2012 Changelogs

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Revision as of 02:41, 3 August 2017 by Figtree2 (talk | contribs) (→‎Version 2.30)
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Version 2.33

On December 13, 2012, Grepolis was updated to version 2.33


  • Implementation of a new menu design - The main screen ingame has been reworked, giving a sleek new interface to Grepolis;
    • Added a new welcome window when a player starts on a world;
  • Improvement of the quest system:
    • The existing quest system has been improved by changing and adding new quests to the tutorial quests at the beginning of the game. The new quests will touch on areas and elements of the game not currently covered in the tutorial;
    • During the farming part of the tutorial, the troop movement button is disabled, making the tutorial flow in a more natural manner;
  • Several construction based game balance changes in the Senate:
  • The temple and the City Wall have been swapped in the construction tree;
  • New Temple build requirements: Quarry level 3 and Senate level 3;
  • New City Wall requirements: Temple level 3 and Senate level 5;
  • The Market place and the Cave have been swapped in the construction tree;
  • New Market place requirements: Senate level 5; Warehouse level 5;
  • New Cave requirements: Senate level 10; Market place level 4; Warehouse level 7;
  • Added a new mythical unit to the game: the Divine envoy! This special mythical unit is available for all gods, and can support any city, not just those who worship the same god;


  • Several bugs relating to the attack planner have been fixed:
    • A wrong error message was displayed when creating a plan via run-time overview;
    • The graphical background graphics was 2px too small;
    • The units count was not correct for more than one planned attack;
    • The "Close" button picture was behind the amount of units sometimes;
    • The scroll bar was missing in run time overview on Internet Explorer 8;
    • The text was missing on the pagination pop-up window.
  • The scroll bar in the town info window, spell tab, has been removed;
  • In some cases, the conquest could start without any colony ship nor attack ship;
  • The profile text was not always shown in predefined color;
  • Some translations were missing;
  • Some Christmas calendar bugs have been fixed;

IOS Bugfixes

  • In the trade overview, iOS users are now able to drag and drop the towns;

Version 2.32

On November 28 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.32.

Changes & Improvements

  • Red error messages are displayed longer now;
  • The building time of the first building levels has been decreased on warrior worlds;
  • The building time in the first city of a player for buildings with lower target level than 11 is now reduced by a factor.


  • The crown displayed on player profiles after finishing 7/7 world wonders was not displayed on all worlds anymore;
    • Battle points were not displayed for the attacker anymore when all units got defeated;
    • There was a layout issue in claim resources window;
  • Many issues with the attack planner have been fixed:
    • Plan name link was not working;
    • Time was not updating;
    • Morale was displayed as a float number;
    • Graphical issue, incorrect background position;
    • Columns were not correctly aligned after hiding units;
    • Editing an attack plan with an account with a different local time caused the arrival time to change;
    • Wrong date inserted/Date unintentionally updated.
  • Colonization ship caused revolt in ghost town without a reason in some special cases;
  • Sorting troops was working only once in agora;
  • Some awards weren't visible in the list;
  • The worlds were closing 1 day later than they should;
  • Incorrect amount of resources displayed as on its way when trading;
  • Some players couldn't change their password due to characters limit;
  • Filtering commands in command overview didn't work;
  • Confirmation dialogue can say "0 Gold" if you wanted two halve the build time of units;
  • Daily awards could be given out several times;
  • Some players missed the daily reward even if they claimed rewards every day;
  • Olympic Games organize button was sometimes inactive;
  • Time was not updating in the attack planner;
  • The quest system was starting for old players, if they colonize a town;

Version 2.31

On November 6 2016, Grepolis was updated to version 2.31.

Changes & Improvements

  • Complete re-factorization of the attack planner and implementation of the run time calculator, an additional feature for the attack planner;
  • On the profile, only the current world awards are now displayed. The other awards can be displayed via settings;
  • Players can now zoom in & zoom out the mini-map with the magnifying glass/lens;
  • Improved Command overview:
    • Option to change town group within the window;
    • Search through alliance and player names;


  • When alliance forum was maximized, it was not possible to enter the CAPTCHA;
  • There was a display issue with the battle points in reports: if a player was attacking a town he was also supporting, the displayed points were from his support and not from his attack;
  • Recruiting new units was not possible through the troops overview;
  • When trading with farm villages, a double click on the "Trade" button triggered two trade movements;
  • Several bugs on Internet Explorer 8 and 9 have been fixed:
    • A display issue caused the mini-map to appear blank from time to time when scrolling the map;
    • The magnifying glass/lens was not working anymore;
    • There was a crash of the map after zooming.
  • Fixed a graphical glitch in the attack window during night mode;
  • Fixed issues with sliders in the cave;
  • The recruit overview is now properly updated after recruiting units;
  • The maximized forum was sometimes not loading, giving the error: "TypeError: Game.img is not a function".

