2010 Changelogs

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Version 1.26.1

Version 1.26

Version 1.25

Version 1.24

Version 1.23

Version 1.22

Version 1.21

Version 1.20

Version 1.19

Version 1.18

Version 1.17

Version 1.16

Version 1.15

Version 1.14

Version 1.13

Version 1.12

Version 1.11


  • some of the divine powers description have been changed to make it more clear exactly what they do
  • two new timezones have been added (Newfoundland Standard Time and Northern Territories Time)
  • now its possible to see inactive players in an alliance
  • each player can decide what forums should be observed for new messages now
  • in alliance forum player can jump to the last post directly


  • banned players can't be attacked by divine powers anymore
  • players are able to join or leave the alliance now
  • button in simulator popup are clickable in opera now
  • player can repeat his last action like trade or power cast after error message was shown

Implemented April 20th, 2010.

Version 1.10


  • Town overviews: sort towns by name
  • Trade tab: order trades by arrival time
  • After creating an offer in market, update current resources in town
  • Show expire dates of administrator on the premium page
  • Map: calculate coordinate of middle from screen instead of top-left corner


  • start colonisation only if attacker won ground and naval fight:
  • you must send at least one attak ships and troops with the colonize ship to win the naval fight
  • players can no longer can support a banned player
  • implemented max duration for colonistation ships (48 h)


  • fixed login problems caused from incorrect facebook data and vacation mode
  • command overview: don't show defender the returning units of attacker and foreign returning
  • Wrong member count in alliance was shown (caused by deleted players)
  • townlist does not work when being conquered
  • alliance forum: now you stay in current town after clicking the profile link.
  • town info popup: show nightbonus information correctly in attacker screen
  • building overview: tear down was not working correctly
  • now show all incomming commands while beeing conquerd
  • numbers were hidden below the slider-toggle-button
  • layout fix for building and trade overviews in IE7/FF3.0/Opera

Version 1.09

Unknown date


  • new lategame overviews:
  • unit overview: recruit of new units is possible
  • building overview + possibility to upgrade/tear down with one click
  • culture overview
  • map: visualize resource bonus/loss on every island
  • night bonus displayed when a player starts his attack
  • display more information on how to use militia on the farm overview


  • increase militia fighting strength and number of milita per farm level
  • City Founding: increase default building levels to reach ~700 points
  • attacker win, if all attacker & defender units were killed -> conqueror will abort in this case now
  • partial unit recal: allow to recall transporters with ground units if capacity of remaining transporters is sufficient.


  • alliance forum: These use ajax now to avoid some exceptions and for better usability

calculate time limit of destructive powers with game speed of world.

Version 1.08

On March 2nd 2010, Grepolis was updated to version 1.08.


  • partial unit recall
  • Captain improves trader speed to other islands
  • available trade capacity is shown on create-offer-page
  • mentoring system: players can earn gold if they invite other players that achieve at least 1000 points
  • late game overview for attacks
  • late game overview for trades and resources
  • english grepo trailer on non-german markets
  • report filter
  • culture: lacking resources will be colored red
  • light units will not be killed in an attack, when transporters sink
  • ban restart: added confirmation dialog
  • restart, culture points will be reduced to 3 and killpoints wont be lost (but triumph will not be enabled)

Bug Fixes:

  • statue graphic error when no god was worshipped
  • fixed some translation problems
  • attacking with strategy breach now cuts naval attacker power in half
  • fixed white screen in spy tab when hitting enter
  • increased width of marketplace-demand/offer-table-cells
  • naval fights - in rare cases the casualties were negative
  • wrong tear down time was displayed in popup
  • fixed minor bug in BBCodes
  • conquest - decrease temple sum of old polis owner if a god was worshipped in seized town
  • fight simulator: max-value of luck-slider was 25 instead of 30
  • if a player was logged in at facebook and has NOT connected to grepolis, creation of forum account was not possible
  • increase villages of alliance when a colonialization is finished
  • fixed browser hangup when entering out of range coordinate values to jump to in map
  • fixed bug in favor production when changing a god (having multiple cities and gods)

Version 1.07

On February 16th, 2010, Grepolis was updated to version 1.07.


  • Show a question mark for units in reports, if the player is not allowed to see the units of the defender.
  • Use slider for input boxes in sending units tab
  • Link existing game accounts with facebook connect
  • Display sum of all incoming attacks for all towns instead of count for current town
  • Use more AjaxRequest in player settings
  • Alliance invitations are sorted by date now
  • Disable powers tab in town info tab for ghost towns.

Gameplay Changes:

  • Cyclop: Defense against sharp 0 -> 10 | Population 42 -> 40
  • Pegasus: Defense against sharp 175 -> 200 | Defense against ranged 200 -> 300 | Defense against blunt 850 -> 900
  • Horseman: Defense against sharp 0 -> 1 | attack decreased to 55
  • Harpy: defense against ranged increased from 0 to 1

improvement against walls

  • Lightship: population from 10 to 8, build-time reduction 8100 seconds => 4000 seconds Reducing silver shortage and wood excess:
  • Fast Transport: wood: 375 => 500, iron: 600 => 400
  • Lightship: wood: 800 => 1300, iron: 1300 => 800
  • Fireship: wood: 150 => 500, iron: 750 => 150
  • bold and earthquake can only be casted every 4 hours on a town.
  • sending support: it should be possible to send only transporters or colonize ship without other troups.
  • now its not longer possible to send support if the recipient player in in vacation mode
  • spying a banned players does not work now

Bug Fixes:

  • casting of "transformation" and "sea storm" was not possible.
  • bb-code buttons in player profile had not worked.
  • some threads in alliance forum could not be deleted.
  • info page of thermal was empty
  • after changing god, update times of following unit orders in barracks correctly.
  • if trader or priest is expired, calculate right resources and favor.
  • some small layout fixes

Version 1.06

On February 3rd 2010, Grepolis was updated to version 1.06.


  • Pico-Map display only the current ocean
  • Ban: respect ban option 'restart'
  • Added autocompletion for towns bb-code

Bug Fixes:

  • No resources production in vacation mode
  • Trading with farm towns - corrected available capacity
  • Some layout fixes for international versions
  • Fixed "autocomplete"
  • Fixed world select for safari
  • Fixed storage description
  • Order news by creation date
  • Facebook connect js created error when facebook is blacklisted/blocked by players network and normal login would not work

Version 1.05

On January 26th 2010, Grepolis was updated to version 1.05.


  • Construction workers are show in town overview while a new building level is in progress
  • Auto-resizing world select in login box
  • Added autocomplete for text inputs for player and alliances names
  • Docks graphics in town overview were
  • All language versions are running on subdomains of grepolis.com now
  • Alliance: flag list visible to all alliance members
  • Demolishing special buildings is now possible

Gameplay Changes:

  • When academy reaches level 22 or temple reached level 1 an extra information is shown
  • Added vacation mode

Bug Fixes

  • In fight simulator the amounts of mythical units are now unset automatically when another god has been selected
  • Incorrect translation ... button broke for languages other than german
  • Height of game_footer on premium pages was too low for languages other than german
  • Units did vanish if they were sent to an abandoned town
  • Facebook Connect (diverse fixes)
  • Alliance forum right are granted to new founder if old founder was deleted
  • Some IE6 fixes