
From Wiki Grepolis EN
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The rules below must be followed when editing on the wiki. If they are not followed correctly, you may get warned or banned from editing the wiki.


  1. This wiki is for the English version of Grepolis. Foreign languages are not permitted.
  2. All contributions to this wiki should be carefully written in proficient English.
  3. Intentionally posting subjective material, wrong information, any forms of advertising, offensive or otherwise abusive and derogatory content is strictly forbidden.
  4. All posts should have an exceptional standard of grammar and spelling. Simple stuff, such as capital letters and paragraphs should be included.
  5. If you have a dispute over content, or are unsure about the content on the wiki, talk about it on the wiki forum. If you are still unable to resolve the dispute or still unsure about particular content, contact the wiki moderator.
  6. Please do not tag or vandalise pages in any other way.
  7. Posting on the wiki is a privillege, not a right. If you disregard these rules in any way, you will be warned with the possibility of later bans. Consistently ignoring these rules will result in a permanent ban.
  8. Do not create new pages unless they are needed. You may create a user page for yourself, but all other content should be suitable and needed.
  9. Accept that the content you create on the wiki will be subjected to change by other users. If you disagree with changes made, again, post here on the wiki forum.
  10. Content on this wiki is copyright-free. However, any guides that have been created for the community to use should not be used elsewhere unless credit has been given or the original writer has been asked first. Do not claim as your own either. This is in accordance with the General Disclaimer.

Please also read the General Disclaimer.


If you see someone breaching these rules, do not edit the page. Instead, go to the page history and undo the edit where the offending content appeared. If you notice this content reappears, please alert an moderator who can deal with the author.