IOS Features/Changes

  • The two finger scroll gesture has been removed;
  • Added a special welcome message with tips for iPad users;
  • Added a "double-tap" gesture on town name: it's now possible to change the town name on iOS;

IOS BugFixes

  • Bot protection: the CAPTCHA can now be submitted on iOS without closing the on-screen keyboard;
  • The quick bar is now usable again on iOS.

Version 2.30

Grepolis was updated to version 2.30 on October 9, 2012.


  • Added a bot detection system
  • Full roll-out of the new ranking system: the rankings have been reworked from scratch.
    • Improved performances
    • The rankings are now updated instantly.
  • Improvement of the commands overview:
    • Added an option to change town group
    • Search field now includes both sides city names AND player names.
  • "Espionage" actions have now been added to Blocked Actions for shared connections
  • Major improvements of the game for iOS devices (iPhones and iPads):
    • You can now use 2 fingers to swipe on the map to move the map
    • Use tap-and-hold gesture (hold finger for ~1s) to see a description pop-up (normally seen with a mouse-over)
    • Improved performances of the game in Stand Alone mode (shortcut on Home Screen)
    • Links to Forum and Help (Wiki) will now open a new tab in Safari instead of loading into the game frame
    • Added new icons in multiple resolutions (device dependent) for game shortcut on the Home Screen.
  • Added the short text "Choose your world:" to the world selection window
  • Improvement of the temple screen:
    • Improved the favor progress bar
    • Instant update of the screen when changing gods.
  • Improvement of the reports:
    • The reports now display if the conquest started after the fight
    • The battle points earned in a battle are now displayed for the attacker (the "visible" part of them).
  • Improvement of the town building overview: buildings which cannot be built are now marked in red.


  • Some items in "Settings => Notification" were not working properly
  • In some cases, the Colony Ship was destroyed but the town was conquered
  • "Senate" was still being deleted with new tab in the quickbar
  • Too many reports of "World Wonder construction has been stopped" were sent out
  • The attack planner was not sending notifications every time
  • The UI was not properly updated after an ongoing siege was destroyed
  • In the Island Info window, there was an open free spot which didn't exist
  • Fixed a bug generating incorrect data in island.txt.gz
  • Players were getting inactivity email from closed worlds
  • The ratio displayed for units from the Phoenician trader was incorrect with trade office
  • Reports page content wasn't refreshing after deleting all reports
  • The militia pop-up background got re-positioned to not leave any empty spaces
  • Scrolling map in night mode was broken
  • Error when opening the harbor with Phoenician trader on very new accounts
  • PHP error in Hall of Fame if the number of users or alliances couldn't be divided by 4

Mobile Features/Changes:

  • Implementation of the Bot Protection system

Version 2.29

Grepolis was updated to version 2.29 on September 18, 2012.


  • Added possibility to select all your resources and/or maximum transportable resources with one click in trade overview;
  • Added "Apps" section in the Settings window with description, link and QR code redirecting to Grepolis Toolbox on Google play;
  • Moved GooglePlay badge to a more prominent place on Game Start Page;
  • Changed Background image for player invite window.


  • Stone Hail damage is displayed in reports again (this was a visual bug only)
  • Resource bonus (for example from Grepolympia) are taken into account in the premium farming window as well (this was a visual bug only)
  • The wall level is now added when adding surviving troops to the simulator
  • The timer blocking illegal actions for shared connections was not functioning correctly correctly- this is fixed
  • When spying someone, the link to add silver was inactive
  • Only one of the cast powers on a town was visible in recruitment overview
  • Fixed issues with the colour picker on alliance forums
  • When a forum is shared and hidden, only one icon was displayed;
  • Re-factored the event handler/daemon. Wrong orders of running commands should not occur again from now on
  • Multiple requests were made to the server when deleting all reports
  • Fixed deletion of "Senate" when editing the quick-bar and deleting a new not saved tab
  • Fixed problems with game settings under Internet Explorer 9
  • Fixed problem when CAPTCHA blocked the game view in some specific situations
  • Fixed mouse-overs on awards in messages (if user showed same-type awards from different worlds)

Mobile Bugfixes:

  • BB-Code Player button needed be selected twice to activate
  • Attacking players could see defending troops in naval only reports

Version 2.28

Grepolis was updated to version 2.28 on August 28, 2012.


