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Slinger 90x90.jpg
Slingers are a cheap offensive unit. They are pretty fast and, in large numbers, are very strong attackers. In defense they are much less useful. They are best against hoplites and other slingers.
Must research Slingers in the Academy. Available at level 1.
Costs Stats
Wood.png: 55 Favor.png: 0 Attackdist.png: 23 Def hack.png: 7
Stone.png: 100 Pop.png: 1 Speed.png: 14 Def pierce.png: 8
Silver.png: 40 Time.png: 0:19:04 Booty icon.png: 8 Def distance.png: 2

1. Recruiting times are given for the lowest level of the barracks at which the unit can be trained.
2. Speed of the unit is given for worlds with unit speed 1. (A unit with Speed 15 will have speed 30 on a unit speed 2 world!)