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The Revolt System was released following an announcement on April 29th, 2010, as part of update 1.12.

The revolt system is a slightly more complex system involving a lot of tactical elements and improves gameplay. We needed to bring this in as a better balancing system for smaller players as they are effectively locked out of the game when a colonisation occurs.

Revolt will replace conquest in the academy. When a player attacks his opponent he will have the option of declaring a revolt. He raises a rebel army during the assault and then departs, as per a normal attack. The rebels attempt to gain support during the next twelve hours. After these twelve hours have passed the revolt begins. This revolt lasts another twelve hours. If the original attacker then arrives with a colony ship within the time of the revolt and wins the fight he will take the city.

During this entire period the player suffering the revolt still has full control of his city and can build regiments and buildings.