  • New quest system, old tutorials are removed
    • Quests guided by arrows from the very beginning (arrows before accepting the quest)​
  • Ability to remove "important" flag from alliance forum topics
  • New settings option to deactivate reports (and notifications) generated by own support troops (sending back/arrival)
  • Change the way how to send out notifications for the phoenician trader and add an option in the settings page to de/activate the notification
  • New settings option to deactivate reports (and notifications) generated by casting spells
  • Remove "filter" tab from reports window and copy the notification/report filter settings to the settings page
  • Reorganized settings page including "Notifications" and reduce the number of notifications/reports in the game


  • Fixed background on imprint.
  • Fixed Hall Of Fame Background error with too long lists
  • Awards: Contradictory dates on the same award have been fixed.
  • One award was sometimes given to a player twice
  • Heroic Power was not working for all flying units
  • Mythic units from Artemis were visible in attack planner in warrior world
  • Resources did not refresh in building overview after expanding a building.
  • Premium farming view shows a misleading error message
  • System blocked supports on own town and cast spells. This has been fixed.
  • Maximized forum is empty
  • Published reports were shown without any layout
  • Alliance forum: Unread status of submenu/forum tabs was not updated

Mobile Related:

  • New Alliance Forum
  • Accept Daily Login bonus inside the mobile version

Version 2.27

Grepolis was updated to version 2.27 on August 7, 2012.


  • Added a Hall of Fame on the start page;
  • Illegal actions for players who declared their shared connection are now directly blocked by the game;
  • Replaced the text box and the clear button with a new fully featured text box from mass-recruit overview in the trade overview;
  • All JS alerts ("do you really want to…" Y/N) have been replaced with game-styled question windows;
  • Added a new graphic on the buy gold tab when the email address has not been validated yet;
  • Improvement of the militia popup window when you get attacked;
  • Changed the behaviour of some windows so that they create a "fade-out" layer to keep users attention (so called "modal" windows);
  • "Due" commands (commands which already landed) in the command overview are now grayed out, have no counter and display a "work in progress" icon;
  • Improvement of the invite players via email: you can now send a custom text to the invitee;
  • Google Play Badge has been integrated on the start pages;


  • All members were marked as "Founders" in the alliance members list;
  • Players got wrong bonus of the last daily reward level;
  • Fixed a bug where in some rare cases the game was not loaded after refresh;
  • Long player names overlapped points in alliance member list;
  • Fixed a bug where accepting own offers used a wrong delivery time;
  • Fixed a problem when getting the favor bonus on a town where the player didn't have any god;
  • Fixed problems with failed occupations;
  • In the mass recruiting overview, the list wasn't updating itself when a town group was selected;
  • Open barracks and docks links in the recruit overview were too large;
  • Units under construction appear in negative values in the recruiting window;
  • It was not possible to deselect the current town group if all towns were in a group in the the town list;
  • Resources where displayed incorrectly until game was refreshed;
  • Divine Statue graphics are placed incorrectly on the city overview;
  • Timers goes crazy when user filters towns when time being expired in the trade overview;
  • Coins not refreshed when spying in the cave;
  • Wrong background position of spell icons in recruiting overview;
  • Fixed collisions between Troop overview & Barracks windows (having both open at the same time could lead to scripts conflict disabling barracks functionality).

Version 2.25

Grepolis was updated to version 2.25 on July 3, 2012.


  • Players are now redirecting directly into the game after validating their email address through the validation link;
  • Improvement of the happenings: the production of resources and favours displayed in the game now consider the bonus generated with the happening tool as well.


