Demand Troops

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2.0 Update:

For the 2.0 update, the demand troops research was removed from the tech tree. In all worlds with 2.0 or higher implemented, the demand troops option for farming is available automatically at the beginning of your city's building.

Demand Troops

Demand Troops is a type of attack you can place on farming villages. This must be researched before use. To research this tech you must first build your academy up to level 7. From there, access your academy and click on the "Demand Troops" tech to buy it. It will cost you 600 Wood, 600 Rock, 600 Silver, 4 research points. From there you must wait for it to be researched and then you are ready to use it

Demanding troops is the same as demanding resources but you get troops instead of resources. You may also get units unavailable to your current barracks.

To send off a troop demand run you must do exactly what you do when sending off a normal attack. Click on the village you would like to demand troops from on the map, and then go to the attack tab at the top. Next select the troops you want to send to the chosen village and then instead of selecting the "resource looting" option or any of the other options, make sure you select the option that states "request troops". From there just select the attack button and before you know it, troops should be rolling in


Picture Technology Description Cost
At Level 7
Units claim.png Demand Troops You can Demand Forces from Farming Villages. Holz.png600 Stein.png600 Silbermünzen.png600 Research Points.png4