The Persian conquest is an event specially designed for the 5th Grepolis birthday, that combined several other events done in the past. The event will start from the 6th of October and will last a maximum of 45 days.
For each world a NPC will be generated, called Artemisia. This player will have a supercity, very hard to defeat, in every ocean. In order to overcome Artemisia player will have to work as an alliance and therefore once a city from Artemisia is conquered all players from that alliance will be rewarded. However this supercity once conquered will become a normal city.
From the first four players to conquer a town from Artemisia, all members of the alliance will receive the following:
- 9 x Population Boost +300
- 9 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 4
- 9 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 4
- 7 x Population Boost +300
- 7 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 3
- 7 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 3
- 5 x Population Boost +300
- 5 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Recruitment Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Festival Boost LvL 2
- 9 x Population Boost +100
- 5 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 2
- 5 x Tyche's Defense Boost LvL 2
- 9 x Harpy Reinforcement LvL 9
- 9 x Lightship Reinforcement LvL 9
The alliances that will follow, all member will win.
- 1 x Population Boost +100
- 1 x Tyche's Stone Boost LvL 1
- 1 x Tyche's Silver Boost LvL 1
- 1 x Tyche's Wood Boost LvL 1
- 1 x Tyche's Attack Boost LvL 1
- 5 x Horseman Reinforcement LvL 5
- 5 x Lightship Reinforcement LvL 5
- 5 x Bireme Reinforcement LvL 5
Technical notes
- There will be no reports from troops supporting a city from Artemisia.
- Artemisia's city are imune to divine powers.
- It is not possible to spy Artemisia's cities