  • Fixing the possibility of mixed up attack order;
  • Missing closing anchor tag fixed in restart confirmation email;
  • Players could restart unlimited times from the email link because the beginners protection was not considered;
  • Mass-mail CAPTCHA was still not working reliably: we have added better error handling and changed caching behaviour;
  • Players could get the wrong daily reward bonus on day 30;
  • Some inputs were wrongly "validated" when trading resources with Phoenician merchant;
  • Capacity bar was not properly updated after sending resources on the trade window;
  • Date on awards was not updated when reaching the next award level;
  • Previous owner of a city wasn't able to cast spells on support anymore, while being occupied;
  • The window when being conquered was not refreshed correctly when switching between towns being conquered as well;
  • Missing info about troops on commands when attacking farm villages;
  • Fixed doubled text after saving your alliance profile including tags;
  • Unit forces were not properly updated in farm window;
  • BBCodes of ghost town names were missing on published reports;
  • Players could send resources to a banned player;
  • It was not possible anymore to report a message if it was on the second page;
  • On the start page, item links where shifted when the news text was too short
  • The world map was showing additional transparent flags;
  • Some windows in the game were blocked after getting an error message;
  • When changing gods, the mythical units placed as support in a town were still displayed in the troops list;
  • The cursor was jumping to the beginning of the message when using a BBCode on IE9;
  • Illusion spells in command overview was showing a swordsman;
  • Casting wisdom on an Illusion was not updating the viewed commands;
  • Troops outside overview was not updating properly after sending units back;
  • The call back of some troops button was not working on IE7;
  • The militia hint has been removed from the maximized forum;
  • BBCode button for images has been removed in alliance profile.

Hero World Bugfixes:

  • Damage done by "Improved Catapults" were missing in public reports on hero worlds;
  • Improved catapults were doing damages to buildings even after death;
  • The favor icon was missing on published reports;
  • The Atlas statue on hero worlds was cut.

Mobile Related Bugfixes:

  • Some screens of the mobile version were not fully translated;
  • Alliance names over 20 characters are now shortened automatically;
  • If no worlds are available for the mobile version, a notification is now displayed to the player;
  • No attack notification was created when sending attack with the mobile version.

Version 2.24

Grepolis was updated to version 2.24 on June 5, 2012.


  • Players received inactivity mail but were not given gold for logging back in through login page instead of via the link: the players can now collect their inactivity gold with the link from the mail even if they have logged in before;
  • New invite friend feature: players can now invite their friends via Facebook;
    • The friend invite menu has been extended with a Facebook button that uses the Facebook share API;​
    • You can invite via timeline postings and private messages.​
  • The automatic renewal of premium didn't stop if a player lost all of his cities and didn't create a new one: the premium extension is now reset when a player loses all of his cities and restarts;
  • Colonization continues after all land units are destroyed: when conquering and losing all ground units, the remaining units are now sent home;
  • Improvement/Refactoring of the Recruit overview, which now provides extended features such as sorting, filtering and recruiting units for multiple towns with two clicks.


  • There was an error that prevented the message from being created to notify players when a friend they had invited reached 1000 points;
  • There was a temporary error where players could not go to Email address in setting.
  • Inviting an already-existing player did not work. Additionally, recruited players were displayed multiple times in the overview and counted towards the maximum received gold limit; these problems have now been solved.
  • If you were connected to Facebook but not logged in you could not restart. This has been changed so that you now can enter you password if connected but not logged in to Facebook;
  • An error in creating a game report could lead to a problem where the report could not be displayed.
  • It was possible for players to receive gold for inviting players more than the maximum of 10 times;
  • The in-game gold notification was only sent once per invitation and not for every mentee;
  • The Phoenician Trader was sometimes offering the incorrect mythical units;
  • Attack planner: the transport capacity research was not considered: the research "berth" was taken from currently selected game town and not *from the town in attack planner;
  • When banned players wanted to restart the game, the confirmation pop-up was broken;
  • In some browsers the popups for the different display modes in the own offers tab were out of place;
  • The invite friend collect gold tab did not always refresh: if players collected gold for their invitations the buttons stayed active afterwards;
  • An error occurred in the market when players accepted an offer which blocked the window from refreshing;
  • The construction of a world wonder was not prevented when another alliance completed it;
  • An error occurred when players had their settings window open while they updated their emblem;
  • In some cases revolts weren't active anymore when players wanted to take over a town;
  • The "Own islands" award is not always awarded when conditions are met: there was an error on worlds with the new command system which didn't recognize the island possession;
  • A problem was fixed where players could still send resources to a wonder on an island with a ghost city;
  • If destructive powers were cast in the same second, the town suffered from both effects;
  • The following daily reward issues have been fixed:
    • On the 30th day of continuous login the player was awarded one of three major gifts at random but another was displayed on the screen;​
    • Daily Reward levels were skipped in some cases.​
  • Favors were not reset after losing the last city This has now been fixed;
  • The description of the bonus for building Temple of Artemis has been improved;
  • Published reports on alliance forum now includes info about spells used;
  • The game layout was broken when using the InnoGames toolbar on Chrome;
  • The settings for publication rights of a battle report are now displayed properly.Previously, if a player had the settings window open for report A and then wanted to update settings for report B, the window was still showing settings for report A.

