some memory leaks that could lead to crashes
  • Fixed graphical glitch in vertical tab bar
  • Fixed error shown when logging out with invalid session
  • Fixed guided tutorial not being shown when App is put to background
  • Fixed a bug where instant buy of a demolish wasn't possible under certain circumstances.

Version 2.91

During the week of July 14th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.91.


  • Improved texture compression, resolving graphical glitches on certain devices.
  • Added red badges to the messages/reports tabs, indicating unread messages.


  • Support messages now have a functioning link to the support portal.
  • "Unexpected error" pop-ups now offer the option to change the world.
  • Fixed a potential performance issue when having one of the new parchment-style screens open.

Version 2.90

During the week of July 10th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.90.


  • Fixed too large fontsize in footer amount selector
  • Support link from settings now logs in the player into the support tool
  • Fixed context3d error which blocked a correct app start on some devices.

Version 2.89

No update noted

Version 2.88

During the week of June 6th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.88.


  • Improved behavior of the search dialogs in the ranking screens.


  • Text was overlapping in the Captain advisor banner.
  • "Error Occurring loading your data" was shown on loading attack screen while attacking a "revolt" farmtown.
  • Error dialog translations haven't reset on market change.
  • An error showed up when logging out while an injured hero was displayed.
  • Display glitch showed up after clicking the "create offer" button.
  • Gold bonus icon was overlapping the message icon on small devices.
  • Scrolling down wasn't possible on "Cave" screen with several spy reports.
  • Right side icons not aligned with each other.
  • Farm town trade received resources amount should update itself after a trade.
  • "Ocean" text is in the top left corner of ranking search screens.
  • City Trade screen text was misaligned on iPad4.
  • Duration of powers in Island Quest screen was wrong.
  • Activities Recruitment screen was always empty.
  • Trade gold confirmation popup displayed wrong gold amount.
  • Resource overflow confirmation prompt was shown during guided tutorial.
  • The phrase "you receive" has changed to "you get" in all trade screens.
  • Layout of command info was broken when casting a spell on your own illusion.
  • Added missing sounds for looting and demanding from Farm Assistant.
  • Farm town trade checked the wrong field for max value.
  • Island Quest were not being updated after a state change.
  • In some cases the Island Quest Screen was crashing when clicking jump to map.
  • Correct units are now displayed for attack and support island quests.
  • Missing sound for demand units was added.
  • Trade button is properly disabled when not having enough capacity.
  • Fixed incorrect translation in the create offer screen.
  • Fixed incorrect size in the footer.
  • Putting the app to background during login doesn’t trigger the conquered dialog anymore.

Version 2.87

No update noted

Version 2.86

During the week of May 21st 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.86.


  • Resource overflow popup now also handles favor.
  • Resource overflow popup now displays only resources that are actually wasted.
  • Changed ratio display to unify the look of phoenician trader screen.
  • Changed ratio display to unify the look of farm village screen.
  • Increased the scrollbar touch area in the market create offer screen.
  • Closing a new UI screen with Android hardware back button now behaves the same like closing it with the app close button.


  • Fixed wrong or missing town link in island quest/farm town attack and returnee command.
  • Fixed header design differences in different screens.
  • It is no longer possible to open village menu after god screen has been opened.
  • Corrected position of animation for high level temple.
  • Guiding arrow is now centered to island quest icon.
  • It was possible to halve unit build times to 0.
  • Abilities are now ordered correctly in the advisor screen.
  • Text input in forgot password screen wasn't properly checked after input has changed.
  • Numbers on icons weren't correctly aligned in the advisor screens.
  • Fixed player sees wrong email address in app settings on de market.
  • Fixed issue with buttons which were hard to trigger on iOS devices.
  • When jumping to an island quest the arrow didn't get removed when the island quests is done.
  • City name is no longer shown twice in the demand/loot screen.
  • Invite a friend report does now show correct text.
  • Academy didn't show correct image during siege research.
  • A tiny line in the city view showed up after closing the alliance forum.
  • Right screen side cut off some pixels.

Version 2.85

During the week of May 6th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.85.


  • Own city name is now displayed in the "Own offers detail" screen in the market;
  • There is now an info button with a dialog that explains the limits of tradable gold in the market;
  • The "all but gold" filter button is now grayed out for markets with a level less than 5;
  • Exchanged the ratio graphic in the market place.


