Divine Powers

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Every God has 4 divine powers which you may use on yourself for a bonus, use on your enemy to degrade them or use on an attack to change the power of the attack. Each divine power costs a resource called favour, which is produced in your Temple. Favour increases a certain amount per hour, although there is a stated limit on the amount of favour you may have (500). Some divine powers require a cooldown timer, in which time you may not affect a players village with a similar spell again.

List of Divine Powers


Divine Sign

Divine Sign

A ray of light breaks through the clouds; a chariot descends and follows the city.

The selected ciy receives a chariot.

50 Favor.png
Lightening Bolt

Lightening Bolt

Darks clouds appear over a city; A lightening bolt strikes down and leaves a damaged building behind.

Damages a random building in the selected city (there is a cool down timer for this spell, in which time it cannot be used on the same city).

200 Favor.png
Favorable Wind

Favorable Wind

The voice of Zeus echoes through the air; the winds tighten the sails on the ships and spur arrows towards the enemy with such precision.

The naval forces fight 10% stronger (can only be used on an outgoing attack).

250 Favor.png
Zeus' Rage

Zeus' Rage

Zeus tears up the sky with lightening bolts and tosses soliders into the air. Some cling to trees while others are swallowed by the sky.

Destroys 10-30% of the enemy's land units (can only be used on an incoming attack).

300 Favor.png


Kingly Gift

Kingly Gift

Wood washes up on the city shore. Poseidon is showing his good side.

The selected ciy receives 800 wood.

25 Favor.png
Call of the Ocean

Call of the Ocean

Strong waves break against the city shore; the harbor workers are gripped with a sudden sense of urgency to follow the call of the sea.

In the harbor, all construction orders are accelerated by 100% if assigned within the next 12 hours. (Speed 1 World)

60 Favor.png


The ground shakes and quakes, with huge pieces of the city wall plunging into the depths.

The city wall of the selected city is lowered by 1 to 3 levels.

350 Favor.png
Sea Storm

Sea Storm

Poseidon rises and beats the ships with furious waves. It is not a good day for seafarers.

Destroys 10-30% of the enemy's naval units (can only be used on an incoming attack).

280 Favor.png




Brave warriors hear the call and rush to the city of the patroness.

The selected city receives 5 random troops.

60 Favor.png


An owl circles above the enemy troops and reports about their strength.

Get an intelligence report on enemy troops (can only be used on incoming attacks).

140 Favor.png
City Protection

City Protection

Athena spreads her shield across the city. She protects the city with considerable strength.

The selected city is protected from having divine powers casted upon it for 12 hours (Speed 1 World).

130 Favor.png
Heroic Power

Heroic Power

The soldiers are infused with power and courage. They bravely run towards the enemy with loud roars.

The attacking land units fight with 10% more power (can only be used on an attack).

200 Favor.png




Noblemen come from all the surrounding lands to bring presents to the king's marrying daughter and the city.

The selected city receives 125 wood, 200 stone and 200 silver.

30 Favor.png


At night, Hera places a warming veil around the workers. During the day, Hera protects the workers by cooling them off during the midday sun.

Increase wood, stone and silver production of the selected city by 50%. The spell lasts for 12 hours (Speed 1 World).

120 Favor.png
Population Growth

Population Growth

Another proud warrior is born. Hera means this city well.

In the barracks, all units assigned after using this spell will be trained twice as quick. This spell lasts for 12 hours (Speed 1 World).

80 Favor.png


The proud warriors are overcome by longing; their hearts no longer beat for war but for their families and homes.

The attacking naval and land units fight with 10% less power (can only be used on an incoming attack).

140 Favor.png

Hades (2.0)

Divine Powers


The population is afflicted with a horrendous epidemic.

Reduces the basic resource production of the selected city by 50% for 6 hours (speed 1).

250 Favor.png

Return from the Underworld

Hades lets your bravest warriors leave free from the underworld as a sign of good intent.

10% of your killed units return to their native city (can only be used on outgoing attacks).

400 Favor.png

Treasures of the Underworld

The earth beneath you opens up and grants you access to incredible riches.

The selected city receives 500 silver coins.

30 Favor.png

Heroic Power

Helmet of Invisibility

Your troops are invisible to the enemy for 10% of their journey.

120 Favor.png

Enacting Divine Powers

Every divine power is enacted a different way. The following list explains how to cast each power.


  • "Patroness" - add 5 random troops to a chosen city:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Patroness', cast it.
  • "City Protection" - 6 hours of attack Protection for any city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'City Protection', cast it.
  • "Wisdom" - effects at attacking army, reports it's content:
Click city overview, click attacking army sent (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Wisdom', cast it. Read the report.
  • "Heroic Power" - effects an army attack you have sent, 10% stronger in next attack:
Click city overview of your city that sent the attack, click your army attack sent (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Heroic Power', cast it.


  • "Divine Sign" - add 1 chariot to a chosen city:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Divine Sign', cast it.
  • "Lighting Bolt" - destroy a randomly chosen building in city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Lighting Bolt', cast it.
  • "Favorable wind" - effects your naval attack, 10% stronger in next attack:
Click city overview, click your naval attack sent (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Favorable wind', cast it.
  • "Zeus' rage" - effects enemy army attacking you, destroy 10-30% of enemy troops attcking your city:
Click city overview of your city that is being attacked, click enemy army attacking you (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Zeus' rage', cast it.


  • "Wedding" - add 125 wood, 200 rocks, and 200 silver coins to a chosen city:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Wedding', cast it.
  • "Population growth" - All recruitment in the barracks is accelerated by 100% once they are queued within the next 6 hours, effects city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Population growth', cast it.
  • "Happiness" - Increases the wood, rock and silver production by 50% for 6 hours, effects city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Happiness', cast it. Happiness does not stack with Merchant.
  • "Desire" - Effects enemy army attacking you, the attacking troop fights more weakly by 10%.:
Click city overview of your city that that has the attack coming, click enemy army attacking you (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Desire', cast it.


  • "Kingly gift" - add 800 wood to a chosen city:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Kingly gift', cast it.
  • "Call of the ocean" - All production of the harbour is increased by 100% for 6 hours, effects city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Call of the ocean', cast it.
  • "Earthquake" - destroys city wall 1-3 levels in city chosen:
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Earthquake', cast it.
  • "Sea storm" - effects enemy navy attacking you, destroys 10-30% of the enemy battleships attacking your city:
Click city overview of your city that is being attacked, click enemy navy attacking you (right hand side), click "enact divine power" then select 'Sea storm', cast it.

Hades (2.0)

  • "Treasures of the Underworld" - Your currently selected city receives 500 silver coins.
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Treasures of the Underworld', cast it.
  • "Helmet of Invisibility" - Your troops are invisible for the first 10 % of their journey.
Click on the outgoing attack you wish this power to be enacted on and then choose it.
  • "Return of the Dead" - 10 % of your killed units return to their home city.
Click on the outgoing/returning attack you wish this power to be enacted on and then choose it.
  • "Plague" - Reduces the selected enemy city's resource production by 50% for ___ hours / 250 favor
Click Map view then scroll to chosen city - click city - click "enact divine power" then select 'Plague', cast it.

Usage of Divine Powers

The same divine powers may not be used in the same village simultaneously. For example, Call Of The Ocean may not be used again whilst it is already in action in a village. However, different divine powers can be used in parallel. For example, you can have Happiness and Population Growth going simultaneously in a village without any conflicts.

Only one divine power may be cast on a single attack. This includes all divine powers that can be cast on attacks with the exception of Wisdom.