Hero World Bugfixes:

  • There were some players whose favor limit wasn't set to 550 even though they had the award.

Mobile Related Features/Changes:

  • Implementation of the attack notification icon:
    • If a player has an incoming attack, an icon is shown in the header bar indicating the number of towns being attacked;​
    • In addition, the city image on the start screen is replaced with a blinking attack icon.​
  • Spells were not shown on attack reports:
    • The report now shows the spell cast by the attacker;​
    • In addition, the effects of defender and attacker are displayed as well.​
  • Touching the button has no response: the mobile selector buttons were only touchable on the text, now the complete button can be clicked.

Mobile Related Bugfixes:

  • Javascript errors have been fixed which prevented a player from seeing the start screen;
  • Desire was always shown on an attack for defender: now the correct power icon is shown for the city;
  • An incorrect background images has been fixed. Players could call the militia from farm towns: the icon shown was from the militia but it should have been the hoplite.

Version 2.23

Grepolis was updated to version 2.23 on May 8, 2012.


  • New invite friend feature: players can now invite their friends via Facebook;
  • Improvement of the troops outside overview: possibility to sort commands by "origin town name", "destination town name", "player name" and "troops count" ascending or descending;
  • Improvement of the recruit overview: When submitting new recruitment command:
    • fields corresponding to submitted city will get their values cleared;
    • fields corresponding to other cities will keep their values (if provided previously).​
  • Balancing of the Phoenician trader: the trade of resources with the Phoenician trader has been rebalanced. The initial ratio is now 1:0.5 and increase with a range of 0.1 for each trade of resources, up to 1:1. The ratios are reset after a 24h travel time of the Phoenician trader from a town to another town.


  • Newly invited player receives a notification that he was invited to the game. The notification was previously buggy:
    • If the invited player clicked on this notification, the message window opened with an exception because there was no associated message;
    • Icon changed to not open message window. Tool-tip is now only shown upon hover.​
  • In the rankings, the endless scrolling was not working correctly after jumping to another page. A second "Go to page" was also not possible. This has now been fixed;
  • The incoming attack counter did not refresh itself after an attacking player restarted his account;
  • In the "own offers" screen of the Marketplace, accept buttons were not working after deleting offers;
  • The pagination system was not working correctly in the Marketplace;
  • In the town overview, some graphics of the divine statue were missing;
  • Another endless scroll issue was occurring in messages and reports lists;
  • The wood production counter wasn't refreshed automatically;
  • On the map, a wrong tool-tip was displayed when over hovering the world wonder spot;
  • The email for account deletion request was stating the world id instead of the world name;
  • There was a visual problem on some reports;
  • Commands information was overlapped in the conquest window;
  • The bottom scrollbar arrow in the culture overview was not clickable;
  • The arrows were not working in the "create offer" tab of the market for selecting the distance time limit;
  • Scrolling awards in player profile was not possible under some circumstances;
  • A layout issue with the preview frame of the profile has been fixed;
  • The layout of most in-game emails have been slightly adjusted:
    • All (except notification emails) should stick to same layout and structure;
    • We now display full link URLs for activation, deletion and other similar actions instead of using linked keywords (like "delete user").​

Mobile Related:

  • Mobile login will now count towards Daily Login Bonus;
  • Mobile login will now count for activity in alliance.

Version 2.22

Grepolis was updated to version 2.22 on April 17, 2012.


  • Active spells now have a new animation.
  • You will now receive a notification when invited friends reach 1000 points.
  • Players who request account deletion will now receive a confirmation email which must be confirmed to process the deletion request.
  • Players who request a restart will now receive a confirmation email which must be confirmed to process the restart request.
  • Players will now receive a login popup when the timer starts on worlds that are due to be ended.
  • When inviting a friend to join a world, no reward will be displayed if it will not be given (for example, when you invite a player who already exists).