  • Fixed an issue where the wrong city name was displayed although the player specifies a custom name;
  • The popup that informs about wasting resources was not properly translated;
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the wrong loot/demand time to be shown;
  • Fixed an issue that caused a market screen to be no longer scrollable on iOS devices after using a slider;
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the slider to be unusable although the player has enough resources;
  • Filters with text should were flickering multiple times when changes to filters were being made;
  • Creating an offer with gold should no longer reset the selected offer parameter;
  • Gold icons were not properly disabled when the market is downgraded to a level below 5;
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from being able to open an offer with gold;
  • The amount of tradable gold was overlapping the info button in the market;
  • The next demand/loot time was not shown in the correct position in the farm town demand/loot screen.

Version 2.84

During the week of April 22th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.84.


  • Introducing the new marketplace screens: the marketplace has a brand new layout and has been rebuilt from scratch, including many usability improvements.


  • Jumping to a town was no longer showing an arrow on the map;
  • Inventory popup screen was not showing inventory item levels (if available for the item);
  • Barracks and harbor were not showing the correct population related string when the player had insufficient free population;
  • "Waste resources" dialog was not properly displayed;
  • The farm assistant was not displaying correct resource amounts when the player had researched diplomacy;
  • Fixed a bug that showed incorrect instant completion button on building orders with building dependencies;
  • Orpheus percentage value was not displayed correctly in all hero related UI classes;
  • Fixed tween factory error that caused app crashes when creating animations.

Version 2.83

During the week of April 7th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.83.


  • Introduced basic BB-Code support into the message screen.


  • Fixed a layout problem in the push notifications settings.
  • The trades overview no longer briefly shows 00h00m00s for running trades.
  • The resource numbers in the header no longer get animated when they shouldn't.
  • Fixed a bug in the message screen that could crash the App.
  • The "demand" button in the farmtown overview is now properly grayed out when demanding. is not possible.
  • The "load more" button in the report screen should no longer be present when there are no more reports to load.
  • Improved a hint text of the guided tutorial to better match a button text.
  • Added a missing icon to revolt reports.
  • Fixed a bug where the map would sometimes scroll to the selected town when closing a screen.
  • Jumping to a town on the map will once again display an arrow pointing to the town.
  • The inventory detail popup will now display an item's level on the icon.

Version 2.82

During the week of October 29th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.82.


  • Implemented notification about upcoming server updates.
  • Implemented new message that an update is running.
  • Improved layout of selected tab button background in tab screens.


  • An error message was shown when an invalid ATF texture was loaded.
  • Fixed a bug where the reward description in the island quest screen would be cut off in some cases.
  • Removed superfluity dot in button label of the agora.
  • Fixed possible unknown error in building order screen.
  • Fixed text cut off in main menu.
  • Fixed build time display for units when resources are insufficient.
  • Fixed wrong sound played when change name fails.
  • Changed image displayed in senate when a building reached max-level.
  • Fixed input box in pacts requests screen.
  • Fixed wrong image displayed for the farm in senate when population is 0.
  • Fixed app freeze when an error occurs during logout.
  • Fixed possible app freeze during farm town tutorial animation when the server has a high load.
  • Do not show confirmation dialog if celebrate Olympic games is for free.
  • Do not show a price if celebrate Olympic games is for free.

Version 2.81

During the week of March 4th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.81.


  • The loader is now shown during login process until the map is loaded to not show the brown background without any other screen elements.


  • The warning about wasting resources was popping-up during the tutorial;
  • There was a wrong dependency check in the order queue which led to orders with enabled instant buy *button although it was not possible to instant buy it;
  • Fixed a wrong "not enough free population" building error message;
  • Fixed instant buy button getting stuck in certain conditions;
  • Fixed messages being marked as not read after logging back into the game;
  • Player and alliance profile pictures were not shown properly;
  • Fixed an issue that caused the quest reward screen for building a timber camp/quarry not being shown;
  • Fixed a possible crash in the senate tech tree. It could occur when opening the screen quickly after *switching the town;
  • Fixed the map scrolling to a wrong town when selecting a town with the ring menu;
  • Hero's description was not updated when leveling it up;
  • Daily bonus was not shown properly after bringing the app to foreground if there was any.

Version 2.80

During the week of February 19th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.80.


  • Added missing premium confirmation settings.
  • Added the option to mark messages as read.
  • Added the option to mark reports as read.
  • A confirmation dialog will now be displayed, if accepting a reward would waste resources.
  • When there is an active payment bonus, there is now always a "bonus icon" visible on screen.
  • Added a new loading animation, which is more similar to the browser version.


