Talk:The Battle System
If you would like to request a change to a help file, please post the suggested code here. I will not read every individual discussion page, however I shall try to monitor this page.
Thanks, Diggo11 ~ Wiki Admin 09:53, 13 February 2010 (UTC)
I just wanted to let people know, the content of many of these pages is absolutely abysmal. Whoever wrote a majority of this is clearly NOT a native English speaker. I understand that this game has been translated into many languages and that perhaps this WiKi has as well, but since this is the English version, I think we owe it to our readers to make sure that the writing is clear and intelligible.
I am systematically going through the pages and editing, not for content, but for language. That way new players who come to this page and want to read about how to play the game are not frustrated by the fact that half of it makes no sense because the grammar and word choice are so bad.
If you are one of the original writers and you find I've changed your wording or grammar, please don't change it back because you are offended or something. I appreciate all the time and effort you've all put into creating the content here, and as I said, I won't be changing the content at all, just making it readable in English.
Section misnamed
The article section labeled Mood actually describes Luck and not mood. Najevi 06:57, 23 October 2010 (CEST)
Battle points
Also referred to as BP and often distinguished by ABP (Attack Battle Points) and less frequently by DBP (Defense Battle Points).
A player's ABP/DBP is an indication of how active that player is with attacking/defensive game play. Another player viewing your player stats might judge what sort of target or adversary you are from this information.
You can increase your ABP by attacking other cities. If that city is defended by any units then you earn ABP for each unit of population destroyed by your attack. At least one of your units must survive the attack for you to receive a report from this battle.
- Must at least one of your units survive the attack for you to receive ABP for any units that you successfully destroyed?
You can only increase your DBP by defending a city that you control. If you send units to support another player's city and that city gets attacked then the player controlling the attacked city earns DBP for any enemy units destroyed with the assistance of your support. Conversely your account earns DBP whenever an ally sends support to your city to help you defend against an incoming attack.
- Therefore your decision to support another player's city should be driven primarily by the political good-will that you earn.
- What goes around comes around.