  • In some cases, farming villages would not automatically refresh when they were ready to be plundered again (requiring a browser refresh). This has now been solved.
  • Sometimes it was not possible to recruit units in the recruitment overview. This has now been fixed.
  • In some circumstances, towns were not visible in the recruitment overview. This has now been fixed.
  • In the town overview, a small beige square appeared in the background. This has been removed.
  • In the trade overview, a problem with dragging a city box would make the cursor jump. This issue has now been solved.
  • It was not always possible to forward messages using Internet Explorer 9. This problem has been fixed.
  • In the culture screen, sometimes the culture level bar would extend beyond its borders. This problem has been repaired.
  • Under certain conditions it was possible to conquer yourself. This is no longer possible.
  • A flaw in uploading images has now been repaired.
  • If you have already achieved the "own islands" award, you will now no longer be repeatedly notified of this.
  • In the town info screen, the button for city BBCode did not work when multiple windows were open. This problem has now been fixed.

Hero World Bugfixes:

  • In hero worlds the +50 favor for warrior world winners was not working correctly. This problem has now been resolved.

Version 2.21

Grepolis was updated to version 2.21 on March 27, 2012.


  • The culture screen will now show a notification when spending gold.
  • In the rankings screen, your account name will now be placed in a central position.
  • A new daily bonus system has been added to the game.


  • In the recruitment overview, the harbor button opened the barracks. This has now been fixed.
  • In the recruitment overview it was not possible to build mythical units. This problem has now been solved.
  • In the recruitment overview, units numbers were being displayed incorrectly. This has been resolved.
  • The correct window title will now be displayed when switching to the market.
  • If a password is not required to restart, no password will be asked for.
  • Sometimes it was not possible to rename a town if the new name and the old name were similar numbers. This has now been resolved.
  • After entering numbers to store silver in the cave, the confirmation button was not always visible. This has now been fixed.
  • After saving changes to the profile, a feedback message will now be shown.
  • After saving an internal alliance announcement, the changes will now be shown immediately after saving (no need to refresh).
  • The market demolition option was showing the incorrect amount of population that would become available. This has now been corrected.
  • When a new player registers to the game, they will no longer be directed to a hero world.
  • There were isolated cases where a vacation mode would not start. This has now been fixed.
  • The troops outside overview was not updated when sending back supports. This has been fixed.
  • The city groups hint has now been updated to reflect the current version's interface.

Mobile Related:

  • It is now possible to choose whether you wish to view the main or mobile version, from the home page

Version 2.20

Grepolis was updated to version 2.20 on March 5, 2012.


  • A new tab has been added to the message window where you can find announcements from the Grepolis team.
  • A new alliance trading feature has been added to the market along with some general usability enhancements.
  • Free population is now visible in the farm villages overview.
  • When using the Town BBCode, the cursor is now directly inserted in the text field.
  • Helper tool-tips have been added to the troops outside overview.
  • Phoenician trader: You can now enter the number of resources you want to trade.
  • Alliance members are now highlighted in the rankings page.
  • Island information bbcodes now also have hotlinks to the World Wonder information window.
  • The city ID has been removed from the town info window and has been replaced with a BBCode button.
  • In the recruiting overview screen, building numbers for units in the queue are now up-to-date without needing to first switch to the city.
  • Troops outside are now sorted by number of units, then by town name.
  • If an attack on a player is not possible due to beginner protection, the attack button is now greyed out with further information displayed when you mouse over the button.
  • In the troops outside overview, a capacity bar has been added below the unit input fields (similar to the agora window).
  • Overview windows will now be refreshed automatically after switching city group.


  • There was an issue where the island info window would sometimes show an open free spot which did not exist. This has now been resolved.
  • Radial menus on the map now work correctly on iOS Safari.
  • Several buttons did not work correctly in iOS Safari, the majority of which have now been fixed.
  • There was an issue where world wonders were not damaged or destroyed when a player was removed from their alliance. This has now been fixed.
  • The button to research horsemen is no longer shown when the required academy level has not been reached.
  • In the recruitment overview, incorrect free population was shown after recruiting new units. This has now been fixed.
  • When viewing troops outside to withdraw units, the unit input fields were not aligned to the images. This has been corrected.
  • The invite friends link in the curator tutorial screen was showing an error. This has now been fixed.
  • Inviting a player to an island will no longer cause duplicate cities.
  • There was a problem where some world wonders were not shown at night. This has now been corrected.
  • A javascript error when opening the city overview in a new tab has now been fixed.
  • If a window is hidden by other windows, clicking on the relevant menu link will now push the window to the front.
  • Drag and drop issues in the user profile have been resolved.
  • There was an issue where the progress bar above farming villages was not shown. This has been fixed.
  • Display issues in the town list popup have now been resolved.
  • The table BBCode display was extending beyond the message window. This has now been fixed.
  • There was a problem where an alliance forum search was showing no results. This has been resolved.
  • The town group switching function has been improved.