  • Fixed a text inconsistency in regards to "halve construction time" buttons.
  • Fixed a potential App crash in the Inventory Screen.
  • Fixed a potential App crash in the Attack Screen.
  • Improved error handling while accepting rewards.
  • Switching the town no longer animates the resource amounts in the header.
  • Accepting a favor reward will now properly update the favor display in the header.
  • Casting "City Protection" should now correctly update Athena's favor display.
  • When deleting messages or reports the confirmation dialog now differentiates between one or more *messages.
  • Deleting messages should now correctly refresh the message count in the main menu.
  • Renaming a town will now cause the Ring Menu to update itself properly.
  • Fixed a layout issue with the arrows in the Daily Login Bonus Screen.
  • Choosing to start on a new world after being conquered should now properly direct to the world selection.
  • The Unit Construction Queue no longer displays a "halve construction time" button on worlds, which do not support this.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Your account is banned" screen sometimes displayed the wrong time.
  • Fixed a graphical glitch with the quest icon that occurred when having no active quests.

Version 2.79

During the week of February 7th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.79.


  • Added visual feedback for collecting resource rewards in tutorial quests.
  • Added visual feedback for collecting favor rewards in tutorial quests.
  • Added visual feedback for collecting unit rewards in tutorial quests.
  • Added visual feedback for collecting item rewards in tutorial quests.
  • Added new messages list screen in new UI style.
  • Added new reports list screen in new UI style.
  • Added new message detail screen in new UI style.
  • Added new message compose screen in new UI style.
  • Added new report detail screen in new UI style.


  • Fixed wrong time display in several places.
  • Fixed too fast playing farmer animation in city overview.
  • Corrected title in the confirmation screen for spending gold for Olympic Games.
  • Zeus background is not shown again at the end of initial loading process.
  • Push notifications settings screen is now scrollable.
  • Ocean field in the search screen now shows a title.
  • Send resources command can now be canceled.
  • Favor is now correctly shown in confirmation prompt when canceling a mythical unit order.
  • Academy shows correct maximum research points when the library is built.
  • Forwarded messages display the correct receiver.
  • Commands is no longer losing the header for a sec after swiping for first time.
  • New Senate screen does now grey out all buildings that reached their max level.
  • Loading animation is displayed while loading the content of the advisor screen.

Version 2.78

During the week of January 17th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.78.


  • Aligned the senate screen to the new UI;
  • Reduced the required amount of data for the agora screen that shows supporting units.


  • Opening a new screen was not playing the proper sound;
  • Extending a premium feature could result in a crash of the app;
  • The layout of the quarry's information screen was broken;
  • The outside tab of the agora was showing only units in own cities;
  • An error could occur in the command overview;
  • Some images were not displayed correctly when creating an offer in the market;
  • The button unlocking a slot for gold in the inventory didn't have any visual effect when pressing it;
  • In some cases, an empty dialog box was shown when an error occurs during the login process;
  • The loading animation was not shown properly when opening the advisor screen;
  • Zeus was showing up twice during the login process;
  • Accepting a reward from an island quest or changing the state of an island quest could result in a crash.

Version 2.77

During the week of January 10th 2015, the Grepolis app was updated to version 2.77.


  • Added new advisor screen with completely new graphics.
  • Added a new inventory screen.
  • Redesigned the world selection screen


  • The countdown in the commands overview should no longer stop when a colonization begins.
  • Fixed a bug where an unexpected error occured after colonizing a new city.
  • Fixed a missing image in colonization reports.
  • Fixed a bug where the town overview building menu disappeared during guided tutorial.
  • Fixed a bug where UI elements disappeared when restarting the App during guided tutorial.
  • The header button should now always display the correct player ranking on non-hero worlds.
  • Improved positioning of ranking number in the header button on non-hero worlds.
  • The town overview building menu should no longer be partially visible in retracted state on some *devices.
  • Fixed a crash that occurred in the Agora in relation to units outside.
  • Fixed a potential error when opening a building info screen.
  • Improved water visuals surrounding the ships in the town overview background.
  • Advisor promotion frames should now display the correct amount of days on iOS devices.
  • Improved several spell icons, which previously appeared cropped.
  • Invitation reports should now display the correct amount of required points for the gold reward.