Fast Transport Ship

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Fast Transport Ship
Fasttransportship 90x90.jpg
Fast Transport Ship
Fast transport ships are a faster version of the regular Transport Ship. They carry fewer units, but travel much more quickly.
Must research Fast Transport Ships in the Academy. Available at level 22.
Costs Stats
Wood.png: 800 Stone.png: 0 Silver.png: 400 Pop.png: 5
Capacity: 10 Speed.png: 15 Attboat.png: 20 Def.png: 1

Speed of the unit is given for worlds with unit speed 1. (A unit with Speed 15 will have speed 30 on a unit speed 2 world).


Fast Transport Ships are one of two ways in which you can transport land units across the oceans and to other villages not on your own island. They can be used for both attacking purposes and supporting purposes.

In a battle they are unable to damage ships or land units, which means you need to send either troops or other naval ships alongside them if you want to attack or defend. Their only purpose is to carry land units.

The difference between Transport Boats and Fast Transport Ships is that Fast Transport Ships travel at a higher speed. However Transport Boats can hold more land units in each ship.