Hero World Features:

  • Strong wine reduced the length of a festival and party by 16.6666% instead of 15%. This issue has now been resolved.
  • When opening the messages window, if there are new announcements, the announcements tab will open by default (if there are no new announcements the messages tab will open).

Mobile Related:

  • Favors will now display the correct maximum.
  • Loading of game data has been optimized.
  • Some translation errors have now been corrected.
  • Reports were sometimes empty. This issue has now been fixed.
  • In the culture overview, the incorrect text was being used for victory procession. This has now been resolved.
  • Confirmation requests were being shown in the premium screen when confirmations were disabled in settings. This has now been fixed.
  • The target city was displayed incorrectly in the attack screen. This problem has now been resolved.

Version 2.19

Grepolis was updated to version 2.19 on February 14, 2012.


  • New night graphics are implemented for the map
  • Premium: Re-implemented the names of players next to the town names in the command overview
  • A crown is displayed in player profiles if they won the world with their alliance
  • The refund popup in the barracks and harbor now display more details
  • After the original founder of an alliance is deleted founder rights are automatically distributed to the alliance member with the oldest leader rights.
  • The WW reports now have the mentioned WW hyper linked, so you can easily manage to navigate to the affected construct.


  • In some cases the city overview was unresponsive if the window was minimized. This has been fixed.
  • The Capacity that did not update properly when players wanted to send resources to world wonders now work as intended.
  • The countdowns in world wonder windows were improved.
  • In some cases negative ranking points were shown in profiles of players. This will not happen from now on.
  • The city was not changed if players wanted to attack a new farm village from the farm overview
  • Language related characters caused errors in the city list.
  • Units and resources were displayed on top of each other in command overview. This was fixed.
  • A bug was fixed where the 'Go to' function in city menu was not shown.
  • In several cases farms and wonders were not shown on the map during scrolling.
  • Besieged towns displayed an incorrect town link in the command bubble list. This was rectified.
  • In several cases the browser crashed if the angora was minimized and the town were switched.
  • The world wonder notifications were improved.
  • Inviting friends now once again work properly.
  • The research points description was not fully translated.
  • World wonders disappeared from the map. This is now fixed.
  • Player now can properly see the players they invited in their lists.
  • A bug where world wonders were missing in the world wonders overview was fixed.
  • The command overview which was sometimes broken/empty.
  • The behavior of the towns list was not the same on different web browsers.
  • Players can now once again add spells on attacks.
  • There was an issue where the attack planner showed missing or doubled cities
  • The Senate was not updated properly after activating the Administrator. This has been resolved.
  • A bug was fixed where players clicked through their villages and ended up in sea 1.
  • After players conquered a city incoming attacks on that town were not shown properly.
  • The attacking farming village dialog did not update the population bar.
  • The auto-login is now reset after players changed their passwords.
  • An issue where units from an attack plan were not inserted in the attack window properly was fixed.
  • After a post was deleted in the alliance forum the player was directed to the first entry and not to the last.
  • An error where the scroll-bar was missing in the trade reports window was fixed.
  • When maximizing the alliance forum some forums were unintentionally hidden at the bottom.
  • The date of the awards sometimes differed from the info in player profiles. This should no longer occur.
  • An issue where in several cases no resources were granted after email verification was fixed.
  • Facebook users got an error message about a wrong password when they tried to restart.
  • Players no longer receive more than one notification for the islands owned award
  • Commands which lied in the past were not deleted from the command overview
  • A negative unit count was resolved
  • Translation errors were fixed
  • Some missing graphics were added
  • Some style issues were fixed in IE7

Version 2.18

Grepolis was updated to version 2.18 on January 24, 2012.


  • Players who have received the award "victor of world xxx", now have the possibility to download their winning certificate into their profiles via the profile window.
  • The unit requirement bar is no longer shown in farm towns which are revolting.
  • The town drop-down list now has up to 3 columns. This will improve the usability for players with numerous cities.
  • The process of sending resources to wonders was improved for non premium players.


  • If a player founds a town, it will no longer carry the same default name as the first original city. This way all city names will be unique from one player.
  • A bug was fixed that allowed players to stay in VM for an extended period of time.
  • The "Heroic Tactician" award was missing for some players. They will now receive the award as intended.
  • Players should now be able to login normally if deletion of old notifications fail.
  • The world wonder tab disappeared after players switched to it in the alliance tool.
  • TheMouse over pop-ups for the god pictures are now translated correctly in the god overview.
  • The drag&drop functionality in the reports window was not working when players went to a different page. This issue is now solved.
  • In some cases the ceramics research did not affect the storage volume. This was corrected.
  • The Page selection in alliance forum should no longer be out of sight when the forum title is too long.
  • The "endless scrolling" in the reports window was fixed.
  • The farm quick bar links once again work as intended.
  • After switching the town the bonus of the trade office was not considered in the farm town popups on islands. This is now correctly considered.
  • "Plague" is now correctly being treated as a negative spell.
  • It should now be possible to add players with a lot of special chars to the recipient list
  • In some cases the trade ratio formula in the market was wrong. This will no longer be the case.
  • The current town resources were not updated after a mass starting culture activities.
  • World wonders could be built faster then intended. This is now fixed.
  • Some players who were placed at the edge of the world couldn't farm. They now demand extensively once more .
  • The sliders in cave overview were improved.
  • A bug was fixed where a linebreak in senate occurred, when building was on max level
  • The city overview graphics were missing when demolishing a certain building, but now are shown as intended.
  • The City overview now displays the night graphics correctly.
  • Some player could not use build time reduction even though he had enough gold. This is now fixed.
  • Sometimes support was in town but had no units. The deserters are now supporting once again.
  • There is now a check to see if the town has enough population after opening a present.
  • An issue was fixed in which commands in the command overview disappeared too early.
  • Celebrations were also started in towns that were under siege when starting them for all towns. this is no longer the case.
  • Mass start of celebrations in culture overview didn't work in IE8
  • The animations in reports were redundant
  • An error occurred in the town overview if players switched to it from the cave overview.
  • The 'Deselect active group' link disappeared when players had ten town groups in their overview. This is now solved.
  • When players maximized the alliance forum, the title is not correctly shown in the browser tab.
  • the world wonder icons in the alliance window have been re-positioned and improved
  • The page system in the recruit overview now works correctly in IE 8
  • Trading between towns did not take the respective town positions into account.
  • Published reports of the Athena Spell 'Wisdom' are now displayed properly.
  • Some players could not jump to the maximized alliance forum window.
  • The trade ratio in island mouse-popups is now refreshes after trading with farm towns.
  • World wonder should no longer disappear from the map when toggling to them.
  • A style issue in the phoenician trader window occured when the town name was too long.
  • The Farm tutorial produced an error during the attack step.
  • Some translations were fixed.
  • Missing graphics were added.
  • Style issues in IE7 were fixed.
  • Player can now cancel one colony ship, when they send more than one CS to conquer a city.
  • Mails received by players in vacation are no longer deleted after a period of time.
  • Claiming units from farm towns are now taken into consideration for the trainer award.
  • The agora now displays the correct number of towns after a restart.
  • The error message after restarting will no longer appear.
  • Supporting troops can now once again be cancelled.
  • The trade window now works properly when other windows are open.
  • The style and translation issues with the award 'heroic tactitian' were fixed.
  • The temple style issues were corrected.
  • The Conquest information window now displays the correct town name
  • IE7 issues were fixed
  • Multiple trade windows now update correctly when they are simultaneously open.
  • Call of the ocean and population growth should work correct now (party!).
  • Cancelling support should no longer lead to empty commands in some rare cases.
  • Transport ships no longer start to fight when they return to their hometown, which is being conquered at their time of arrival.
  • The notebook step in curator tutorial was removed.
  • Players now receive the correct amount of resources when logging out before the vacation mode starts.
  • World wonder now react correctly when players are removed from an alliance.
  • The info icon after clicking the name of the wonder was removed as it was redundant
  • Sending mass-mails to alliance members should now work properly
  • Some farmers had to be resettled to give players enough space for world wonders. They are adapting to their new homes quite well.
  • Troops should no longer disappear (this was a rare bug)
  • The map issues with the world wonder construction sites were solved.
  • The layout for the login screen was fixed.
  • Timing issues were corrected.
  • iOS user can now use the map as intended.
  • Players are now able to remove an alliance properly(even if they are the only member).
  • The Wonder tab in the alliance window is no longer displayed on worlds without wonders.
  • A bug in which incoming attacks caused error messages during the login process was fixed.
  • Some commands did not have a target destination. This issue is resolved.
  • A town colonization bug was rectified
  • Players connected to facebook can now change their password properly